Dumpster dive

1075 Words

Behind a small desk in a sterile white looking room sat a young woman with long blond hair and a white lab coat. Her make up was a tad on the party side and even had glitter in her eyeshadow and highlighter. Liam wrinkled his nose at her over use of sweet perfume. The lady was very sweet and accommodating, and still Liam had trouble finding something to like about her. Ella however did not mind at all, she was unaffected by her appearance and fragrance. They both edged forward in their seat as the woman glanced over the folder in front of her. She gave a ear to ear smile before she spoke, a rehearsed smile. “So we did the genetic testing as you guys wanted and we did find some unviable embryos. It was hard to find sperm that appeared healthy, but after the IVF we got seven egg that grew to

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