35 - After party affects

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Lily Where the hell was Mel and Macey? I looked around to catch a glimpse of Macey and Colt walking away. Why the hell was that jerk up to? He better not hurt my friend or he’ll have no genitalia’s. A shadow overcast me, great can’t I have time alone I’m drunk and I know if I make one dumb move I’ll regret it. I hadn’t spoken to Rhys in the past few days. He'd been busy at work with meetings and s**t so I hadn’t had a chance to tell him my final grades and about the party; so if I screw up tonight I’m in deep s**t. “So how’s the party so far?” I looked up at him, great what is he doing here? “Good until I saw your face.” “Now don’t be like that angel.” He said, sitting beside me. When will this guy get the hint that I'm not interested? “Why are you here? Haven't you got a party to go to or something?’ “I have tomorrow. Tonight I’m all yours.” “Great.” “Oh I forgot to introduce you to my friends; Matty, Chester and last but not least Hamilton.” I smiled politely. “Nice to meet you chick.” “You too I hope to god that you’re not like him.” They laughed. “God no he’s the worst.” “Great another Addi. What have I done to deserve this?!” They all laughed. “Whose Addi?” “Oh Addison is my twin brother jerk who thinks he can bed any girl he wants.” “Guess you’ve got some comp Nico?” He glared at them angrily. I don’t think it was helping him to get inside me. I laughed. “I’m sorry to disappoint you guys but I already have a boyfriend.” “That won't stop him will it Nico?” He glared at them angrily changing the subject. “So where are your two friends?” I pointed in the opposite direction. “Macey is with Colt, a guy in my year and f**k knows where Mel is.” “We’ll keep you company until they come back.” “You don’t have to go mingle and have fun you don’t want to hand with me all night.” “Sure coming Nico?” “No. I’ll stay here, you guys carry on.” They wiggled their eyebrows. “We’ll come back in an hour tops.” “Sure have fun.” “Oh we will,” he winked and they all strutted away. great I was left with the Casanova. “You could’ve gone, I wouldn't have minded.” “No. I’m cool staying here with you, it gives us a chance to get to know one another.” “So what do you want to know?” “Everything.” I smiled. We spoke like we were old friends I had began to relax around him when all of a sudden I saw a shadow running towards us. “Hey isn’t that your friend?” She sped past us. “Yes it is s**t. I’ll be right back.” I pulled myself up and ran after her. What the hell? Mel The tears flew down my face. I couldn’t see where I was going. I couldn't even hear his muffled voice shouting for me to come back. I couldn’t believe what he’d just said “f**k Mel you’re a natural I have a proposal for you.” I looked at him. I was still dazed he f****d me so my times I’d lost count I’d tried to stop it but had failed and just let him take why he wanted cause I knew he wouldn’t want anything more from me I was a one nighter like the rest. “I want to have you everyday Mel I want to duck your brains out til you see stars I won’t to make you come so fuckimg hard you’ll be begging me to stop. I want you as my personal f**k toy until I say otherwise what do you think?” I glared at him. What do I say? What do I say?” He smiled at me looking hopeful. “f**k you!” I pulled away from him. “To ever think I could have ever liked someone like you!” “Come on babe it’s jsut sex.” “Yeah and that’s all it will ever be to you.” I walked away. “Come on Mel.” “Leave me alone.” He grabbed me, pulling me close to him. “I know you want this as much as I do.’ He smashed his lips on mine kissing me roughly. I pulled away. “f**k you!” I ran out of the hut having no idea when the hell I was or where the hell I was going. I just knew I had to get away from him. “Come back Mel, we can talk about this!” No we can’t, cause I’ll cave in and regret every moment of it. “Mel, come back now!” I ignored him, continuing to run through the woods and hopefully back to the party and tell my friends I needed to get the hell out of there. I ran so fast I didn’t even see Lilly as she shouted to me. I continued to run till my Eed legs gave up on me and my head was spinning as I fell to the frying blacking out. Lilly Why the hell? I ran towards Mel. Nico and I had seen it all, why was she running and where from? Or more importantly, who from? She dropped to the ground. She was never one for confrontation. It freaked her the hell out causing her to have a mini panic attack but this was much worse when I found out who did this to her i would break every bone. I kneeled down “Mel honey are you okay?” I turned her over into the recovery position. Her face was wet with tears now I knew someone had done this to her. I was fuming, but I had to keep my cool. “What’s wrong with her?” “Panic attack.” “I’ll call an ambulance.” I nodded and kept talking to her. Macey and Colt ran up to us looking flustered. “Oh my god.” “What happened to her?” He asked, concerned. “She’s had a panic attack.” “Are you sure Lil? She hasn’t had one since well since that guy cornered her two years ago.” “I’m positive she ran passed me, she never acknowledged me shouting at her and she dropped. She’s out cold.” “Holy s**t her olds are going to spew. She has meds for it.” “Shit.” I muttered that I never saw her take them before we headed out. She was supposed to take them to keep her from this happening, but she wanted to have a good time like the rest of us and have a few drinks. We're in so much s**t. “The ambulance is on its way.” “Thanks Nico.” He smiled. “No problem angel.” Macey looked at me to ask what the hell he was doing there, I looked at her to say I’ll tell you later. “I’m going to kill the bastard that did this to her!” Colt looked down at his feet looking everywhere but us. I looked strangely at him. “What’s wrong Colt or have you got something that you’d like to share?” He shook his head. “Nope nothing at all.” He couldn’t even look at me, he was looking kinda shady. “Don’t bullshit me, Colt if you know something tell me now!” “He said he didn’t know anything. He was with me.” Since when did Macey stick up for this doodle bag? “Addi said he was going to pick her up at the party.” “Addi as in my brother Addi?” He looked down at the ground again and nodded. “I’m sorry Lily we tried to stop him he wouldn’t listen he was determined to have another notch on his bedpost and him knowing she liked him drove him more.” “Who the f**k told him?” “We all knew Lilly. He took that as his chance to bang her.” “He’s f*****g dead you play boys need to keep your f*****g d***s to yourselves and stay the f**k away from my f*****g freinds!” The ambulance pulled up and came over asking us questions checking Mel out before they got her onto the stretcher. Me and Matt joined her in the ambulance. “I’ll meet you down the hospital.” “There’s no need Nico go and find your friends I’m sure they're looking for you.” “I don’t mind, honest.” “Thanks for everything Nico. Just go and enjoy yourself.” “Let me know how she is.” “I will, thanks again.” He smiled as the doors of the ambulance closed. It pulled away and the paramedic kept checking on her vitals until we got to the hospital where we were told to wait in the waiting room while they did tests. We nodded, sitting down as the wheeled Mel away. “I hope she’s going to be okay.” “Me too. I can’t believe this is my brothers’ fault.” “She went with him, Lil.” “I know, but for her to have an attack something bad must have happened.” She nodded in agreement. “So care to tell me why that dude from the shopping center was at our leavers party?” “He just turned up.” “I thought he had better things to do?” “He did.” “How did he know where we were?” “Good question, like why the hell were you with Colt?” She flushed oh no please no. “He asked me out and I said yes.” “You said yes to the biggest player and the biggest slut in the school?” “I did and he’s not that first to your brother.” “True,” I can’t believe he went after Mel. He knew the code to never go with your siblings' BFF ever! And he’d done exactly that, he’s so f*****g dead when I get home.
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