Addison And Nico

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Addison I hate that guy I mean truly hate that guy. If he thinks he’s going to take my sister away from me he’s got another thing coming, he’s at least five years older than her and to be quite frank it’s disgusting to watch. I know my mom is at lest ten years younger than Jayden but we’ve known him since we were six years old when my dad was dumb enough to cheat on my mom. I hated him for it despite what’s Lily thinks. I hated him so much for hurting my mom and putting her through everythng shenwent through whilst we were growing up. He had no right to do all the shoot he did to try and win her back. We really liked Tyler and he was the best guy for our mom when Jayden was inside for something that wasn’t his doing, everyone thought it was something to do with my dad to get Jayden out of the way so he could worm his way back into our mother’s life and ours. We guessed this was true when he tried to come between Tyler and our mother, which he did eventually and Tyler decided that it was best for them to separate and have joint custody of Izzy. Instead of trying to fight a losing battle. All I know is he and my father come to blows and they ended up in a full blown punching frenzie along with my uncle Toby. Toby hated him that much. They were all best friends once then came my mother Tyler had a crush on her and my father decided to puss him off by gunning fo her and making her his girl. My father was a bad boy in his time, he had all the girls after him but he chose my mother out of all them and got her up the duff and well here we are sixteen years later me and Lily. He f****d up when we were five cause he was jelous of Jayden for f**k sake he was her boss but dad was dumb and f****d moms enemy then the s**t hit the fan big time. Mom threw all his belongings out and key cut his car before we all ended up at Jayden's house, or should I say mansion and that’s where we all are now, in this f****d up family revealing more secrets. This morning I slipped the warning note into his car. I bet he’s wondering how and who put it in there? Well let me tell you one simple thing. I'm a computer genius. It will take the best security that even I can’t hack into to stop me. “Hey babe.” Carmella said, kissing my cheek sitting next to me. She’s a dumb blond thst bleived snythgn you say and she’s so fuckign plastic it’s unreal. Yes I’m a player and everyone knows it. Even this dumb b***h but she doesn’t care. “Hey.” ‘“How’s things on the home front?” She asks, she’s the only hook up I trust to tell my secrets to, not even my friends know them. “Same s**t different day. He’s really starting to piss me off. If he thinks he can have my sister he’s got another thing coming.” “Is he really that bad Addi?” “Worse his company is one of the top ten companies apart from my fathers and know they'll try anything to take my fathers business off him they’re that sly.” “Have you found out anything about him yet?” “Nope, Christian vis trying his best but he’s liek a f*****g ghost.” She nodded. Chris is her older brother and is s**t hot at hacking and knowing basically everything about everyone but this guy is liek a ghost and no one seems to know s**t about him, but we will eventually and when we do the s**t is going to hit the pan big time. I leaned forward. “So how’s about we you know?” I said wriggling my eyebrows. “We can’t do that here Addi, it's a public place we’ll get arrested!”she gasped. I smirked shes so f*****g naive. “I meant anywhere babe. My parents are in so how about yours?” She smiles wickedly. “Everyone’s out Chris won’t be home til late and our parents are on a business trip.” “Perfect.”I purred, kissing her softly. “Let’s go.” She giggled and nodded. We pulled ourselves up. I took her hand and we walked away heading for her parents townhouse. ~ I pushed her against the door smashing my lips on hers, kissing her hungrily. She moaned into my mouth she knew that s**t tuned me on I’m so f*****g hard right now. I wrapped her legs around me plunging my tongue into her mouth and my c**k inside her. She moaned louder as I thrusted slowly as she got louder. I lost my s**t and began pounding harder and faster. God she’s so f*****g tight I thought as I continued pulogn otu and slamming back into her making her se]cream louder that’s it princess c*m all over my d**k. She shook around me and came undone I pulled out my c*m shot f*****g everywhere shirt I really needed to use a f*****g condom instead of getting carried away. Nico I can’t wait until I finally get into college and put this dump behind me today we are getting our results and to br honest I can’t f*****g wait though I’m somewhat of a bad boy I’m quiet clever snd want to go far in life. I’m attending Gracewood Academy we’re not far from Rosewood Academy. I hear there’s hot girls there and I might actually get to meet some when I get to Ash Wood College. It’s a little out, but at least we’ll get transport and all my close friends will be with me we’re going to rock the place we’re all equally as bad as one another bad boys to the bone. There’ll be loads of chicks there for all of us to pray on. I can’t wait. We all made our way through the sea of students here to ge their results. Once we’d all picked them up and we’d loked at them we was planing on having a litlte get togehter at mine mom and dad were away and f**k knows where Rhys was. He was pining over some chick that was way too young for him but he didn’t give a s**t. “So how did it go,” I smirked. “I got the grades I needed. What about you Landon?” He grinned. “Same bro.” We fist pumped as the others joined us starting their results. “Party time!” ‘Hell yeah!” ~ The house was buzzing, the music loud and lots and lots of booze and spliff, loads of girls, we were all wasted. I’d managed to sneak up stairs with my next victim and last before college started I really needed to knuckle down I wanted to to be any part of my dad’s business. Rhys had taken over from our mother at Colton Enterprises. So it seemed to make sense to work at my fathers once I graduated from Uni. I jsut needed to proove to everyone I could knuckle down and proove them all wrong that I would never get anywhere with my attitude of f**k the world I don’t owe it any favours. I pulled Sereina into the bedroom and pressed my lips on hers kissing her with tongue as we frantically took our clothes off laying in the bed. I wrapped her legs around me and I entered her hard and fast fuckign her into oblivion. ~ “Mmmh.” I stired as I felt her lips around my c**k licking my tip turning me on f**k. “Nico waht the f*****g hell happend last night it looks like a bomb dropped off.” Fuck he’d home. “Babe you going to have to stay siril and keep your sexy tongue and mouth to yourself okay?’ She nodded. Fuck, if she keeps ding thst I’m going to c*m. “Nico I’m coming in snd I don’t give a f**k if you’ve got company or not!” Shit f**k he sounded angry. My door almost flew off its hinges, an angry Rhys looked at me. “Whatsup bro?” “Don’t whatsup bro me? What the f**k did you do here lest night?” “Just a little party, a celebration now we’re finally out of that shithole and going to college.” “A little party you best get this s**t cleaned up before mom and dad get back.” “Geese Rhys what bit your ass? Take a chill pill mom and dad won’t even know I had a party.” “They best not.” He went to elk out the door. “You’ll be meeting the twins soon. I believe they'll be attending the same college as you.” I nodded. “Oh and bro you can tell the girl that is hiding under your sheets, she can come out now!” He said sarcastically. My mouth fell again s**t how did he even know? He winked at me and left my bedroom and closed the door. “You can carry on now babe.” And she did just that, making me shoot my load hard and fast. She pulled herself up and I pinned her to the bed smashing my lips on hers kissing her passionately and aggressively. I slammed into her fuckign her good and hard wondering what the tw9ns were like especially Lily, she must be something special for my borther to feel any type of affection towards her he didn’t care much for girls hed f**k them and f**k them off. I had to get to know her. I want to know what it’s about her that made my brother fall hard, then maybe just maybe I’ll destroy it and take her for my own. I grinned evilly. I liked that plan. He didn't know what hit him. I continued pounding into the girl underneath me wondering what it would be like to have Lily under me screaming my name. I pounded harder and deeper into her, why the hell was I thinking about another girl when I was screwing Sereina and I could have any girl I wanted but I wanted her. I didn’t give a s**t what she looked like. I just wanted to ruin my brother's happiness, he didn’t deserve anyone, he's got no conscience we'll just leave her broken hearted anyway. So I should save him the trouble and do it for him.
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