Chapter 9 - The Next Step

3144 Words
Once he pulls into his driveway, he hops out and opens the passenger door for me, "So, you haven't gotten tired of me yet, huh?" I ask as I climb out of the truck. "f**k, no! I want more of you. All-day every day!" He leans down, lifting me off the ground, and throws me over his shoulder like a rag doll. I uproariously laugh, squirming to try to get him to put me down, "Dylan, put me down!" I cry out. "No, ma'am, not until I get you to bed! He carries me through the house, all the way to his bedroom, plopping me down on the bed. Without hesitation, I kick my sandals off as he lunges at me. He begins to kiss my lips, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck to my shoulders, stopping just above my skirt. I writhe in pleasure as I enjoy the way his lips and hands feel moving around so freely, discovering my body. He laces his hands around my thighs, holding me in place as he kisses my groin, teasing me, allowing the anticipation to build. He removes his hat and sets it on the bedside table before he blows on my hot, wet p***y. Next, he takes his index finger and thumb, parts my labia before starting the sweet circular motion of his tongue around my clit. I grasp the comforter with both hands and begin to buck at him. He tightens his grip around my thighs, making it impossible for me to move, "Oh my God, Dylan, holy s**t! f**k, that feels good!" I cry out. He lightly begins to suck on my flower as he inserts his index and middle finger through my slit, directly into my core, massaging the inner walls as he continues the tongue assault on my p***y. I sit up, reaching down to lace my fingers through his hair and pulling his face closer to me. He gazes up at me, eyes blazing as he watches me come undone before him. The sight of him gazing up at me the way he does while he sucks on my clit makes me weak with desire. My clit warms and begins to pulsate as I tighten my grip on his silky mane, "f**k, baby, I'm cumming!" He presses his lips further through my slit, moving his tongue up and down, lapping up my arousal. My body begins to convulse, my legs shake, and my heart races as my o****m takes hold of me. Once my body relaxes, I lie on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a post-orgasmic gaze, attempting to recover from my release. Dylan stands up, removes his shirt, showing off his perfectly tanned skin and chiseled abs. His eyes bore a hole through me as he unbuckles his belt, pulls down his zipper and removes his pants and boxers. I stare in awe as he stands there before me, muscular physique with a beautiful erect c**k. He impatiently yanks my skirt off, removes my halter top, and unfastens my bra, throwing them to the floor. He grabs a condom from the bedside table, unwraps it, and slides it down over his shaft. Then he reaches down, grabbing my ankles, and instantly flips me over onto my stomach like a rag doll. I push my knees together, arch my back, push my ass out and slightly tilt my hips as he thrusts his c**k into my p***y. I push back into him, meeting him with every glorious thrust. As he plows into me, he reaches down and grabs my hips with both hands, "f**k baby, you feel so good," He cries out. He pounds me so intensely that my entire body is jolted forward towards the headboard with every thrust, "Yeah, you f**k me so good, Dylan. f**k me harder!" I yell, my voice is raspy. The feeling is so intense as he fills me up, "I'm cumming f**k me! Don't stop!!" I brace myself as my c****x takes hold of me. He grabs my braid, pulling it back, groaning as he hits his release. Once our c****x ends, he removes his c**k; breathless, he wraps his arms around me, kissing my back before collapsing onto the bed. I lay on my side, staring at him, our bodies sticky with perspiration as we attempt to catch our breath, "You need to get on birth control, baby. I don't want to use a condom on you," He mutters breathlessly. I nod in agreement as he rolls over to discard the condom in the trash can. I sit up on the bed to look at myself in the mirror, "Oh, my God, Dylan! I'm a hot mess, babe! Everyone is gonna see what I've been doing! Jesus!" I bark as I attempt to fix the mascara smear beneath my eyes. I get up from the bed, walk over to his dresser, and grab a tissue to fix my makeup and re-do my messy, tangled hair. He hops up, wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses the side of my face. "You look beautiful. Get dressed, baby. Let's have a fire tonight and roast some marshmallows." "Sounds fun! Let me call Aunt Las and tell her I'm coming home a bit later." He nods his head before strutting to the bathroom. I grab my clothes from the floor and quickly get dressed before running out to the truck to grab my purse. I fish through the inside for my cell phone as I stalk back towards the house, and I look at the caller ID to see that I have eleven missed calls! Holy s**t! I can see Aunt Las only called twice, but my Mother has called nine times! I do not dare call my Mother until I speak with Aunt Las first. I assume she called me to warn me about something. I dial her number, and she answers after two rings, "Colie, your Mom has been trying to get ahold of you. You better call her back. I don't know what she wants, she seems ticked off, but she didn't tell me anything," She says. "Oh, God. Okay then. I'll be home a bit later. Dylan is starting a fire to roast some marshmallows before bringing me home." "Okay, no problem, sis, I love you." "I love you too, Las," I tell her as I disconnect the call. Then I decide to put on my big girl panties and dial my Mother's number. Bile rises in my throat as it begins to ring. It rang three times before she answered, "Mariah!?" "Umm, yeah, Mom, I'm kind of busy right now. Why did you call me so much?" "No, you won't call me later if that's what you are getting at; you will talk to me right now," She answers sternly. "Mom, what is wrong with you?" "Well, Aaron stopped by because he said he's been trying to reach out to you, and you haven't returned any of his calls. What the hell is going on? Why are you not calling him back?" I do my best to keep my temper at bay, but I'm beyond angry at this point, "What the hell is he doing going to you about all this? He needs to keep his mouth shut and leave me alone!" Dylan stands at the front door, watching me; shock crosses his face. I know he's never heard me yell before. This is nothing new with my Mother. I mouth the word "Mom" to let him know who I'm speaking with in that tone. He appears confused and shakes his head from side to side. I realized I never warned him about the beast that is Reagan Knox. Mom continues, "I don't know what's going on up there, Mariah, but you better figure it out and get your ass back here come August, or I'm coming up there to get you myself, do you understand? I don't care if I have to drag you out by your hair; you are coming home with me!" Dylan stands in front of me, listening as she yells; I can tell by the expression on his face that he can make out what she is saying. His jaw clenches as he makes a fist with his hands, his face three shades of red as he's overcome with rage. I put my index finger up, letting him know to give me a minute to handle it. He shakes his head and crosses his arms. I can tell he's pissed. Attempting to distract him, I place my hand on his chest, pull the phone away from my ear for a moment, and stand on my tiptoes to kiss his jaw, "Baby, it's okay. I can handle this; I love you," I whisper. He nods and reluctantly jumps down off the porch to gather the firewood. Realizing I haven't responded to my Mother's threats, I try to direct my focus back to the call; she continues, "Do you hear me, Mariah?!" "Yes, I do, and the answer is no. Get a life, Mom! I'm not coming home. Forget it! Tell Aaron I said to get a life and leave me alone! He and Lacy deserve each other. I've moved on, and I'm happy for once. You don't get to make decisions for me anymore. You don't know what's right for me, and you don't even bother to understand! How about you listen to me right now. I'm in love with someone. His name is Dylan, and he treats me like a f*****g queen! Never have I ever been treated so well! I will not allow you to come in and mess things up for me!" I bark. Dylan gazes up at me, grinning ear to ear while keeping his distance and trying to listen in as he starts the fire, "You don't even know what you are talking about, Mariah! You don't know what love is! There is no way you can be in love with someone after a week of knowing them!" she responds. "That's bullshit, and you know it, Mom. Mind your own business. I am no longer your puppet. You have no control over me any longer, and I'm cutting the strings as of now. I'm finished talking about this. I will not come home in August; I am staying here to find a college to start back to finish my degree, and I'm not going to change my mind!" I listen closely as I can hear her practicing her pursed-lip breathing exercise, attempting to calm herself, "We will see about that!" Suddenly, I hear a dial tone. Ugh! That's Reagan for you; always have to get in the last word. I hang up, laughing hysterically as I walk over to Dylan, "I'm so sorry you had to witness that, babe! I never had a chance to warn you about my Mother." He chuckles, "Witness what? I don't know what you are talking about?" he says jokingly. My entire body is trembling as I am overcome with rage. Ugh, that woman is maddening! I know she means well and loves me, but she has such a hold over me, and in everything I do, I feel as if I'm suffocating, "Well, now she knows everything, so at least I don't have to put off the inevitable any longer. God, I have been dreading that call from her." His face drops, "Well, honey, I'm sorry you had to have that conversation with your Mom. I never wanted to cause any trouble between you two." I hold out my hands to stop him, "Oh no, trust me; she needed to be told. That's the only way she will stop." I begin to pace the ground anxiously; Dylan attempts to distract me, "Well, I'm almost finished getting the fire goin, babe. I'm gonna gather some more sticks. Go inside and grab the marshmallows for us, would you?" he asks. I willingly walk inside, grab the marshmallows from the pantry, and bring them out to him. He takes them from my hands and motions for my phone. I hand it over to him and watch as he places it in his back pocket, "No more phone calls while you are here. If Loretta needs you, she can call me; she knows my number. I don't want you worrying about anything tonight. It's Sunday; let's enjoy what little time left we have before the week starts over again?" he asks as he kisses my forehead. Tears start to well in my eyes as he pulls me in for an embrace and brushes a tear from my cheek, "I'm sorry, babe," I say apologetically. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, "Shh, you don't have to be sorry about anything. Come sit next to me near the fire." I glance over his shoulder and notice he has two lawn chairs set up, and a fire started. He leads me over to the fire and hands me a stick and a marshmallow. I place the marshmallow on the end of the stick and hold it out to the fire as I lay my head on his shoulder, "Thank you, babe. I love you." He reaches over and rubs my shoulder with his free hand, "I love you too, baby." I begin to shiver, not knowing if it's from the chill in the air or being overcome with emotion. He hands me his stick, "Would you hold that for a minute?" I take it as he jumps up and struts inside. As he comes out, he is toting a blanket and wraps it around my shoulders, "Oh, thank you!" He takes his stick back and removes the marshmallow off the end. I accidentally left it in the fire for too long. I pull mine out and blow as it catches fire; it looks like charcoal, "s**t, sorry!" I belt out as I cover my mouth, holding back laughter. He removes the marshmallow from the stick, stuffing it into his mouth, "Why are you sorry? I like it this way." I remove mine from the stick and stuff it into my mouth, "Me too!" I mumble. He chuckles and leans in to kiss me. As darkness falls, the fire has died down at this point. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close, "Well, beautiful, I better get you home so you can rest up for work tomorrow." "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." He stretches out his hand to help me up, still wrapped up in the blanket, I take his hand and pull myself up before grabbing my purse. We climb in the truck as he gives me a lift back to my Aunt's. I sit close to him on the way, but he doesn't mess with me. Instead, I cuddle up to him, breathing in his scent. The aroma is intoxicating, as a mixture of musk and fire fills my nostrils. As he pulls up in the drive at my Aunt's house, he turns off the ignition and sits in silence as if he has something that he wants to tell me, so I sit and wait patiently for him to speak, "You know I love you; I just want you to be happy. That's all I want in this world. If you stay with me, I will live out the rest of my life, ensuring that you have everything you ever wanted. Now, if you think for one second that you will resent me by staying here, I will never ask you to do that. I want you to do what you feel is best for you. Not because of me wanting you to stay but because you know in your heart you want to stay." I sit for a moment, taking in what he just confessed, searching for the right words to make him understand how deeply in love I am with him, "I only want you; I will never resent you. I knew I belonged here the first night we went out. I've never been so happy in my life. You are the reason, Dylan, You! You are my lifeline; I need you to understand that. You are saving me! I lead a lonely and miserable life in Cincinnati; I was just existing, kind of on autopilot, if you will. Ever since I met you, I wake up every day and thank God that he brought you to me. I love you so f*****g much that thought of losing you makes me want to lose my mind," I respond, tearing up. He reaches up to cup my face and pulls me in for a kiss before pressing his forehead to mine, "Do you know how happy that makes me? How happy you make me? I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to have my children and be by my side forever. Will you marry me?" I pull the blanket up to cover my mouth; I am rendered speechless at the moment. My heart begins to race as he leans over me to reach into his glove box, pulling out a small black box; my entire body trembles as he pulls it open before me. I stare in awe at the most beautiful princess cut diamond ring that I have ever laid eyes on. My temples pound as I reach out to touch the ring inside the box, "Dylan, when did you get this?" I am confused as I attempt to figure out at what point he decided to propose to me, "I went out and bought it yesterday morning. I knew then you were the one the second I laid eyes on you at the Center. I wanted to give it to you when I felt you were ready," He says softly. Tears well up in my eyes, "Same moment for me too, baby," I admitted. "Well then, I think the only thing left to do is to make it official," He responds as he slips the ring on my finger. I marvel at how beautiful it is, holding it up in the moonlight, "Yes! I will marry you!" He pulls me in for a hug as tears stream down my face. I begin to kiss his neck and gently nibble on his earlobe as I reach down and rub the area between his legs, "God woman, I want to flip you over and plow into that ass right now. Do you know how close I am to doing it?" he asks breathlessly. I pull back, flashing an evil grin, "Well, what's stopping you?" Our attention is drawn towards the house as the porch light comes on, "Well, there's that," He replies as he points at the light. I fold up his blanket as Dylan comes around and opens the passenger side door. I climb out and lay the blanket down on the seat before turning around to face him, "Goodnight, I love you." He gently pats my ass as I walk towards the house, "Goodnight, baby, see you tomorrow. I love you." Once I make it inside, I turn around and watch him drive off down the road as I close the door.
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