The Future Alpha

712 Words
Kylen Madden groaned at the incessant pounding on his bedroom door. Muffling a growl, he grabbed his pillow, intent on placing it over his head to muffle out the sound. "Ky, time to get up." His mother's voice called from the other side, causing him to groan. "I don't want to. It's my birthday, I'm allowed to sleep in!" Yelling back, he cracked open one eye to glare at the door just as it opened. The sight that met him was his mother, already dressed in one of her elegant pantsuits, with her rich, mahogany hair twisted up in some fancy hairstyle he had no knowledge of. As far as Luna's went, his mother was one of the youngest ones to exist in their world, and was the envy of many a she-wolf. Still, despite her youth and beauty, she was a stern task master and not one to be put off by a feeble excuse. Birthday's included. "In eighteen years, that argument had never worked. Today is no exception. You will be alpha soon and you have duties to uphold. Not the least of which is finishing this year of high school so that you can progress to your place among the pack." Each word was measured, her tone a gentle chiding of the responsibilities he was already too aware of, "Besides, today is the day you could meet your future Luna." The last was said with a smile. No, Felicity Madden was not a force to be reckoned with. Especially on a day like today. Kylen was more than aware, his mother was more excited to meet his mate than he was. "C'mon, Mom. Lay off on the mate thing. It may not even happen today. It could be years before I meet her." Grumbling a little, Kyle moved to sit up on the bed, tossing his pillow down against the headboard. "Psh." The unladylike sound that issued from his mother's throat made Kylen arch a brow. An action that caused his mother to smirk as she moved to open his curtains to let in the bright rays of sunshine outside. "I believe that will not be the case for you. There is something in the air today, I can sense it." "Since when are you a witch?" Kylen snickered softly just to find a pillow thrown at his head. "Don't you even joke about that. It's not funny." Lips pulling down into a small frown, she pointed a finger at him, "You know full good and well that not one of us has even seen a witch since the last coven was destroyed decades ago. What I wouldn't give to have a Seer or Oracle for us to consult. There are things happening in the supernatural community that are unsettling." Tilting his head, Kylen noted the faraway look in his mother's bright blue eyes. It happened very rarely, but when it did one couldn't help but see the stark pain in her eyes. "Dad's no better, is he?" Kylen asked softly, his voice a mere breath of sound to be sure no others could overhear them. "No, he isn't. Whatever this is, it's something none of the healer's have seen before. It's of supernatural origin, but from where, no one knows. The elders think it may have been a curse. If it is, then the odds of him surviving..." She trailed off, her voice breaking on the next word as she turned to look to the window. Moving swiftly, Kylen's hand gripped his mother's own. Squeezing softly before he spoke again, "We will find an answer, Mom. Soon." "If we don't, you need to be prepared to step up, Kylen. You will need your Luna by your side to shoulder the burden of running the pack." Her voice broke again, her own grip tightening in his own before she stepped back, "But for now, you get ready for school. I want no more excuses." Just as quickly as the mood had turned somber, it was once again lighthearted as Kylen watched his mother make her way to the door. "Alright, Mom. You win." "Don't I always?" A bright grin given as Kylen saw another pillow come sailing towards his head, causing him to laugh even as the door closed.
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