3. The sudden farewell

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Nyala The tension in the room was thick enough to make me swallow hard. The look Alastair was giving me wasn't doing any good for my composure. I forgot to mention his hand was still clasping my arm, and not in a friendly way. "Why don't we do this then? I have another option for you," he broke through the silence. So, he's determined to make me beg on my knees, right? "What option?" I managed to push out, but my voice betrayed me; it came out hoarse. My voice wanted to embarrass me. "You work on my curse, and everything goes smoothly." It took me a few seconds to process his words, and when I did, I shot him a confused look. "If you think you can come up with another tactic to lure me into apologizing, then I suggest you cool down. Nothing will move me. If you guys are willing to cooperate, fine. If you don't, we can't force an agreement. After all, I didn't like the idea in the first place." "Alastair, I told you. The girl has a big mouth. You should have allowed father to handle her. She won't ever think about opening her mouth and be saying rubbish," Warren spoke from where he sat, still sipping his drink. He looked like a gentleman, unlike Alastair but gentlemen or not, they lacked a sense of direction. "I can see that. I can see the spitfire in her eyes. And I'm going to work on that. Do you want to go ahead with the option or not?" He asked, his eyes boring into my head. I didn't like the way his eyes were undressing me. I had no idea what curse he was talking about. What means did I have to cure the curse? My powers weren't even perfect. I was still struggling to stabilize them. How the hell would my water bending be of any help to him? He can't use that to bend me over. "I will not. Let me go." I yanked my arm away from his hold and spared the two of them a glance. "If your intentions are good, you won't waste time demanding an apology. What you're getting here in Aldmoor, you know quite well you can't get anywhere else. So, I suggest that if you have bad intentions against our kingdom, you better withdraw. I won't allow Rostledam to fall into the wrong hands." I warned. I saw a vein on Alastair's neck as he clenched his jaw. He was very angry. But before he could charge towards me or say another word, I sauntered to the door. "Have a good night rest, Alphas." I didn't fail to emphasize the word 'Alpha'. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I leaned my back against the wall next to the door and placed my hand on my beating chest. I was close to letting my guard down. Nyala, you sure have a big mouth. The look on Alastair's face as I left the room wasn't pleasant. Chills ran down my spine at the thought of him opening the door right at that moment and venting all his anger on me. "Let's get out of here," I muffled out, casting one last look at their door before fleeing. I went straight to Teagan's room. They were still seated in the same spot I left them. "Tell me you have done what's needed of you?" Teagan's voice echoed through the room. Only if he knew. "Well... I—" "Did you or did you not apologize, Nyala?" He cut me off, his tone sharp, indicating he was angry. "I didn't." "See, Father, I told you. She will never learn from her mistakes. She's always full of herself. We're trying to figure things out, but she kept on trying to mess it up. At this stage, if Alpha Ezekiel decides to pull out of the deal, we can't do anything to make him stay." Corvin's tone was sharp and filled with venom. "They are getting a lot from Rostledam; I don't think they would back out," I voiced out. "And besides, the two sons lack common sense. How can they tell me to beg on my knees? Is that respect for a woman?" "You lack common sense yourself. Aren't we the ones in need? Even if they want you to lick their feets, you're supposed to comply." I didn't know when an annoyed chuckle escaped me. That's why Corvin will always be a fool. "Over my dead body. If you think that's how we should stoop so low, then you don't deserve to be here." "Mind your tongue, girl. You're still under punishment," Corvin pointed a finger at me. "Father, I'm sure you heard what she said. We can't afford to lose this opportunity because of her silliness. You said it yourself, this will change Aldmoor," Corvin uttered. "Change Aldmoor in what way?" I asked, confusion filling me. Teagan and Corvin went quiet. I didn't fail to notice the smile, or rather, the smirk on Corvin's face. I hated it when he smirked. It made him look like a fool. "Can someone answer me?" "I suggest you put her into confinement that way she won't interfere in our plans." Corvin retorted casting a glare at my direction. "Corvin, lock her up," Teagan spoke up. "What? For what reason?" I asked, pushing further towards his desk. He can't be serious. The next thing that followed was Teagan's loud voice. "Since you can't listen to simple instructions, I will have to show you what it means to be a leader. Lock her up until we have signed the agreement. You will be under confinement until tomorrow evening. Take her out, Corvin." I didn't get time to react to Teagan's words when my body was being dragged by Corvin. "Get moving!" He spat, pulling on my arm. "You can't do this to me, Teagan!" I exclaimed, trying to free myself from Corvin's hold. "If you don't learn how to work on your big mouth, you will continue to stay locked up until you get some sense." That was the last word I heard from him before his voice faded away in the background. "Let me go!" I yanked my hand away as Corvin pushed me inside my room. I rubbed my hand where he had held it tightly. I charged forward, only for him to use his powers to strike me back. I fell back onto the marble floor, drenched. I didn't have time to react when he took fast strides, crouching down to my level. "If you don't behave, I will freeze your legs. You know I'm capable of doing that." His hand slowly trailed on my cheeks, making me feel disgusted. "Don't touch me!" I spat, slapping his hand away. I hated it when he touched me. Corvin had always liked to get too close to me in a dirty way. He thought that just because Teagan had asked him to lock me up, I would succumb to him. That would be the greatest mistake I would ever make. "I won't allow you to poison Teagan's mind." I seethed, my eyes burning with hatred for the man in front of me. More bitterness crept into me when his laughter echoed through the room. And then his hand was back on my face. He held my cheeks roughly. "You're smart. That's what I like about you. But you're also stupid." "You think Teagan knows the real motive behind the werewolves' plan for Rostledam? Do you think Alpha Ezekiel was hell-bent on signing the agreement for nothing? Even after what you did?" Confusion filled me. If I say I understood what Corvin was talking about, I would be lying. I bit my inner lips. I won't allow him to see through my nervousness. "Whatever their plans are, I know Teagan won't allow any harm to befall Rostledam. I trust him. Unlike you, who harbors bad intentions. You will always be foolish in my eyes, Corvin." A wince escaped me when a sharp pain visited my cheeks. I felt my body vibrate, and I gripped my dress tightly to hold myself back from spitting out. Corvin's menacing eyes bore into mine. His face was barely an inch closer to mine. One move, and our lips would touch. I clutched my dress more tightly. "Say that again, and I promise you, this room will be your nightmare for a week!" I didn't expect my body to shiver at his words, but it did. He dug his nails into my cheeks in the same spot Teagan had attacked me earlier. The pain began to intensify, which made me let out a sound wince. "You can't control Aldmoor." I managed to let out, not allowing him to have the satisfaction. Corvin's lips curved up into that same smirk. "I will make you beg on your knees right in front of everyone by the time we finish signing the deal. Before that, I would advise you to practice your magical skills; it will come in handy, you know." With that, he yanked my face and stood up. "You won't achieve your goals, Corvin. I will make sure of that," I declared. A lone tear found its way out of my eyes. Corvin's steps halted, but he didn't turn back. "Wait for the news." And he stormed out. I heard the sound of the keys jiggling from the other end. He had locked the door. "Damn!" I hissed out, hitting the floor with my fist. ** I had tried to use my powers to somehow break through the door, but to no avail. Time was ticking. After the stunt Corvin pulled last night, I couldn't help but have doubts about the whole thing. I didn't sleep a wink. Funny enough, I was busy trying to use my powers to get out of the room, which didn't work. The whole floor was soaked with water. I was hoping Elsa or Molly would somehow come, but none of them showed up. I'm sure Teagan warned them not to come anywhere near my room knowing they'd try to get me out. Even if they didn't want to, I would push them to. He knows how stubborn I can be. However, my main problem was Corvin. I didn't know what his intentions were, but his words didn't sound pleasant to me. Why were they hell-bent on getting Rostledam? Was it going to be really for business purposes, or did they have other motives? I was still pacing around the room, thinking about how to get out of the room and also how to solve the problem. Would it be a good idea to stop the deal from happening? Don't be a fool, Nyala. Do you think the deal wouldn't be completed by now? It was currently morning. I'm sure they have finalized the deal by now. Bitterness settled at the pit of my stomach. Does that mean I've lost? Does that mean all my efforts were in vain? At some point, a part of me held onto hope. That there was still time. I was in that position when I heard the sound of the door opening. My heart thumped inside at the thought of who I might see on the other end. "Molly?" I marched towards her in surprise. "Why are you just coming now? How did you get the keys in your possession?" I bombarded. Tears clouded her eyes, which made me look at her in confusion. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" "Teagan—" She choked out, and then the full tears were out of her eyes. "What happened to Teagan? They have signed the deal, right?" I asked, my heart rising with pain. Molly shook her head. "No...He...Teagan..." I didn't wait for her to complete her words and charged for the door. My steps were fast as I made my way to Teagan's chambers. The way my heart was thumping loudly was a bad sign. I didn't want to jump to conclusions yet, but if by chance the deal got signed as planned, then I won't forgive Corvin. "Teagan, you—" My words got stuck in my throat when my eyes landed on the figure lying on the bed. "What is going on?" I found my lips letting out the question as I stepped more inside the room. I couldn't read the expression on Corvin and Bruno's faces. "Why are you standing in front of him while he's sleeping?" I asked again, my eyes going to Corvin. Okay, like I said, I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but the look I got from Corvin and Bruno was enough to understand the reason why they were all silent. "Teagan is no more." I didn't know how Bruno's words managed to get into my head. But as they did, I felt my head spin around and my heart escalate with a burning fire. I didn't think I heard them correctly. "Teagan is dead." Corvin's voice cut through my brain. And that was all it took to make me wobble back on the floor in total shock as I stared at the lifeless man in front of me.
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