School Daze

1146 Words
Karaline walked silently towards the front entrance of the school. Once again, her head was bowed as she traipsed up the sidewalk hoping to blend in to the shadows to make her way inside. The morning had been a trying one. Between the accusation of stealing food when she had not had a bite to eat in three days, the pain in her side, cooking breakfast for the twins and their family, then being forced to spend an hour letting said twins slap her back and forth, she was already exhausted. Only after the twins had left the house had she been able to pick herself up and go downstairs to find clothing. In the end, she'd chosen a simple blue t-shirt and faded jeans. A simple pair of canvas tennis shoes with holes and frayed threading adorned her feet as she shuffled along. Even now, her face burned with embarrassment as she remembered this morning. Travis's hands gripping her thighs as he tossed her to the couch, or Trent moving to shove her face against his chest demanding she nuzzle him before slapping her in the face. Their enjoyment of her discomfort had been noted, and the longer it had gone on, the more desperate she had become. For years, she had been aware that the Martins' were not a typical family. Always they possessed super hearing and strength, so much so that she had feared they were gods in her youth. It had only been as she'd grown older had she realized they were something different, werewolves. Confirmation had come when she had seen the Twin's shift on their thirteenth birthday. While many would have been surprised by that event, Kara had accepted it readily. Despite her childhood, she had always wanted to believe that there was more to life than the simple things offered. While she could not say if there was truly a God or the Devil, she believed that there were things in this world that were other. Her only wish was that the things of that other realm would not hurt her so badly. When Vanessa had spoken her parting shot this morning, Kara had been filled with dread. In effect, she was being given to the twins to do whatever they saw fit. A toy and nothing more. That was what she would be for them. Today had been different then the normal hair pulling or slaps, there had been a kind of glee in their actions that put her on alert. Her only solace was that within the walls of the school, she would be safe. There had always been a strict policy that during school hours she would not acknowledge the twins. No one was to realize that she even knew them, or that she lived in their home. The last time that rule had been broken, the Martin family had packed up and moved within a month, taking her with them. This time, she was careful. Never speaking to anyone for more then a brief couple of words. Keeping to herself, fading into the background so no one really noticed her unless she inadvertantly got their attention. No one paid attention to the girls who sat in the back and kept quiet. Half of her teachers were unaware of her name, choosing instead to just point at her when they wished her to answer a question. It was equal parts disheartening and eye opening. If Kara were to disappear tomorrow, there would be no one to realize she was gone or missing. Yet, she held out the hope she would survive. Her eighteenth birthday was in a couple of month, and she was aware that when that time came, she would be free. That was the goal. Make it to eighteen and leave the Martin household to start her own life. Somewhere far from this place and them. Now, she just had to keep moving. Trudging past the entrance doors, Kara kept her eyes cast down, knowing full well, anyone in these halls could be just like Trent and Travis. It was rare to find were's living apart from a pack, at least according to the Martin's. They'd also made it abundantly clear that wolves had little care for the lives of pathetic humans. One foot set in front of the other, she moved quietly down the hall toward her locker. Suddenly, she was sprawling, her body slamming headlong into a wall of flesh and muscle that had her gasping in pain. Her side protesting as she flailed and landed on the floor, struggling to catch her breath with a wheeze. At first all she noticed was the pain, the sharp jolt of fire running up her side and stealing air. Forcing air in and out, as the scent of fresh baked bread and cinnamon wafted towards her. Stilling, she held her breath, scared to even move as she felt the air of power around the person before her. Bowing her head, she slowly rolled onto her hands and knees to begin gathering her dropped books. "You should watch where you're going." Each word snapped through the air with a curt punctuation, but the tone of his voice made her stomach flip and roll in her gut. Never before had she reacted to anyone in such a way. The command and irritation in his voice did little to temper her reaction, which left her scurrying to get away as quickly as she could. "S-s-s-so-so-sorry." The word was stilted as she gathered up her things and then moved to stand. Wincing as her side suddenly began to burn once more with the forced movement. A large hand came down on her arm to still her, causing her to tense as she looked up for just a moment. Bright blue eyes peered back at her from the face of one of the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen. It was rare that Kara looked at anyone, let alone studied their features, but this male was distracting in a way she had never known. His features were perfection, with a thin, straight nose and high cheekbones making him appear like some sculpture of Adonis made flesh. Wide shoulders, tapering to his waist and he stood a good foot or more over her. Tingles rolled up her arm where his hand rested on her skin. She nodded a little as she backed away, separating herself from his touch. "What's your name? I don't think I've ever seen you around here before." Kara could hear the words, knew he was speaking to her, but fear caused her throat to lock up. Shaking her head, she stepped back, turning on her heel and darting down the hall towards her first class, her locker long forgotten as she tried to escape the notice of the most popular boy in school, Kylen Madden.
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