
1375 Words
When the ceremony is done, I lay on my bed, panting. Watching Ziruk leave my room. “Chris, are you ok?” Fane asks. “Chris, are you insane?” asks Rexx. “You i***t. He’ll kill you!” Cho yells. I nod in response to all of those. Because I can't talk just yet. “We will talk about this, Chris,” Jaden finally says. I just close my eyes and let the blackness of unconsciousness take me away. Three months later, I walk into Ziruk’s house. I nod in his direction. “Hello, Chris. Nice to see you again,” Ziruk says, “Remember the rules. My name being one of them.” “Okay, Ziruk.” His fist flew at my face and connected in a flash. “You will be in a world of pain if you don't learn. You will soon. Let's go back to your bed. There is already something in it.” He drags me to “my bed” while I struggle, and I find a gigantic demon lying there. Waiting, just like Ziruk said. I am popped home a week later. I just lay on my floor where I was dropped. Using my abilities, I soundproof my room and seal my door. I start to silently weep. I hear, a few hours after I am finished crying, “Chris I’m coming in.” Looking up, I see Jaden coming in through the door I’d unlocked an hour ago. “What’s up, Jaden?” I ask. “We need to help you get out of your agreement,” he says as he glances at my injuries, or lack thereof. “No, he will hurt you. Don't risk it for me. None of you, okay?” “No,” Jaden says, “it's not okay. Everyone feels sick at what he is doing to you. Especially, since we are the reasons that you agreed to it.” I say, defeated, “I know. But there is nothing we can do. He’ll just hurt all of us eventually.” “Fine. You should go talk to everyone. We know you just came back from Ziruk’s and they all need to know you are okay. Kie has been crying all week. She really needs to see you,” Jaden says. I nod and get up. We walk to the kitchen where everyone has gathered. Fane looks up and whispers, “Holy gods! What did he do? If you're not bruised, what did he do?” I shake my head and look for Kie. She has slipped down in her seat in the corner of the room. I start walking toward her. She shivers -- like she can feel my gaze on her. “Kie, how are you?” I gently ask her. “I’m fine. What about you?” She asks fearfully. “I’m alright, physically. Your lying to me, Kie. No more lies between us, okay, Kie?” I whisper to her. She nods, and I reach down to grab her hand. She reaches up to meet my hand halfway. Kie says, “Chris, I’ve been thinking about your problem with Ziruk.” “Oh, what about it?” I ask. “How to get you away from him. He’s hurting you. It's our fault he got to you. We all feel helpless and hopeless when you go spend your week with him. We all want to help. So, we spend the week brainstorming.” “K, there isn't a thing you guys can do. Trust me. I’ve thought a lot about it too. I know you all feel bad, but there is nothing that can be done that wouldn't break the bargain. Everyone in this room knows what the consequences are. I’ve already explained them to you.” Fane interrupts, “Yes, but what about the transference ceremony. Someone can take your place for a limited time. The rules would still apply afterwards. Ziruk can't touch any of us.” “No, he will try to break everyone. Even taking it easy his torture would break the strongest will eventually.” Jaden quietly says, “Including you. You have the strongest personality I've ever met. You know just how long the time has been too. I saw you after the last imprisonment. Another one like that and we will never get you back. We all know this. And we are scared for you. All of us.” “I know, brother, I know. But I can't put anyone else in this position to save myself.” “Jaden,” Kie says slowly, thinking, “What would he do if he had a woman instead of a man?” “Rape, mainly. Perhaps some cutting and burning. But mostly that first heinous act. And he will pass the woman to his demons and pets. Why?” Jaden asks. Rexx looks at Kie closely, “Don't think about it, girl. He would eat you alive.” I say grimly, “K, please for me, don't go through with this plan of yours. Whoever implanted it will get their ass handed to them.” “Chris, something needs to be done. I thought of it by myself. No one helped. Plus, I can protect myself for a week or two and that is better than what I endure when you are with this vile man. Chris, I’ve set my mind to this. You can't change it and you know this.” I bow my head. I did know this. With a deep sorrowful sigh, I say, “I’ll contact Ziruk. After this, none of you will interfere with this.” I look at each of them, see them nod their heads. Everyone except for Jaden. “I can't,” Jaden grimly says, “I can't stay away from him anymore than you can. Ziruk has us bound together. Remember?” “Each for the other and never apart. I remember the code,” I say. “Yes,” he says, “each for the other and never apart. I’ll be at your back for the rest of eternity.” Ziruk met Jaden, Kie, Fane and I two hours later at an abandoned church. Which is neutral ground. We each have two witnesses K and I have Fane and Jaden. Ziruk has Rade and a demon that has used and tortured me, Nuru. “Let us get this done. Kie, do you know what you are doing? Is it of your own free will?” Ziruk asks. “Yes, I know and willingly do this. You?” Kie replies. “Yes,” Ziruk acknowledges. They each have a silver knife. Each of them walks up to their witnesses to cut their left palm above a potion. Five drops each, then my turn. I walk, alone, to them. I pull out my own silver knife and cut a long wound down my right forearm. Kie licks my blood up my arm first. One, only, for the one week agreed upon. Ziruk follows her going the exact opposite direction on my wound. Instead of up, he goes down. The ceremony is done. Kie walks down the path, following Ziruk. As they disappear, I sink on the ground praying to the gods. Especially the one of mercy. We all need his help most of all. A week later, I walk into Ziruk’s office to pick up Kie. She stares up at me with a black eye and split lip. “What happened to her?” I ask Ziruk. “I beat her. She was speared anything else. She has lived happily since her beating. Christopher, you are free of our bargain. My end being upheld anyway. Have a good life, my boy.” I nod and gather Kie into my arms. I flash us home. Everyone is there to help her. She whispers to me later, “Thank you. I love you, Chris. Always will.” I smile at her, “I love you too, Baby Girl. Love you too.”
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