“Why, what is wrong with it?” Fenella asked sharply. “There is nothing wrong, it’s only that Elaine doesn’t like it. She wanted to cut it to shreds, but I stopped her and then she turned on me.” “Is the picture finished?” “Practically. I have another couple of hours’ work to do on the dress, but that should suffice.” “Well, I am not going to have that picture spoilt by anyone,” Fenella said grimly. “It’s my picture, Simon, you promised it to me, didn’t you?” “You are going to have a job to get it. Elaine will do her best to destroy it if she has to burn down the house.” “What have you done?” Fenella asked. She had bandaged his wrist and, collecting her things together, she turned to leave the room. “I am going to have a look at it.” “Come along then.” She knew that there was some