Chapter 8-2

1994 Words

“Why, that's a fantastic idea, Sabrina! Thank you.” Joha sounded exuberant about my idea. I could nearly see the wheels working in his head. “You're welcome.” “People! People! Calm yourselves. The doctor and medical examiner have examined the woman,” the squat man with the bowler exclaimed. He wore a bow tie, and a red patterned silk vest with a frock coat. “I'd better go up there,” Jett said, shading his eyes. “You'd better,” Joha agreed. “The crowd looks ugly.” He then shot him a frown. “Where's your umbrella?” “What?” Jett asked, about to step away. “Your umbrella,” Joha repeated. “Oh. I forgot it. I didn't think I'd need it. Didn't think it would be sunny down here in the village.” Joha tsked as Jett walked toward the crowd. I turned to Joha. “Tell me you aren't a doctor too?”

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