Chapter 6-1

2011 Words

Chapter 6“Change?” Jett said, black eyes glittering in the gas lamps nearby. “What's the matter with her?” Skrlock wondered, stepping closer. “I don't know.” “I'm going to change!” I cried, still trying to break Jett's grasp. He let me go, finally. “Into what?” he said, his breath brushing my face. He smelled of wine, and a woman's cheap perfume. The whiff of perfume reminded me only moments before he came to rescue me, he'd been with a woman. I didn't want to think he'd had a quickie beforehand, and I backed away from him so I wouldn't get a read. That I didn't need right now. “A were-creature!” I cried. The two men looked at one another, eyes wide. “You mean a werewolf?” Jett asked, looking properly startled. “No. I don't change all the way. I'm half-human when I change. I don't

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