Episode 16 : No … stop ! 2

1788 Words

The next morning Lily opened her eyes , she felt heat and something heavy pinning her down . She tried to move herself to fully see where she was , to her surprise she found a tall man hugging her from behind who has his arm wrapped around her waist and the other below her head , to be absolutely and completely fixed by this man’s arms . His breath is heavy , his eyes are shut . She tries not to move so this huge beast doesn’t move . Who is he ?! Is it the bartender ?! All she can remember is him trying to push himself on her , they fought ? He tried to kiss her , but she pushed him , is that him ?! She started to panic … her breathing’s getting faster and heavier . The man started to move and opened his eyes , she can feel him waking up , rapidly she pushed his heavy arm and jumped to her

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