
974 Words
Ziruk comes back a few hours later and he has servants carry in crates, and quite a few were so heavy it took three of his demons to carry them. When they were done they all left quietly. Ziruk stalks over to the bed where I'm chained down in. “Here’s what's going down. I’ve already warned you that I would punish you if you fell in love with your charge, which you did. So, I’m going to hold you till I find myself in a forgiving mood. The more you desire to act out, the less of a chance you will get out of here soon. Just so you know, you will be in more pain this time” “Okay. I understand. I also acknowledge that you knew and know the outcome for all of this. You knew I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with Kie. Just like you know that I have powers that make a mockery of my master’s powers. So, do your worst. I will just survive and overthrow you.” He gives me a look of grudging respect. Then he starts to pull out the items in the crates. One held nothing but blades. Another holds only s****l torture devices. In a third is a ton of hard rock and heavy metal music, mostly because he listens to these when he tortures someone. But it still goes on, Ziruk unloading the crates until they are all empty. Then, he just stares at me. “What? Do I have something in my teeth?” I ask sarcastically. “No, you have the marks of passion on your face.” Ooookay, the demon has some serious issues. Ziruk shakes his head and grins at me before he picks up a knife. It is three inches long with a picture of a demon fighting a dragon on the handle. The blade was made of Demon Iron. It also has an inscription on the blade in Motem Anima: The demon of the Highest Order Must fight Shadows After the horrors of fun and games He will defeat the being of Fire When he gets closer to me, Ziruk touches the blade to my cheek. A quick flick of his wrist and I have a cut that will scar. He does this all the way down the left side of my body. Then, he goes to the brazier that has red coals with iron rods sticking out of them. Ziruk pulls on a thick leather glove and pulls one of the brands out. He carefully glides over to the bed he has me in. Then, carefully, lays the brand on my foot and moves it up, like he did with the knife. This continues for days. He adds more tortures by the hour. One was rape or pimping me out to his friends and the demons who hate me the most in this realm. “Are you awake?” Ziruk asks as he walks into the room. “No, I'm in a coma. What’s on today’s agenda? A lovely walk in the Central Park? Or a swim in the river Styx?” “Funny. I’m going to start letting other demons in. Then, I’m going to let the gods in, and the list will go on. I’m getting you ready for your first client.” I close my eyes. Wishing for Xix, a demon drug. It's so potent that it lasts for weeks after taking one hit. “Get through two clients and I’ll give you your hit of Xix,” Ziruk bargains. “Deal, Ziruk.” He nods and gives me an aphrodisiac. Then, unties me and goes to open the door for the first demon couple, a male and female duo. Ziruk looks back at me, “They count as one. The next client will be in five hours.” I glare back at him as the couple walks into the room and starts taking off their clothes. The male walks over to start kissing me. After a few minutes of repulsing kisses, the drug starts to kick in. The female struts over to the bed and starts nipping at my chest. She moves up to my ear. “Eat me,” She whispers. She lays down on her back beside me and spreads her legs. The man moves off and shoves me down the female’s body. He thrusts my face down into the triangle between her legs. They stayed with me for four hours before Ziruk tells them I have to get ready for the next client. As soon as they leave, I walk to the bathroom and get a cup of water to rinse out my mouth before climbing under the hot water. I scrub so hard that I start bleeding. When I get out, Ziruk is setting at the desk, doing paperwork. I glare at him before moving to stand in front of him. He looks up and quirks an eyebrow at my actions. “What are you doing, boy?” he questions. “I’m waiting for my new orders…Ziruk,” I quip. He smirks and sits back, “Are you now? Well, your next client is coming in ten minutes, so go get ready for him.” I grit my teeth, “Fine.” I stalk back to the bed and get myself ready for the next client. After eight minutes, Ziruk comes into the room and starts to undress. I quirk my eyebrow. “What are you doing, dearest Ziruk?” I snark. “What does it look like? I’m getting ready for my turn of your ass.” “Oh, like hell!” I yell.
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