
2528 Words

Ellis Jessica and I arrived to the ball early so she could help. Little shocked at her venomous hatred of her father since she always acted like the docile obedient daughter. People begin filing in and I keep checking the doorway for Laurel. Henry put me in this dark green silk vest and tie with a matching mask and I wonder if her dress is the same. I’m listening to Will and Jessica talk when a glass appears in front of me. I recognize that watch… “What are you doing here?” I ask Klein surprised. “Bringing you a drink. You’re going to need it.” I take it spotting Daphne and Susannah enter with Brad and Polly not far behind. “All of you?” “How we roll.” He grins before sipping his scotch. “Where’s Henry because I’m sure he orchestrated all of this? The other jet?” Klein’s shoulders

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