Episode 15 : No … stop ! 1

1608 Words

Inside the elevator James was still carrying Lily bridal style , he looks at her mesmerized holding his breath before the doors of the elevator close . The entire building is his , he has the last floor as a penthouse with the roof . He walked out of the elevator and ringed the door bell , normally he has the keys but as he‘s carrying Lily he couldn’t manage to open the door by himself . The cook opened the door for him , Maria … a lovely fifty year old lady who takes care of the house when he‘s not around , waits for him to set the dinner table after he gets back from work , then goes home . Today , Mr. Hugh was so late … it‘s past midnight , but she can‘t leave until he comes back . Normally he comes home around 8 pm , 10 pm maximum and he continues working from his office at home t

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