Say What?

1227 Words
Laurel “Ooh someone get a picture of that face.” Henry rushes out swatting in my direction. I hurry to snap it laughing at Brad’s grimace. He’d taken a bite of the chicken florentine he selected and was doing his best not to spit it back onto his plate. He manages to swallow it before almost gulping down a huge sip of wine. “Too much f*****g flour. That’s like slightly cheesy paste.” Henry had gotten the fish and I stare down at my chicken hesitantly. Before I can do anything, Brad sticks his fork in my sauce and tastes it. “Awful. Yours too.” I scoop up a bit and agree with a face. “Guess we’re having the low calorie meal Brad.” I joke pushing my plate away. Daphne shoves hers aside too after a small test. Klein “I have a much better idea. Let’s sneak out of here and go eat somewhere like Tanner’s Diner.” Henry “cheese fries…I’m in.” Brad “definitely. Cinderelly you have to come let us introduce you to Tanner’s. The best guilty food in the city.” “Yes Laurel please come and save me from the testosterone stealing all my fries.” Daphne jokes. “Sounds good to me.” I’ve had Tanner’s. At least takeout from when Kyle would go with his friends. “Ellis?” Klein asks narrowing his eyes. I see all of them watching him. I’m guessing he usually says no. “I’m in. Let’s go but not as one big group through the room. Howard has the limo waiting. We can take that.” Klein looks surprised but I see Daphne wiggle her eyebrows. They start slowly leaving. Klein makes Ellis leave after them saying otherwise he’ll get trapped. Henry tells me to go next. I feel like a bunch of teenagers sneaking into a movie we weren’t old enough to buy tickets for. I am almost out the door when Grantham Beaumont steps directly in my path causing me to almost fall in my haste to avoid the crash. “I must say this is the first thing you’ve done right all evening. I trust I will not see you at any future events such as this one. Now where is Ellis?” He tries to make me feel insignificant but he has no clue I learned long ago to ignore that and it brings out a nasty streak of defiance in me. I raise my chin keeping my eyes on his “I believe he went to grab a drink in one of the private lounges with one of your last minute guest additions. Mr. Calvin I believe.” “I’ll go find them so Ellis may attend to his date, Aria.” He steps away coldly glaring at me. I chuckle wickedly as Henry startles me “now that is one pleased evil laugh. What did you do? I can keep a secret.” I tell him as we walk out before adding “Lowell Calvin uses these functions to cheat on his wife. Grantham the Grouch is going to walk in on something he never wanted to see.” Henry cackles with laughter as we climb into the limo. Klein “what is so funny?” “Nothing. I am just ecstatic we hired Laurel.” Dinner at the diner is hilarious. I laugh so hard my sides were aching. When the limo brought me back to my car, I didn’t want to go home. Ellis had gotten out with me. “Thank you for coming tonight Laurel. You.. you made the night. Drive home safely.” I waved and drove home refusing to think about handsome blonde hockey players. Ellis By Monday I’ve done nothing but try to convince myself to back off. If I ask her on a date then I’ll have to move her to work elsewhere. That’s not fair to her. I leave that morning no closer to making a choice. I haven’t had the urge to date anyone in a long time. Longer than I’d like to admit. My personal life took a backseat to my corporate life. I can’t deny my attraction and how drawn I am to her after Friday night. For once though, I have no idea if I should act on what I want or not. Knowing I can’t make this decision right this minute I decide to see how today goes. By the day’s end, I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and ask her to dinner. “Hey Laurel. What are you doing this weekend?” My heart is thundering in my chest. I’m going to ask her to dinner consequences be damned. I’ll find her another job if we make it past three dates. No maybe ten….hell I’ll figure it out later. She should be an executive or associate somewhere anyway. Before she can answer Henry comes rushing in with Klein on his heels. “What the..” “SHHHH! Just watch.” Henry turns the news on. I stare baffled seeing Granddad on the screen. The banner beneath him says “Interview With the Semi-retired Third King of the City” The female reporter laughs before asking “and can you tell us if you have any upcoming projects you are excited about?” Granddad chuckles looking like he’s confessing something big. “I shouldn’t spill the beans yet but I am thrilled that I’m going to be busy with my grandson’s engagement and wedding over the next few months.” What The Fuck….. “Oh Ellis Beaumont, the most eligible billionaire is engaged?” She titters excitedly. “He hasn’t made the official announcement yet but yes, he’s heading that way I think.” I watch him look into the camera, a challenging glint in his eye. Has he lost his marbles?! I grab the phone intent on calling him. But I hear him from the doorway. “Did you enjoy my interview?” I stare at him not hiding my anger. “Did you hit your head? Have a stroke? Or do you have another grandson I haven’t met yet?” He raises an eyebrow. “Perhaps we can finish this in private.” “You don’t want witnesses to your murder or psych commitment?” I ask icily. Klein and Henry leave with Laurel trailing behind them. She mimics slicing her throat and I wholeheartedly agree. He steps over with an envelope. “I’ll make this quick and simple. Inside is a marriage contest contract. Five or six contestants, you have to spend a weekend with each one. At the end of three months you choose one and keep your position. You refuse or don’t participate, I take your spot and you don’t inherit the company.” I glare at him. He can’t be serious. “And who will you leave this company to?! A stranger? Would you let Stanley Harris buy it and slowly destroy it like he did with Evans Enterprises?!” “Of course not! I would bring someone in and train him. All the details are in here. The contestant’s names and folders are inside also. I’ll give you two weeks to decide Ellis.” He saunters out a smug smile on his face. Fan-f*****g-tastic. What do I do about this?!
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