CH-35 Confession

4074 Words

Did she just threaten to kick my ass? "That was fun," Jeff snickered, shaking his head. "She has changed quite a lot. I must say," I didn't have time to waste on him, so I threw him a dirty look and wordlessly made my way toward the crowded dance floor. s**t. This woman was going to drive me crazy someday very soon. If I could get my hands on Asher now, he was so dead. The place was packed like s**t. And I was annoyed to death as I pushed through the throng of rubbing bodies, looking for my drunk wife in a skimpy black dress. Where did she go? "Excuse me," I grimaced, catching a girl who literally fell on me. She gave me a flirty look but I gently helped her stand up again before scooting in further. No time for such nonsense. There was no sign of Asher or Cora. The former I didn'

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