Chapter 2: One Night Stand.

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AMANDA. Jaxon's betrayal was all I could think about. I downed my fourth shot of tequila, closing my eyes but still trying to restrain myself from crying. I'd come down to the club, hoping that the strobing lights and loud music would be able to drown him out of my mind but nothing was working. Even with the tear that somehow managed to drop, I was failing at trying to keep myself together. I heaved a deep breath and looking up, my eyes immediately fell on a figure standing at a distance from me. A good-looking young man, leaning against the walls with a glass of vodka in his hands. There was something so enigmatic about him at first glance and I could swear the neon light illuminated a smirk across his lips. "Amanda" Juliet drew my attention back and her hands reached for mine. I sat up. She was the only one who ran after me when I left the chapel earlier that day. It didn't even seem like it was the same day anymore. My whole mind was a blur and my heart was shattered into a million pieces. "I can't believe he'd do something like that" I whispered and there was a crack in my voice. Sniffling through my nose, I sucked in a deep breath. "Me neither, he's such an asshole" Juliet replied. I wiped my eyes clean in a second because this wasn't even the type of person I was. Old Amanda was never the one to have her heart broken by a man and be miserable. It was okay to feel devastated because deep down, I did love Jaxon. "Well, glad I found out sooner rather than later" I blew raspberry, gesturing to the bartender to pour me another round of tequila shot. "Are you serious about what you said?" Juliet asked and I looked at her. "About leaving town tomorrow?" She added. I sighed from my lips. I couldn't be here, there was nothing left for me here. Newton was once a place I loved so much but now it was a place that would forever remind me of the worst day of my life. I wanted to get away, from Jaxon and Clara. To never see him again specifically. I also hated my father. It was clear he wanted nothing to do with me after I fled the chapel. Clearly, our family's image was much more important to him than my own happiness. I was just so broken. I needed a fresh start. "I have to" I replied Juliet and even the lump that slipped down her throat, she didn't even protest. "You heard my father..." I paused. still stricken with disbelief. "There's nothing here for me anymore," "I am here" Juliet whispered. I scoffed lightly. "No doubt you are but you have Ethan. I have nothing. I gave up my life and my fashion career to be with Jaxon. You know I got a call for a job I applied for in New York while I was there. I was seriously thinking of turning it down." "You didn't tell me, Amanda" Jules added and I shook my head. "I didn't tell anyone because I didn't plan on taking it. I didn't want to be away from Jaxon. It's funny now, isn't it?" I whispered. "You already took it" She said in a realizing tone and I nodded. "I did" My lips curled into a pout. "Will you be okay in New York?" Juliet asked and I didn't even know the answer to that. I guess there was only one way to find out. "I already packed my things you know. The last person I want to see now is Jaxon." "I'm sorry you had to go through that" She mouthed when suddenly, my eyes widened. "Ethan," I softly called and Juliet followed my eyes to look behind her. There he was, her husband. "Hey" "Are you okay?" He inched closer to the bar counter, his eyes settling on me and I just nodded. "Yeah, yeah I am. Only that your best friend's an asshole" I downed another shot. "Amanda, I...I had no idea. I'm really sorry. Jason's just—" "You know what?" I blurted out with a hysterical laugh. "I'm done. I'm done talking about Jaxon. I don't even want to hear his name right now. I just," "It's okay" Juliet muttered, placing a hand on Ethan's chest. "I brought your coat, and the car in case you're ready to leave" He pressed his lips together and Juliet inched closer to me. "No, no you can go. I'll be alright" I convinced her. I could really use some alone time. "I want to stay, I can't leave you all by yourself like this" Juliet persisted but I shook my head. "I swear, I'll be fine and I'll take an Uber home or whatever." I whispered with a smile at the corner of my lips. Juliet heaved a heavy breath, turning back to Ethan. "I promise." I added and only then did she squeeze my hands and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Call me when you get home" She muttered which was really just a threat and I nodded with a convincing smile. "And I'll pick you up tomorrow" She promised. I watched her pull away in Ethan's hands. She darted one last look back at me before disappearing out the doors. Of course, I didn't expect her to stay by my side all night, as much as I wanted, it wasn't like it used to be. And it never could go back anyway. Juliet was not only married now, she was also a very successful actress, although based in Newton but still recognized across the world. And I was Amanda, the girl will only a dream of becoming a fashion designer. A dream I've held onto for more than a decade now. It was one of the reasons I knew I had to leave, not that I was jealous of Juliet. But there was just this desperate need to get my life together after giving so much of myself to a man who didn't even know my worth. A man that I loved so much that I let him break me. But as I gulped down another shot of tequila, I resolved within myself that it was time to move on. No more dwelling on Jaxon, he already made his decision. I placed the glass on the table with a clink echo, barely audible beneath the music of the club. But from the corner of my eyes, I saw someone fill the seat Juliet had only just left. I looked to my side and it was the young man I saw earlier—the one that was leaning against the walls. "Just vodka please" But his voice, that I was able to hear. He took his eyes off the bartender and immediately threw me a glance. I nervously looked away. "What are you doing here by yourself?" I heard him again. I hoped it wasn't me he was talking to, but deep down I knew it was. I was startled when he placed his hand across mine, drawing my eyes to meet his. It was then I noticed his raven-black hair, tousled just enough to appear effortlessly perfect. His striking face that reminded me of someone I knew but I could swear I'd never seen this man. "I was talking to you" He croaked. "Oh" A faint whisper escaped my lips and I was lost inside his piercing moss-green eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets yet sparkling with charm and he smiled. I wasn't dreaming—he smiled at me. "I just," He scoffed. "I just saw you with your friend earlier" He added. "And the first thing that came to my mind was who would've hurt such a beautiful angel like yourself the moment I saw you crying—" "You saw me crying?" I echoed, cheeks flared with embarrassment. But luckily, between the club's neon lights, I wasn't sure he noticed. I wasn't sure he cared. "Oh it's nothing. I mean I came here to get some things off my mind too" He whispered, pursing his lips and I scoffed lightly. "That's one way to put it" I replied and his brows furrowed with intrigue. "What happened?" I looked at him, sure as hell that I wouldn't ever see him again after tonight. So I might as well just unload everything. "Well, the thing is I was supposed to get married today..." His eyes immediately fell to my ring still around my finger. "Supposed?" He echoed. "Then I found out that my husband-to-be was cheating on me with his secretary. My dad urged me to still go ahead with the wedding and I made it to the altar before I realized I couldn't do it" I narrated everything to him and with wide eyes, he stared with disbelief. "So what? You run away?" He asked. I nodded. "I ran away" He snorted out a chuckle which in return made me laugh too. "I'm sorry" He muttered. It was all just ridiculous. I'd cried up till the point that I'd exhausted all my tears so I might as well just laugh. It was just as therapeutic, especially while sitting next to a stranger in a bar at 1 AM. And then after a while, we just sat opposite each other. He heaved a deep breath, gazing deep into my eyes. "You know, I just got out of a six-year relationship myself" He added. "That's why you came here to get some things off your mind?" I asked and there was a crack in my voice. He shifted closer, I wasn't sure if it was because he couldn't hear me or just that he wanted to. "Actually," His voice went low as he grazed a few strands of hair that fell in front of my face before tucking it behind my ear. His eyes fell to my lips. "I was just looking for someone to f**k" His lips curled into a half smile and I sucked in air through mine. Barely inches from my face, this man's enigmatic presence alone was captivating and his gaze, alluring. "You know that feeling when you've given so much to someone and they end up hurting you, then you just desperately want to escape it?" His heated breaths crashed into my face before trailing down my neck. Oh I knew. I knew that feeling all too well. It was the boiling in my veins, the flashing images that ravaged my mind and Clara's voice that kept echoing in my ear. I knew that feeling. "I do." As soon as he placed a kiss on my neck, I closed my eyes. His hands fell between my thighs and I jerked forward slowly. I exhaled softly and when our eyes met again, I knew exactly what was going to happen. I slipped my ring off my finger and placed it inside my tiny dress pocket. "Screw this" I groaned. This was exactly what I needed. The life I'd known before, the life that never hurt me. I knew the only way to get over Jaxon was to get under another man. A stranger I was sure I'd never see again. And so he roped my hands all the way upstairs, unlocking a room I didn't even know was there. Carrying me in his hands, he placed my body on top of the bed before leaning in with hunger in his eyes. He fought his shirt open and then his pants. And once he crashed his lips into mine again, I was propelled with such lust and passion and I had no idea the last time I felt this alive. Not even with Jaxon. "f**k" Breathless between his lips, he took off my dress and as I closed my eyes, that was the last thing I remembered from that night. Morning came fast and I was slumped by the edge of a stranger's bed with a spearing migraine. The sun shined through the window as I sprung out of his velvet sheets. His woodsy cologne filled the air and he was laying right next to me, still asleep though. I dragged my feet across his clothes on the floor before reaching my underwear. In a split second, I put on my dress and ran my hands through my messy hair. My eyes fell on the clock. "s**t" It was 7 AM. My train leaves at 8. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, immediately dialing Jules. What I didn't know was that as I scurried out of there, my ring had fallen to the ground and from my pocket. I left behind in that room, with that man. I didn't even get his name, nor do I fully remember his face now. All that I saw was the giant tattoo on his back. It didn't matter, I told myself. I was sure I would never see him again. But alas, I was wrong.
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