Chapter 8 - Love the Way You Love Me

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As we pull in the driveway to his house, I'm hit with the realization; I didn't pack my overnight bag. I throw my hands in the air, "Dylan, I forgot my bag. I have no pajamas or toothbrush." He snorts, "Trust me; you will not need any pajamas at my house. You will be walking around the entire time naked. I need to have access to that fine ass while you are here. Second, you can use my toothbrush." Wow, we are already at the step in our relationship where I can use his toothbrush, and he's okay with it? It's only been a couple of days, and now this? Am I even ready for this? f**k yeah! If it's with him, I am. This sexy man is everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. I lean over to whisper into his ear, "I'm yours all night to do with whatever you want." He reaches up to brush the hair out of my face, gazing into my eyes, "Hey, let's sit out in your truck bed for a bit," I suggest. He rubs his chin as if contemplating, "Okay, sounds good," He smiles. He reaches into the back, grabs his buffalo checkered blanket from behind the seats as we climb out of the truck, and lays it out on the tailgate. He places his hands around my waist, lifting me before setting me down atop the blanket. He rests his hands on the tailgate next to me, leaning in as if he has something on his mind, "Be right back," He says as he takes off jogging inside the house. While he's inside, I lean back, feet dangling, enjoying the cool night air. It's so peaceful and serene out here, aside from the sound of crickets chirping in the distance. He comes back shortly toting a bottle of wine, two wine glasses, and a pack of strawberries, "Aww, Dylan. That is so sweet. I love this!" He gazes up at me with those beautiful icy blue eyes, biting his lower lip as if he has something he would like to get off his chest, but is hesitant, "What's wrong?" I ask. "Mariah...I..." he stutters. I reach out to take his hand, "Whatever you need to say, just say it." He pulls my legs apart, leaning his body against mine as he places his hands on my hips, "Mariah, I love you!" He blurts out. A look of shock crosses my face, eyes wide, mouth open, "Dylan I...." I begin to say until he interrupts me. "Look, Mariah, I know this is quick, but f**k me, I never felt this way before so, I had to tell you. You drive me f*****g wild. I need you every second of every day." "Dylan, I..." I manage to spit out until he interrupts me once again. "My whole family loves you, and that's a hard thing to accomplish. My Mom is a pretty good judge of character, and she's never f*****g invited any woman over to her house before, let alone make lasagna for her. I knew it was all over from there. You are the one." He opens his mouth as if to continue, but I lift my index finger, pressing it against his lips to stop him, "Shh baby... listen to me... I love you too!" It felt right saying those words. The fact that I didn't even hesitate makes it that much more perfect. I know what I feel; this is love. I'm madly in love with him, "There are a couple of things we need to talk about first," I tell him as I run my hands up his biceps. "What's that?" he asks curiously as he smiles ear to ear. "Well, I want to make sure that you don't have feelings for Suzy. She mentioned today that you always run back to her after you break up with a girl. Is that true?" He rolls his eyes, putting his hands up to cup my cheeks, "I have no feelings for Suzy whatsoever. We dated in high school for a bit, and she cheated on me with a buddy of mine, Charlie, at a party one night. We broke up after that and never went out since. She's made passes at me for years, but I've not wanted anything to do with her since that all went down. I'm only friendly with her because I feel bad about her taking care of her Mom. It's a sad situation. Now that she's been threatening you, I will put a stop to that right now. You are the only thing I want, and I can't be without you," He confesses. "Okay, I just wanted to be sure. Another thing we need to talk about is that Aaron called me this week." He tenses up, putting his hands up to scratch the back of his neck before readjusting his hat. Noticing he's nervous, I attempt to reassure him, "Listen to me, I'm telling you this because I'm not going to hide anything from you; I love you so much, okay? I'll let you listen to his voicemail." I reach for my purse, pulling out my phone. I turn on the speakerphone as I listen to the voicemail along with him. As he hears Aaron's voice, he snorts and begins to scratch his chin. Sensing he was growing irritable, I make an effort to comfort him, "Look, I didn't call him back. I'm not going to. See? Look. I will delete the voicemail along with his contact information. I don't want anything to do with him; I only want to be with you. I want to be honest with you." Without saying a word, he leans his forehead against mine, "This is the guy that you were engaged to, I presume?" he asks. "Yes. That would be him." "Thank you for telling me," He says as he pulls my face to his, kissing me on the lips. "Third thing we have to talk about..." I continue. His eyes are wide as if he's shocked that I have more to discuss, "I need to figure out the whole school thing. How would you feel if I checked into transferring to one of the colleges up here? Are you ready for me to be here all the time, stressed out, and dragging over my last year of nursing school? It's intense, and it sucks the life out of you; I'm not going to sugar coat it. I will be in school all week, and then I'll be tied up working weekends to get by. But I have to finish this; I'm so close." He rests his hands on mine, "I remember all too well when Momma was trying to get her license. You will live with me, so you won't need to work. I will help you with whatever you need." "What?! No Dylan. I can't ask you to do that! I can't accept that, babe. I have my car p*****t, insurance, and cell phone, and you know all my upkeep," I say jokingly. He leans in closer, "I don't f*****g care, baby, I need you. I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. You won't ever have to worry again. I will take care of you, no matter what." I shake my head from side to side while crossing my arms. I don't want to be a liability to him. That's not a good start to a relationship, in my opinion, "Look sweetheart, I make good money as a Lineman. I don't owe anything but taxes and insurance on this old place. My Grandpa left it to me when he passed last year. He also left his truck to me. I don't owe a dime on anything. I will make sure you have whatever you need. You will move in with me and focus on school," He says reassuringly while taking his index finger, pulling my chin, so our eyes meet. His eyes are so sincere and vulnerable at this moment. I reach up to cup his face before leaning in to kiss him. He gently lays me back on the tailgate, pulling my knees apart, so I'm sprawled eagle before him. He teases me as he leaves a trail of kisses down my inner thigh, slowly making his way to my aching p***y. I writhe in pleasure beneath him as he pulls back my labia and inserts his tongue, moving it around in a sweet circular motion around my clit. I throw my arms over my head and arch my back as my clit begins to warm from the sweet tongue assault that he gives me. He inserts his middle finger into my core, massaging the inner walls of my p***y as he gently sucks my flower, "Ahh, Dylan! Please don't stop!" I cry out. After a few moments of bliss, my abdomen tenses as my clit pulsates, resulting in my release, "Oh, f**k Dylan, I'm cumming! I love you so f*****g much!" I cry out. He nuzzles his nose through my slit, licking up and down, lapping up my arousal as I buck at him. Once I begin to relax, he unbuckles his pants, fishing through his boxers to pull out his erect c**k. He laces his fingers around my thighs, pulling me down to the edge of the tailgate. Without hesitation, he positions his c**k to enter and plows into me. I yelp from the initial shock but begin to relax as he thrusts himself into me. I can't even think about the consequences right now. I need him... all of him, inside of me, skin to skin. I wrap my legs around his hips as he reaches up and palms my t**s. My body is jolted upward from the intensity of his thrusts, "God baby, you feel so f*****g good. I'm about to bust a nut." He pounds me with no mercy, and I f*****g love it. Our bodies are slick with perspiration as I throw my legs up over his shoulder to feel every inch of him. As my body tenses and my heart pounds, I cry out, "I'm cumming, Dylan!" He starts to thrust into me faster and harder as we hit our release simultaneously. He collapses on top of me, panting. Oh my... He slowly pulls his c**k from my p***y before leaning over, brushing the dampened hair sticking to my face, "I love you. I can't say that enough." "I love you so much, Dylan," I respond as I place my hand on my forehead, wiping the perspiration from my brow. I sit up, pulling my dress down to cover myself as he stuffs his c**k back into his boxers, zipping his pants back before pulling himself up on the tailgate. He grabs the wine, pouring us a glass while we feed each other strawberries. This can't be real. Men like this don't exist. At least not where I'm from. After we finish off the wine and strawberries, he jumps down off the tailgate and takes my hand," Let's get you out of these clothes and into bed." Dylan and I make love throughout the night, in the shower, on the bed, and against the wall, only stopping momentarily to catch our breath. Nothing between us but the sheets, skin to skin, our bodies entirely in sync with each other. The hunger we have for each other can't be described with words alone. I savored every minute I had with him like it was my last. I knew I was never going to get enough of him. He is my soul mate; I am sure of that. It's moving so fast, but I guess when you know, you just know. Finally, at dawn, our bodies give out as we drift off into a deep sleep. He set his alarm for 10:00 am so we could at least get a few hours in. We wake up to the sound of his alarm. He rolls over to the bedside table, shutting it off before turning back to face me, "Good morning, beautiful. Are you hungry?" I stretch my arms up over my head while laying on my back, "Hungry for what? Food or a f**k?" He chuckles, "Hell, I'm down for whichever," He rolls over on top of me, and we make love once more. I'm in heaven; I don't think things could ever be better than what they are in this moment with him. After we have finished, I climb out of bed, with the sheet wrapped around me, "I'm going to take another shower if you don't mind?" "Yep, that's fine. I'll run out and get us some breakfast. You want anything in particular?" "I'm not picky, surprise me." He jumps up and playfully pulls the sheet from me; I yelp as I lightly tug on it, running away from him towards the bathroom door, "Why are you covering that beautiful body up. You know I have seen it all, right?" I toss the sheet back onto the bed, realizing he has a point, "You know... you are right; I have no idea why I'm trying to cover myself. Must be out of habit," I respond as I walk towards the bathroom and turn the lever, waiting for it to warm enough. "See, that's my girl. I'm the last person you should be shy around with that body. You better break that habit quickly," He replies as he gets up to grab his boxers, jeans, and t-shirt from the floor, quickly putting them on. Once the water temperature is just right, I jump in the shower as I hear him leave the front door. I can't help but think about what my mother is going to say about all this. God, she is going to go nuts on me. Man, I just can't deal with her today. I won't let her steal my joy. I'll figure it all out later. Once I finish my shower, I get out, wrapping a towel around my body and hair. I use Dylan's toothbrush and deodorant. Then I use his comb to run through my long, tangled blonde mane. I have no makeup with me, and my hair is slightly wavey as it falls to the middle of my back, being only towel dried. I'm all natural this morning, but I doubt he will mind. I slip on my dress from last night as Dylan comes through the front door. His jaw drops as soon as he sees me, still holding the bags containing our breakfast, "What's wrong?" I ask curiously, feeling a bit self-conscious from his reaction. "As if you couldn't get any more beautiful, you just did. Sorry I can hardly take my eyes off you. You take my breath away." "Oh, I thought you might have been disappointed." "Not in the f*****g least, baby," He says as he pulls our breakfast out of the bag. I can feel my cheeks flush, so I attempt to change the subject before I strip off my clothes and f**k him standing up, "What would you like to drink?" I ask as I open the refrigerator door. "How about some milk?" he suggests. "Sure, babe." I pull the half-gallon of milk out, grab two glasses from the cupboard, and pour us both a glass of milk. Dylan brought biscuits and gravy back from the Breakfast Shack down the road. It was so good. After we finished eating, I figured it was a good time to discuss living arrangements before he drops me off, "So, I was thinking. I know you wanted me to move in with you. How soon were you thinking?" "You can move all of your stuff in today if you want. I'll leave it up to you. I know you've got some loose ends to tie up. If you decide not to live with me right away, I still have to see you every day to get my fix." "I thought maybe I could stay with Aunt Las and Brie until August. Brie is going off to college then; I'd like to spend as much time as I can with her before she leaves." "Fine by me, babe, whatever you want." I rest my chin on my hand and run my fingers through his dark blonde mane, "Good, glad that's settled. Well, what do you have planned for today?" I ask. "Well, I am headed to my mom's this afternoon for a cookout. Do you want to join me? Gran will be there too," He asks. "Sure, I'd love to. Should I bring anything?" "Nope, just your fine ass, less the panties," He says jokingly. I playfully smack him on the arm, "Hey, you can't fault a man with a body like yours." He responds as he runs his hand up my thigh.  I clean up the dishes while he jumps in the shower. He quickly gets dressed, and we head out to drop me off at Aunt Lori's house. As I stroll through the front door, Brie and Las are seated on the sofa in the living room. Las is reading a romance novel, and Brie is watching television. They both look up as they notice me entering the living room, "Hey, good morning!" "Good morning. Did you have fun? Were you safe?" Aunt Las asks while looking up from her book. "Always, Las," I respond as my cheeks flush. All except for once, but she doesn't need to know the details of all that.  Brie snorts and turns away, avoiding eye contact as she fights back laughter. "I'm going to go upstairs and change clothes. Dylan invited me to a cookout at his Mom's today." Brie chimes in, "Oh, yeah, momma, and I got invited too." "Sweet, okay. I'll be ready in a bit," I tell them as I dash upstairs and place my phone on the charger. I quickly do a dry shave to take care of the stubble on my legs, blow-dry, and style my hair, pulling it back into a messy, loose French braid, and pick out my clothes for the day. I pull out my new white cut off halter top and a red buffalo check miniskirt that I bought at the boutique yesterday. I add some makeup and slide on my brown sandals when my phone rings. I look down to check the caller ID; it's from a number I recognize but no contact listed. s**t, it's from Aaron! I recall his number, even though I deleted his contact information yesterday. I let it go to voicemail and then listen to the message. (Aaron)- "Hey! Why are you not calling me back? I need to speak with you, please, baby, give me another chance. Call me. Love you." Shock crosses my face as I put my phone down. Oh lord, I'm going to have to let Dylan know about this. I'm not keeping anything from him. I rush downstairs to tell Brie about it. She is sitting on the chair now as I approach the living room. I lean down to whisper in her ear, "Hey, Aaron, just called me again. Dylan knows he called me the other day." She perks up, eyes wide, mouth drops, "No way! What did it say?" I play the voicemail on speakerphone. As she listens to his voice, she sticks her finger in her throat as if she's gagging herself, "Bye Aaron, nice knowin ya jack ass!" she says. Suddenly, we are startled as my phone rings in my hand. I look down at my caller ID, it's Dylan, so I answer, "Hey babe." "Hey, sweetie, I'll be there In a few to pick you up to go to Mom's...panty-less," He orders. "Are you sure? We are going to your Mom's house," I ask. "Yes, no panties." "Well, if you insist." "Alright, see ya soon, babe," He says. "Okay, bye," I say as I disconnect the call. I sit with Brie and wait for Dylan to stop by and pick me up. We hear a knock at the door moments later, and I jump up to answer it. As I open the door, he eyes the length of my body. His eyes are blazing with desire as he casts an evil grin in my direction, shaking his head from side to side before biting his bottom lip. He closes the gap between us, pulling on my braid; he leans in to whisper in my ear, "Something to grab ahold of later... Damn, I love this. I love your shoulders. You smell so damn good; I could eat you right here in the entryway." He runs his fingers down my neck to my shoulder and over the top of my halter top, "Guess I did good, huh?" I ask while batting my eyelashes. "Good is an understatement," he responds as he gently nibbles my ear lobe before pulling away. He lifts me off the ground and buries his face in my neck; I yelp from the initial shock. We are interrupted by someone clearing their throat, "Y'all can't be makin love in my entryway. Am I gonna have to hose you two down or what?" Brie asks jokingly with her arms crossed, leaning against the wall with her brow raised. Dylan and I uproariously laugh as I feel my cheeks flush from embarrassment. Dylan puts his arms out, approaching Brie, "Hey little B, come here and give me a hug." She walks over to hug him and picks her up like a little rag doll; she squeals, "Ahh, put me down, you heathen!" She smacks his back playfully. I can't help but smile at them; watching them is like watching siblings interact; big brother teasing his little sister, "Okay, Brie, meet you guys there. I'm gonna make love to my woman in my truck now," He says jokingly as she brings her middle finger up to scratch her cheek, directing it at him. As Dylan and I head out, once we step down off the porch, he comes up behind me and swoops me up over his shoulder; I belt out a shriek, "Dylan, Oh my God. I'm not wearing any panties! Someone is gonna see my cat!" He brings his hand up to smack my bare ass, "Ow, s**t! Put me down!" I cry out. Bringing his hand up to smack my ass once more, he calls out, "Ohh yeah, that left a mark! That ass is my property, son!" "Damn right, baby!" I respond as he sets me down. Brie calls out to us from the front door as he opens the passenger side door for me, "Thanks for the vag shot, Colie! Go buy some panties for your man to sniff!" I'm almost in tears as we are all howling with laughter as I climb inside the truck, "You know the drill, scoot close to me and spread em," He says as he kisses me softly on the lips. I remain in place, not scooting over initially. I figured I'd better confess that Aaron called me right off the bat. He climbs in on the driver's side, closes the door, and waits before impatiently beckoning me with his finger for me to scoot over to him, "Wait for a second, baby, I gotta show you something first." I reach into my purse, pulling out my phone to play the voice message. His face is red hot as he listens to the sound of Aaron's voice, "I told you I wouldn't keep anything from you. I have not called him, nor do I intend to, and I just got that before you showed up." "I trust you, baby. If he calls and I'm around, though, I'm going to answer it." "Fine, be my guest," I respond as I scoot in closer to him. He runs his hand down my inner thigh before inserting his index and middle finger through my slit, directly into my core. I begin to gyrate my hips, savoring the moment and enjoying the rhythm of his fingers moving in and out of my wet p***y. He owns this p***y, no doubt about it, and he knows it too. I throw my head back and tilt my hips, allowing him full access while spreading my legs further apart. Once we arrive at his mom's house, he stops, allowing me to take a moment to reorient myself from the finger assault on my p***y. He brings his fingers up to his mouth, licking the arousal, "Well, baby, you ready?" I follow his lead as he comes around, opening the passenger door for me, "Go wash your hands, stud!" He shakes his head from side to side, "Nope." As I roll my eyes, I can't help but giggle a little bit. What is it about my scent he loves so much? It's something I will never begin to understand. I must admit, it's a huge turn on. This gorgeous, possessive, and lustful man who is all about me makes me so wild with desire. He grabs my hand as he leads me up the front porch, "Hey, I've meant to ask you, why does Brie call you Colie?" "My Aunt Las made it up because my middle name is Nicole. She calls me Colie, Cole, or Coliebell. It just kind of stuck." Nova and Maggie greet us as we approach the front door. Maggie comes up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, squeezing me tightly, "Hey Mariah!" I match the embrace, "Hey, sweet girl, how are you?" "Good," She responds as she reaches over me and punches Dylan in the arm playfully, "That's for what you are gonna do while you are here; I know you deserve it already!" She backs away from me as he approaches her, putting up her hands playfully as if she's attempting to block him. He chuckles as he lunges towards her, throwing her over his shoulder, and carries her to the sofa, playfully slamming her down. She squeals with laughter as he tickles her abdomen, "Stop, or I'll pee!" she yells. He stretches out his hand to help her up. He's such a sweet guy, so playful and gentle. I love him so much. Nova reaches up to cup my face as she pulls me in, "Hey, pretty girl. Good to see you," She says as she plants a kiss on my cheek before pulling me in for an embrace. I match her embrace, "Good to see you too, Nova." "I hope you brought your appetite. Earl is grilling hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob on the grill. We have plenty. There are drinks in the cooler. Make yourself at home, baby," She says and then walks over to Dylan. He leans down to allow her to kiss his cheek and pull him in for a hug, "Hey, Momma." Aunt Las and Brie show up moments later, toting a dish of buffalo chicken dip. We walk outside on the patio together; Nova has it set up looking so fun and entertaining. There were tables lined up in the yard with checkered tablecloths and metal chairs. There's a man at the grill who looks up as he notices us gathering on the patio. He waves the tongs in the air as we approach. He's an older gentleman, small build, salt, and pepper hair; he wears sunglasses and a tank top with shorts with brown sandals. Dylan takes my hand as he introduces me, "Hey Earl. Meet my girlfriend, Mariah. Mariah, this is my Mom's boyfriend, Earl." He nods, "Pleasure to meet ya, darlin. Heard a lot about you, but we won't hold anything against ya," He says jokingly. "Nice to meet you, Earl," I respond as I flash a shy grin. Brie and Las set up the food they brought on the table closest to the house. Dylan stays and talks with Earl for a minute as I walk over to visit Aunt Las and Brie, "It's so nice back here," I tell them. "Yeah, it sure is. Nova and I take turns having BBQs all summer. It sure is a beautiful day," Aunt Las responds. I can feel a hand on my hip as Aunt Las looks over my shoulder, "Hey darlin, how are you?" She asks. "I'm awesome!" Dylan responds as he kisses my neck, wrapping his hands around my waist. He looks up at Aunt Las, grinning, "You?" She smiles from ear to ear, "I'm doing good too. You two are awfully cute together." Brie smiles as she rolls her eyes, "It would be nice if you two came up for air once in a while." Dylan presses his cheek against mine as Nova carries out a tray of dishes filled with macaroni salad and coleslaw, "Earl, food bout ready?" She hollers. He waves the tongs at her as he plates up the hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn. About that time, Seth arrives with Norma. Dylan walks over to greet them, pulling Norma in for a hug. Norma spots me over his shoulder and excitedly throws her hands up in the air. I walk over to greet her with a hug, "Hi sweetheart; I missed you!" she says. "I missed you too, Miss Norma." "Okay, y'all, ready to eat?!" Nova hollers out as she turns on the stereo, playing country music. The sound of Hank Williams Jr. playing over the speakers gets everyone in the mood to party. We all fill our plates with food and sit down to eat. Dylan sits next to me, grabbing my thigh between bites as I would periodically reach behind him to scratch his back. Brie is right; we can't come up for air. As I finish off my plate of food, Dylan takes notice, "You were hungry, baby," He says as he playfully nudges me. "Yeah, I guess so. Everything tastes so good. I couldn't help it." Nova looks pleased, "Dessert?" she asks me. "Of course! I'd love it." She runs inside and brings a dish of something moments later, "Can I cut you a slice of pie, Mariah? Dylan? Anybody?" she asks. Willingly, we all nod our heads as she cuts everyone a slice of pie. I nudge Dylan as we see what type of pie it is, peach pie. He smiles from ear to ear, "Peach Pie, Momma, my favorite!" Seth grins at us, shaking his head from side to side. I'm assuming Dylan has already filled him in on the inside joke. Brie raises her brow at us curiously. By the time I've finished the pie, I'm nearly in a food coma; I'm so stuffed. We have a great evening enjoying each other's company. As it begins to get dark, we chip in to help Nova clean up. I notice Miss Norma yawning as she sits on the patio swing. Aunt Las approaches her, "Miss Norma, Brie, and I are leaving. Do you want me to drop you off at the Center on my way?" She nods, "That would be lovely. Thank you, Loretta." Miss Norma, Aunt Las, and Brie bid farewell to everyone. Dylan, Seth, and I follow close behind. Once Seth climbs in his truck and takes off, Dylan starts with the foreplay, running his hand down my inner thigh as we pull out of the drive.  
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