Back to the kingdom

1815 Words
Daniel “Who the heck are you?” “Easy, man. It’s me,” the voice replied. “Finn, why did you do that?” He sighed and tapped me on the shoulder. “Didn’t you hear her voice? She’s inside my room.” Oh. I understood why he did that. It was because of her. “She’s in my room.” “I know,” I muttered. “I can hear her voice.” “I wonder what the alpha is teaching his daughter,” he exclaimed angrily. “Is he teaching them how to sleep with a man?” I could only stare at him. “Tell me, Daniel. What should I do to her?” “I don’t know, Finn,” I whispered, almost to myself. “Her sister was just in my room. She nearly forced herself to sleep with me.” “What!” He exclaimed. “You mean Anna?” “Yes. She went as far as to claim herself as my mate.” “What the heck! I can see that it runs in their blood,” he replied with a sigh. “I am glad I didn’t walk into Cassie’s trap.” “How are you going to pack your things?” I asked, having had enough of all the drama. All I wanted to do was go home and see my sister, my beloved sister. She must have grown more. “What are you thinking, Dan?” Finn inquired, jerking me out of my thoughts. “Huh! What are you saying?” He laughed loudly, tapping my head. “You must be thinking about your sister again.” I blushed. “Yes. I can’t wait to see her.” “If people see you blushing, they might think you’re talking and thinking about your partner, not knowing it’s your sister. I envy you,” he whispered. “You’re so sucky.” “Thank you, but she is my sister and not my mate.” “I know. I know,” he muttered. “I know your sister can’t be your mate.” “I think we should stop talking about her and focus on our current situation,” I advised. “What do you think we should do about that pervert in your room?” “What should I do?” He questioned. “I think you should help me get my bags.” “What! I should do what?” “Go get my bags,” he responded. “I’m sure she won’t do anything to you.” “Really?” “Yes, she won’t. She isn’t interested in you, but in me.” “I don’t think we should do that,” I asserted. “What if her sister is in there with her?” “Hehe. Are you scared? Don’t tell me you are.” I scoffed and stared at the person who was making fun of me. “If you are not scared, then you should go get your bag yourself.” “I am not scared,” he added. “I am only scared because I could beat her to death if she tries to touch me. You know I hate people touching me.” Finn was a neat freak and disliked being touched by people, except for me and Scott. Scott was the only other person allowed to touch him. Despite being Deta’s son, Scott was not able to participate in the training due to his father’s rank in the pack as the third in command. “Okay, I will help you out this time. I will be back.” “Thank you.” He smiled. My heart weighed heavily as I took each step. The closer I approached his room, the colder I felt. I prayed and hoped she wasn’t there because I had already dealt with enough of her drama. Upon reaching his doorstep, I knocked on the door. With no response, I knocked again. Opening the door gently, I was met with darkness. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she was gone. “Why are you just coming now?” the voice asked. I stopped in my tracks, processing what was going to happen. I couldn’t run because I was already inside the room. “You kept me waiting here?” In a flash, she hugged me. “Are you thinking of rejecting me, Finn?” “Wait, I think you are mistaken,” I asserted, switching on the light. “I am not the prince, but his beta.” “Ahh!” she screamed, covering herself with her hands as soon as I turned on the light. “Goddess. Is this how you were taught?” They were truly sisters. She was here, naked, waiting for the prince. “You...” she stammered, quickly dressing up. “Why are you here?” She opened the door, searching the whole place. “Where is the prince?” “The prince isn’t here,” I announced. “You should go back.” “Are you kidding me? Who the bloody hell are you to tell me to go back?” she screamed. This was what I was running for? Her screams could alert her sister. “Shut up,” I commanded with a roar. “Or do you need me to shut it for you?” She opened her mouth, surprised by my sudden outburst. “Are you seriously asking me to shut up?” she demanded, coming closer to me. She grabbed the hem of my clothes, pushing me against the wall. “According to Lycan rules, I am of higher nobility than you. You should speak to me with respect and bow your head whenever you see me.” Did I hear her correctly? “Hehe, he.” “Why are you laughing?” she inquired. I shoved her away before straightening my clothes. “I won’t say you’re crazy.” I glanced at her. “Your pack is under our kingdom, so you’re not nobler than me. You should go back and learn the pack rules instead of slutting your way to the prince’s bed.” She roared. “I will remember this day well. After I become the prince’s wife, I will make you suffer,” she vowed. “You can never be the prince’s wife,” I mocked. “A shameless and senseless girl won’t be able to rule beside the prince as his wife. Get out of my way. I have better things to do.” I ignored her and began packing the clothes. After I was done, I opened the door and gave her one last mocking look. “You lost!” I sneered. “Go find your mate and marry him instead of dreaming of becoming the queen. Wake up from your fantasy.” With that, I slammed the door shut. “How was it?” He inquired immediately when I reached him. “That girl is even more stubborn than her sister, Anna,” I muttered. “She’s so arrogant and bitchy. I wonder who her mate will be.” I eyed him suspiciously. “Her mate can never be me. Stop thinking nonsense,” he fired back. “Let’s go.” “What about the Alpha? Shouldn’t we inform him about our leave?” “You don’t have to stress yourself about that. I already did.” “Okay.” I walked beside him as we headed to where the car was parked. We were given a car and a driver. “My prince,” the driver greeted with a bow. “Rise, Alan. Let’s go.” He opened the car’s backside for us, and we hopped in. Our drive was quiet, as we hardly talked. All that was on my mind was her. In my eyes, I thought Alan was driving slowly. “Can you speed up, Alan?” “What!” he exclaimed. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?” “No, I think he is driving slowly,” I whispered. “No, he is not. Don’t worry. We will soon be there, Dan.” We were still on our way when we encountered something on the road. “What is it?” I asked as soon as Alan made a stop. “We have a visitor,” he announced, turning on the car’s full light. There were six of them. Their eyes were glowing, and they exuded evil. They harbored an indescribable bloodlust, out for blood and killing. Their sheer size and sharp claws made them formidable enemies. Their smell reached my nose, and it was disgusting. I turned around and looked at Finn, who had a sly smile plastered on his lips. He was clearly enjoying the situation, and I couldn’t help but grin back. He was eager to fight. The atmosphere was tense. “Shall we, Daniel?” He smiled, opening the door. “Yes.” I was as eager as him. “Let’s go get them.” “Stay inside the car, Alan. We will be back.” They snarled and howled, wanting to make us feel scared. Without hesitation, Finn rushed to them, digging his hand into one of their hearts and tearing it out. “Hmm,” he sniffed, a mocking tone dancing in his voice. “So disgusting. I thought they could send more powerful opponents to me,” he complained, his eyes flashing red. He glared at the other rogues, who trembled in fear. Their hands were shaking as his lips curled into a snarl. “What is this? Sending trash to kill me.” Without wasting his time, he took down another one. “Ha, he is a m—” Before he could complete his statement, he was down. “Are you done, Daniel?” He asked, wiping his hand. “Yes,” I replied, removing the napkin from my chest. I wiped my hands clean. “Good,” he muttered, throwing away his napkin. “Let’s go.” We entered the car and began our journey back to the kingdom. It was morning when we reached our pack. “I need to get going,” I retorted, opening the door. “I wonder what will happen if you get to meet your mate. Will you choose your sister over your mate?” he demanded with a sneer. “Don’t say it like that.” I shut the door as I headed to my house. Our house wasn’t far from the king’s house. Due to my father’s position in the kingdom, we enjoyed the same privileges as the king. I was on my way when I saw a familiar figure. My world instantly lit up as I walked towards her. “Who is there?” she asked, turning around. Her eyes brimmed with joy as soon as she saw me. “Brother.”
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