2118 Words

CHAPTER SIXTEEN With the wind on her face, Dani hung off the side of the cable car later that day. She enjoyed Bryce’s “plans.” Who was she kidding? She didn’t care what they did as long as they were together. The driver clanged the bell. And, like the old song her mother loved to sing, her heartstrings went zing. For Bryce. She couldn’t help herself. And that was...okay. As she leaned farther away, he tightened his hand around her waist. Always the protector. Dani didn’t mind today. She glanced back at him. “I can’t believe you were born in San Francisco and have never ridden a cable car. That’s downright criminal.” He shrugged. “What can I say? I’ve never played tourist in my own town.” “You have no idea what you’re missing.” “I see that now.” She grinned, staring up at the ov

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