28 - Rhys

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“You okay Dad?” “Isn't that your sister?” “It is.” “Who's the guy with her?” “Jayden's son.” He spat out his coffee. “He has a son?” “Yeah, we found out recently. I don't like him.’ “I see.” “I tried to tell her dad,she's not listening. There's just something I don't like about him. I know I should accept him as my brother, I just can't.” “I see. May I ask why?” “Just look at him dad. It's like the world is on his shoulders. It's like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth; he's nearly as rich as Jayden.” “Who does he work for?” “Colten enterprises he's the CEO.” “You're shitting me right?” “No dad.” “f**k, they're our biggest competition. What the hell? What does he want with my daughter?” “I don't know Dad, but I don't think it's good.” “Keep an eye on them.” “I will.” Rhys had dropped Lily off at home telling her he'd pick her up at six pm tomorrow for their dinner. She smiled and he kissed her cheek, she stepped towards the house only to be greeted with a very skeptical looking Brandon as Addison got out of the car. “Brandon.” She said coldly as Addison closed the front door behind him. He looked at her, his brows knitted together as. He spoke in a harsh tone, one she didn't like. “Be careful of him Lilly.” “Why?” “He may not be who he said he is.” “He's Jayden's son and thta’s all I need to know.” “You don't want to end up like our mother.” “I won't he's not a cheating asshole like you, dad, he's not a prick that couldn't keep his d**k in cause he was jealous of a guy that was our Mom's boss, so take a long hard look in the mirror, Brandon and see if you like what is staring back.” “I'm your father you call me dad I'm still your father Lilly.” “Those rights were cut when you cheated on mom, so forgive me if i refuse to call you dad cause you're no father of mine.” “Why can't you be more like your brother?” “Cause my brother can't see past the s**t in front of his eyes when it comes to you. I can. It's up to him if he wants to get to know you better, but I personally don't it's your fault Jayden went to prison.” “And how do you work that out?” “If you weren't dumb, you'd know the answer to that; jealousy pure jealousy. You didn't like it because mom was doing well and you wanted her to fail, so once you met her boss you decided to be the jealous douche you always were and cheat on her when she was always faithful to you. Then when she denied access and slapped a restraining order on you and you ended up behind bars for not sticking to it. You plotted your revenge by trying to get rid of Jayden and tried to make his business fail but it didn't work did it Brandon? He left it to mom and she had people to help get it back on its feet and you failed to get her back.” “You're a smart ass for your age Lilly.” She grinned. “So I've been told good bye Brandon and don't think I'll ever call you dad for one minute the time I do hell will freeze over.” “Just be careful round him Lilly.” “Yeah, yeah whatever.” She said: flipping him off walking away angrily. Who the hell did he think he was? He may have Addison was wrapped tightly around his little finger but he would never have her bowing down to him. I never thought the day would ever come when I found a girl so close to what I wanted, but I had in Lily. She may be a lot younger than me but I wanted her, and I was going to make sure that I got get with or without anyone's approval. I had never seen my father until now and I was glad he was willing to see me despite the that my mother wanted-one-night stand that he wasn't even bothered about. It was going to be different between me and Lilly, I like her and I hope she would be comfortable one day getting my girl. We went on our first date yesterday, but could we even calm if a date? Okay, I asked her to join me, but it wasn't a date an official date that I would take my girl on. I would want to wine and dine her. Lily is only sixteen so she'd have to have a non-alcoholic beverage, I'm not that fussed as I don't drink much anyway. She's beginning college in September, but what she doesn't know is that it is on my list as an internship for two years. I can't wait cause she'll not only be working in my department but alongside me. I had made sure she did. I hope I won't be disappointed in her working ethic cause I plan to take her on as my P A. or Co-CEO once she has proved to me she is worthy of the position which I'm sure she is. As for her brother he can go to hell the obnoxious little prick he's so up himself it is unreal. I know he means well towards lilt but she has her mind and she can choose which path to take and who to take it with. My mother was a single parent for five years until my stepfather came on the scene and they had my younger brother, Niko Shwartz. he is the same age as Lily and will be attending the same college as her in September. This could go two ways either he will make friends with her or friends with her brother god forbid. Or he could make a move on her he's known as a charmer with the girls, he is known as the bad boy of his previous school, Lockwood High. He's truly ambitious and once he sets his eyes on something or someone there is no stopping him from getting what he wants. He isn't interested in going forward in the family business, so he'll be working with Logan Shwartz, his father. my stepfather he and my mother married about ten years ago when Niko was five. I'm quite surprised my father ended up with someone almost half his age. she barely looked twenty-five and he was in his forties. Whatever floats your boat. "Are you okay Rhys?" mom asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm fine mom." "Are you thinking about that girl again?" "You mean Lily?" "I guess. you've been thinking about her a lot lately." "I know mom. I really like her." "So what's stopping you?" "Apart from the age difference?" "I shouldn’t see that as a problem you dmssif her mother looked at least ten years younger than her father didn't I you?" "Yeah." "Well then, there's no problem is there?" "She's my step sister and her brother hates me. Anything else would be a bonus." she laughed. "You're not blood-related Rhys, if you like her go for it before it's too late and someone else picks her up." "I will, thanks mom" "Any time and your running late for work young man " "s**t," I said, kissing her forehead. "I'll see you later mom." "Bye honey."She said laughing. "Bye, mom," I shouted, baking my way out. I opened the door of my Maserati and a note was on my chair. like what the hell? Who the hell got onto my cat it's fully alarming. I picked it up and read it: 'Stay away from Lily. if you go anywhere near her I will make sure she knows everything about you. We all know you are not who you portray. Stay away or I promise you you will not hear the end of this and I will find out everything about you.' I crumpled it in the UK and threw it in the trash. I knew exactly who it was and he doesn't scare me, two can play his game. I slid into my car, closed the door, buckled up and pulled away heading for work. the first thing I'll need to do is call the security centre and find out how the hell someone got into my car and fix it.
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