Ice cream

1048 Words

The sun was shining bright from the top of the trees, few clouds would intermittently fly by and slightly cover the warm orb. There was a slight breeze that cooled the warm people bustling about the park, along a paved path in the park walked Ella with a stroller and Jack walking next to her. Behind them strolled two large men in black, as always. Jack had a hint of sunburn under his eyes just below his sunglasses. Ella thought he looked healthy, he had put the weight back he lost when Lori left. Oliver just had a growth spurt so he was pleasantly plump and gotten tall. Jack looked down into the stroller at a sleeping Oliver and smiled. "Are you sure you will come back after the summer?" Ella turned to look at Jack before she answered "yes, absolutely. Oliver will have a nanny and I can go

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