The Bypassed King

1561 Words

Thomas “I’ll be there for lunch today, Ellis.” I tell him after a pause. This is going to get ugly I already know. I hear his sigh of relief. “Thanks Dad.” I hang up and tell Carla to make sure I have about three hours clear for lunch today. Watching the news yesterday I had been appalled at the audacity of my father. I knew Ellis wasn’t seeing anyone seriously enough for him to be getting engaged. We haven’t seen each other much in the last month but I would know that. My son has done nothing but work the last four years growing that damn company. I’d love it if he’d find someone to settle down with and give me a grandbaby to spoil and spend my weekends with but he should get to choose them. And if Grantham Beaumont is happily telling people Ellis is planning to be engaged that means he

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