Chapter 1: Wedding Blues.

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AMANDA. The winds swept through the room, swaying the curtains and allowing the sun to pour radiantly through the windows. The atmosphere was humid and warm, it was a beautiful day. It was also my wedding day. Standing in front of the mirror, I gazed down at my dress and at my own reflection. Juliet was there, my best friend since the beginning of time. She wore on my veil for me, a thin lacy piece of clothing that she rooted into my blonde ponytail. As I stood there, I couldn't even pretend like my mind wasn't racing and my heart wasn't pounding in my chest. "You look so beautiful, Amanda" Juliet took a step back and an arch came between my brows. Absolutely not! My wife joke face was flustered and impaled with nervousness. "Don't you think the dress is a little bit tight?" I started to panic again, the second time that morning. "Breathe Amanda" Juliet reminded me. "Take it easy, the dress is perfect. And so are you" She whispered. My eyes locked into hers as I heaved in a deep breath. "What if I'm making a mistake marrying Jaxon?" I asked. "I mean you said it yourself when we first started seeing each other. He's the exact definition of a Playboy Jules" I said but reaching for my hands, she smiled. "Well, this is one of the very few times that I would admit I was wrong" She whispered and a light scoff escaped my lips. "That was before I saw the both of you. You just make sense" Juliet continued. "I too was very nervous on my wedding day" She said but I rolled my eyes. "We couldn’t nearly be as perfect as you and Ethan," I replied and that was the truth. Jules and Ethan went all the way back to when they were kids. Kids who fell in love with each other before growing apart far too many times but they overcame all the obstacles in the way and always found their way back to each other. They were the definition of true love and when I looked at her at that moment, I wondered to myself if what I had with Jaxon was true love. Maybe I was just nervous because until this morning, I was so sure of myself. I mean, I loved Jaxon with all my heart. Three years ago, I met him at such a low point in my life and he was exactly the light I needed. Jaxon was funny and caring and quite literally the most handsome man I'd ever laid my eyes on, most of all, he loved me. He said it a million times that he did. So it was true, right? "Just close your eyes," Jules squeezed my hands and I did as told. "Now remember four months ago when Jaxon first proposed to you and how much you wanted this. How you were so happy to be his bride" She whispered softly and a smile crawled to my lips. She was right. "I'd never seen you that happy, ever since you two started dating, he just brings out a side to you that I've never seen before and I want that for the rest of your life, I want you to be happy." Juliet said and I opened my eyes then, to an epiphany. She was right. "Being nervous is natural on a day like this, Amanda. But when it's all over and you're in his arms, you're going to look back at the best decision you've ever made and that's all that matters" She graced her lips with a smile and I fought back the tears in my eyes. "Oh Jules," I exclaimed. "What would I do without you?" "Absolutely nothing" She sarcastically remarked before letting go of my hands. Her pep-talk was literally all I needed to realize how much I wanted this. It was then the door opened and Juliet turned around to Ethan. Her eyes dilated as soon as they fell on her husband. And he paused too with a smile. God, they loved each other. "You should be ready in five, it's about to start" He said, dressed in a finely tailored charcoal suit. "By the way, have you seen Jaxon?" He asked. "I caught him a few minutes before but I think he left for somewhere" Ethan asked and my heart stomped at that moment. "It's okay," Juliet turned to me, knowing that was the last thing I wanted to hear. "I'll look around and make sure he's downstairs in time" She sauntered towards the door but before she left, she threw one last look back. "You look perfect" She mouthed. I turned to the mirror once she closed the door. Smiling down at my dress, I honestly couldn't believe today was the day I was finally getting married. I never thought I'd find love like this. But that's the thing, I wasn't looking when I found Jaxon. He just came like a storm and knocked me off my feet. I could be nervous but deep down, I knew how much I loved him. And how much I wanted this. But alas, my phone rang across the table at that moment. Jaxon. His name was across the screen and I picked it up with a furrow in my brows. “Hello," There was a crack in my voice. "Where are you? Ethan just came looking—" I halted, hearing deep breaths on the other end of the line before a feminine voice. "Come on Jaxon. You know I love you" It was another woman. “Jaxon?” I echoed his name with my hands clutching my lips. It couldn’t be my Jaxon—this had to be a prank right? "Don't get married to that b***h. She doesn't deserve you—" "Clara!" His voice sliced through my heart. It was him. My stomach tied into a knot and tears welled in my eyes. Clara. I knew Clara—she’d been his secretary for so long. Jaxon was a top doctor in one of the largest hospitals in Newton. He was also part owner of his insurance firm. Clara was very close to him but I had never for once thought that something was going on between them until now. Until I was slapped in the face by the truth, by an accidental phone call. "I know you love me too, Jaxon. What are you waiting for?" Her voice drew closer to the speaker of the phone and after about a moment, I heard the smooching sound of a lasting kiss. "Say it, Jaxon." A faint moan escaped her lips and he groaned too, one of pleasure. "Say you love me too." I closed my eyes to the tears that fell and I immediately ended the fall. I had heard everything I needed to hear, I couldn’t bear hearing him say those words too. The same words he echoed to me every single day. "It couldn't be him" I muttered in disbelief. Jaxon couldn’t do something like this to me. This was a man I trusted and loved with my whole self so much that I was willing to give everything to him. I never knew he hated me so much to cheat on our wedding day. I felt my heart shatter into pieces in my chest and I was utterly devastated that I didn't even know what to do. I paused for a moment with tears streaming down my face. There was no way I could marry him after this. Not when he'd betrayed me to this extent. "Amanda, the wedding is about to start!" I heard a voice call from the door that barged open and I lifted my gaze to my father. He heaved a deep exhale once he saw the tears in my eyes. "Oh Mija, what is the matter?" Closing the door behind him, he inched closer to me. And I could barely even speak. Just recounting the phone call over and over again was enough to break me even more. "I can't marry Jaxon." I forced the words out of my lips and he arched his brows. "What?" "He's with his secretary...right now. When he should be with me." "Amanda, let's just take a deep breath" Matthew, my father took a step back but I panted from my lips, shaking my head. "I can't do this." I said. "Yes you can" He refuted, grasping my hands and staring deep into my eyes. "You love Jaxon—" "Not if he's cheating on me!" I wailed. "But you can't just walk away, Amanda. Listen to me, I'm your father!" He raised his voice at me and I couldn't even believe him at that moment. "Everyone is downstairs waiting for you, Amanda. So what you're going to do is fix up a smile and get through today. You will not bring any more shame to this family. You understand that?" His grip around my arm tightened and a bolt of panic flashed in my eyes. "So what about me?" I whimpered and my father shrugged. "You were the one who said yes to him." He seared through his lips. "Now come downstairs, everyone is waiting for you." He let go of my arms and stormed out of the room. And for a moment, I was left to my thoughts. I couldn't believe I was about to be forced into this marriage. My gaze lifted to the door and I knew immediately I walked out of it, that whatever decision I was going to make would change my whole life forever. I held the bouquet in my hand and a tear fell to soak a rose. I heaved one final breath and before I even stepped out, I could already hear the bridal song being played on a piano. I walked down the corridor and on each side, there were balloons, banners and invitation cards with our pictures lying around. My smile was everywhere but it was so hard now to plaster one across my lips. This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. But I'd never felt more miserable. Finally, I stood in front of the chapel doors as they laid open and my eyes pierced around the congregation. With each step I took, my heart was pounding even more against its sternum. There he was, Jaxon. In his glistening dark suit and his hands intertwined in front of him. His eyes fell on me and for the first time, I saw the secrets he hid behind them. I saw him for who he truly was. I made my way to the altar where he held onto my hands. "I'm sorry I was late, I was caught up in something" He whispered, a lie that forced tears to the brink of my eyes. But luckily, he couldn't see how sore and red they were behind the veil. "Do you, Jaxon Bennett take Amanda Sinclair to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The Priest asked and Jaxon hesitated. Deep down, I hoped that he would tell the truth. I wanted to hear it from him, that maybe this was just one misunderstanding. And it was him on the call. But I knew it was him. "I do." I finally said. My eyes turned all the way to Clara, who was sitting at the front of the chapel and she gazed at me with scornful eyes. I looked back at Jaxon and a dawning realization hit me. This wasn’t the Jaxon I knew, the one I fell in love with. "And do you, Amanda—" "I can't do this" I immediately blurted out, removing my veil and the whole congregation gasped. "Amanda!" My father stood up. "I can't marry a liar and a cheater." I struck a finger back at Jaxon with tears flowing down my cheeks. “Amanda, wait I can explain!” He yelled but a scoff escaped my lips at that moment. He tried to hold my hands but I shoved him away, making my way down the altar. And when I got beside Clara, I came to a halt. “You?” I shook my head, throwing one last look at Jaxon. I made it clear that I knew and Clara did too because of the grimace that crawled to her lips. "I can't believe you did this to me." I said to him before storming toward the door. It was then I heard my father’s voice after I flung it open. “Amanda!” I looked over my shoulders. "If you walk out that door, don't ever think about coming back." He said and pressing my lips together, I nodded. Without saying another word, I walked out of the cathedral that day in my white flowing wedding dress. Throwing the bouquet to the ground, I was just desperate to put this all behind me. But this was just the beginning.
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