37 - Hangover from hell pt 2

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Addison I groaned while waking up. Where the hell was I? More importantly how much I’d I have to drink? I looked over at the sleeping beauty next to me and smiled. At least she didn’t run away. After the guys had said what went down I wasn’t too sure what I was expecting, what I wasn’t expecting was a beauty to be laid next to me naked. I should never have gone after Mel, her being my sister's best friend. But I couldn’t help it, she was beautiful and I just had to have her even if it was for just one night. She knew how I worked. But this time I wanted more, I can’t believe she freaked out at me for suggesting that we continued being f**k buddies no strings attached, freinds woth benifits kinda thing. Maybe I should’ve kept my trap shut and moved onto the next, but I couldn’t I’d broken her in. I’d never broke a gril in before and f**k it felt good she was so f*****g tight she was turning me on even more than I ever had been I had to f**k her over and over again, then my mouth f****d it all up and she ran after giving me the biggest f**k you ever. I’ll have her in my bed again and I’ll make sure to keep her there no one else is tasting her ever. But for now I’m preoccupied with this naked beauty. She slowly stirred opening her eyes I smiled. “Morning gorgeous.” She smiled sweetly. “Hi Addi.” I leaned forward. “How about we go for another round before we both head home?” She smiled. I pressed my lips on hers kissing her lightly. The girls seemed to go wild when you did anything rough. I pulled myself on top of her pushing her legs up ramming m d**k into her she moaned out. I slid in and out each time ramming into her harder and faster as he moaned, calling out my name over and over again until we both became undone. I slipped out of her and got out of bed, dressing, she slid out of bed, dressing. We left the shack and we walked silently. I wondered where the guys were. I hadn't seen them since the party last night. They were all pissed at me, but what is done is done. Me and Violet grabbed something to eat before I walked her home I kissed her cheek and we sold our goodbyes she was the one girl o could trust to go to no matter what I’d done she was one of my best friends and my booty call, she couldn’t care less she knew my antics. We were going to different colleges so we probably wouldn’t see much of each other after the holidays were over. We’d still keep in contact but she’d meet new guys and maybe girls, she was bi and proud. I wish I had her confidence. All I am good at is being a man w***e. I stepped in to be greeted by a very pissed off Lilly with her fist clenched. Lilly Rhys had dropped Macey off and had pulled up in front of Jayden’s home. I have never called him cause I never had the time to growing up because he was behind bars until recently he didn’t mind he let me call him whatever I felt comfortable with. Even though he hadn’t been back in our lives for long he was more of a father to me than my own. He treated us all as his own though we were far from it. Rhys leaned over pressing his lips on mine kissing me softly. “I’ll call you okay, let me know how your friend Mel is okay?” “Okay.” “I’ll see you soon, okay?” “Okay.” He kissed me again before I got out of the car. I best face the music. I walked up the drive waving goodbye and he waved back before pulling away. I took a deep breath and opened the door stepping in close the door. “Is that you Lilly?” “Yes mom.” “Come into the lounge.” I gulped. “Yes mom.” Shit Rhys must’ve called them and told them what had been going on. I stepped cautiously into the lounge. Mom and Jayden looked at me disappointedly. “We’re very disappointed in you Lily.” “I haven’t done anything.” “You went to that party last night.” “The whole of our year was there, mom. You’re never like this with Addi. He can do as he pleases and never gets in s**t so why me?” “What have I told you about cursing Lily?” “Sorry mom. But it’s not fair he gets away with everything he gets to do whatever he wants.” “We’re not angry at you for going to the party Lily.” “So what are you angry at?” “Mel’s mom rang.” My heart dropped. “She’s very angry and very upset you didn’t take care of her daughter at the party.” “I did mom it wasn’t me I swear she's my best friend.” “Her mother tells me a very different story, Lily. She said Mel is in hospital after having a panic attack.” “It wasn’t me I swear we all went together her and Macey went off with addison and Colt while I was left alone.” “What are you trying to say Lily?” “We forgot her to hospital mom. I was scared okay. She hadn’t had a panic attack for such a long time. She must’ve forgot to take her meds.” “And what does your brother have to do with this?” “It’s his fault if he’d just left her alone she wouldn’t be where she is now!'' I shouted. Yes I’m blaming Addi he was the last person Mel was with and I’ve never seen her liek that before rams I’m going to get to the bottom of it no matter when it takes. My mom's face scrunched up, boy was she pissed, Jayden wrapped his arms around her. “We’ll deal with him when he comes home.” She nodded, letting it drop for now. “You can’t see Mel for now.” “What? But why?” “Her mother seems to think this is all your fault so let her simmer down before attempting to see Mel again, okay.” I nodded. “Okay.”I sighed, slumping up the stairs to my room slamming my door shut damn you Addi for this you’ve cost me my best friend and you’re not getting away with it not this time. I seethed. Addison I stepped into the house. Strange, there was no one around where the hell is everyone? I thought they’d be here seen as I’m leaving for my dads at the end of next week. I slowly made my way up the stairs surely Lily was here she’d sure to be back by now. I looked at Lily as I went to my room. Lily looked angrily at me. Her fist connected with my face. “s**t Lil, what the f**k was thst for?” "You’re a f*****g disgrace Addison you have no f*****g heart your just a male f*****g w***e who dips his d**k into who ever hd pleases I hope of drops off." "What are you so f*****g angry about Lily? You don't never been concerned about my s*x life before." "Stay the f**k away from my best freind." He looked at Lilly confused. "I know about you and Mel Addi. I know everything so stay the hell away if you want to keep your genitals in contact." “Come on sis, it was just a bit of fun if she couldn’t take it she should never have followed me.” SMACK!” I stumped back. s**t had I gone too far? Nagh. “Thanks to you she's in hospital.” “Whatever Lily if she couldn't take it she shouldn’t have begged for it!” SMACK Guess I took it too far. “I have no idea what you said or did you her, but she had a panic attack. She hasn’t had one until you put your filthy hands on her. Just stay the f**k away from her!” Like s**t I am. “Are you listening, Addi?” “Yeah stay away from her, got it.” “It’s not funny Addi.” “I know I’m going to my room for some peace and quiet. Let mom know where I am, will you?” “f**k you!” She said slamming her door. I scrunched my face, I guess mom will be the next one to be in a bad mood. I opened my bedroom door stepping in closing the door jumping in my bed laying down my hands behind my head I smiled I had the best night ever now I have a f*****g headache as big as next week thanks to Lily.
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