Siblings bond

1234 Words
Bianca. The morning sun rose, casting patterns of light on the forest floor behind our home. I stood at the edge of the clearing, my mind filled with conflicting emotions. I pondered why my mother insisted on deciding who I would marry. Lost in thought, I sensed a presence behind me. “Who’s there?” I asked, turning around. “Who else, sis?” a familiar voice said. “Brother!” I exclaimed, rushing to him and enveloping him in a hug. “You’re back.” “Yes, I am back, sister. How are you?” “I’m fine,” I replied, inhaling his familiar scent. Daniel stroked my hair gently before speaking. “What brings you here?” I sighed, uncertain whether to tell him or not. “What’s on your mind, Bianca?” “It’s Mother,” I explained. “What happened? Did she hurt you?” “No. I wish she had,” I admitted. “What she did was beyond that.” He gently pulled me closer, his eyes filled with concern. “What happened?” “Brother, Mom told me she would be the one to decide whom I marry,” I complained. “She won’t allow me to meet my mate.” “What!” he exclaimed. “Why would she do that?” “I don’t know,” I answered, tears threatening to spill. “I can’t believe her,” he stated, pulling me into a comforting embrace. I leaned into him, seeking solace. “She’s out to destroy me, Dan.” “I will make sure she doesn’t decide for you,” he vowed. “You deserve to be with your true mate.” “What can we do? We both know Father loves and trusts her,” I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. “He’ll believe anything Mother says.” “I know, but trust me, I’ll try my best to ensure you’re with your mate.” “Thank you, Brother.” Daniel’s presence beside me offered a sense of solace. His hand was warm against mine as we stood there quietly. I felt the weight of my mother’s expectations pressing down on me. Should I tell him how I feel about him? No. He’d think I was crazy. How could I think that my brother was my mate if I wasn’t crazy? Telling him would only make him run away from me. I stole glances at him, wondering if he could sense the turmoil raging within me. Could he possibly feel the same way? “Are you still thinking about Mother?” he asked. “No,” I quickly replied, masking my true feelings. I must be going crazy. No, I am crazy. We were still there when a guard suddenly came to tell him that the prince needed him in the palace. “I’ll be right back, baby girl,” he stated, kissing me on my forehead. “I’ll be waiting for you, brother.” After Daniel left, I headed back to my room. *** Alone in my dimly lit room, I lay on my bed, feeling the weight of my brother’s sudden departure. He was summoned to the palace this morning, leaving me alone and heartbroken. “Hello, baby girl.” Daniel’s voice broke through the silence as he entered the room. “You’re back, Daniel,” I beamed. “Yes, I’m back. How are you?” “I’m fine,” I responded, sitting upright on the bed. “I thought that you would be coming home late.” He approached me, moving closer, before caressing my hair. “Hehe. No, I am back early because of you. I miss you.” “Really?” I scoffed. “If you truly miss me, you should come home more often.” He chuckled, and I couldn’t help but admire the sound. Daniel was tall and handsome, with a strong jaw and a confident smile. His dark brown hair was neatly trimmed, and his captivating blue eyes could make anyone swoon. Why did he seem even more handsome today? Why was I suddenly noticing these things about him? It was unlike me. “What’s wrong?” I inquired. “Did I say something funny, brother?” “No. Just enjoying your company,” he retorted, gently touching the tip of my nose. “You always light up the room.” “I’ve always been the charming one,” I stated with a playful smile, folding my hands together. “I know, my darling sister.” Daniel sat beside me, pulling me to his chest. “I do miss you. What about you?” “I miss you too, brother.” It had been a long time since I had seen Daniel. He was always busy with training because he was next in line to be the beta. Despite his busy schedule, he had always been a good brother to me. “What about Mother?” he inquired, and I couldn’t help but scoff at the mention of her. I sighed. “I wish I could escape her. I have been coping with her for all these years, but now she is forcing me to marry someone she is going to choose.’“ “Where would you go?” he demanded, concern in his voice. “Do you even need to ask, brother? Anywhere away from here,” I replied bitterly. “This is your home.” “Does this place feel like home, brother? Mother makes my life a living hell,” I complained. “You’re so lucky that you get to leave home and escape from her daily torture and nagging.” He sighed as I complained bitterly about our mother. “I will help you, Bianca,” he muttered, running his hand through my hair. I wondered why my brother always loved stroking my hair. “You don’t have to worry.” “My only hope is to find my mate and escape this place,” I confessed. “I won’t hesitate to leave with my mate.” “What about me?” Daniel asked. I pulled away to meet his gaze. “What about you? I don’t understand you.” “Will you be leaving me for your mate?” He requested softly. “Ha. You don’t have to think like that, brother. Why would I abandon you because of my mate? I will always keep in touch with you,” I said without hesitating, pulling him back into a tight hug. “You’re the best brother anyone could ask for.” “Aww.” He blushed. “I can’t wait to meet your mate as well,” I added with a smile on my face. “I wonder who the lucky girl is who’s going to have a nice and caring mate like you.” Daniel blushed at my words, showing he must also be searching for his mate. “We can’t say for sure,” he announced. “We’ll be reaching the mating age soon, and I’ll be meeting my Lycan wolf. Finding my mate won’t be difficult for me after meeting my wolf.” “This time, you will be able to meet your wolf and your mate,” I mumbled. “I can’t wait to see both your Lycan wolf and your mate.” As we talked, a familiar voice interrupted us, and my heart sank.
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