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Calvin Harris Ft. Florence Welch- Sweet Nothing Breeze: I've never been in a car you can't see inside of. Elias's car is smaller than other cars I've seen. It only fits the two of us and it feels like there's a wild sprite in the engine. It feels like being the secret and it kind of suits my current situation. Everything is changing. Change isn't something I'm very good with. Sasha and I, we have a rhythm, and the tune is now completely different. "Do you think she can see the future?" I asked Elias. "I'm sorry?" he smirked. "Sasha, do you think she can predict the future?" "No, I think Sasha sees everything and is always stuck inside her head. Breeze, just for tonight. Why don't we relax and just stay here?" he asked. "You're right. I'm overthinking. I'm really glad to be out of the house. I know it's going to be a while before it happens again," I shrugged. He placed his hand over mine on my lap. "It's not forever," he tried to comfort me. "I have a really big surprise that might take care of your problem for the most part," "If you take your shirt off like you did the last time, it's not going to work. Sasha gave me a giant underground secret lab," we both laughed. "That hurt," he put his hand over his chest, playfully. "But I promise this is going to be fun," "Good," I smiled. I looked out the window to see fairies on the streets staring down the car. It is a really nice black shade. "Where are we?" "We're in Aviones," he answered. I turned my body to look at him. "Is this safe?" I asked unsure of how to react. He laughed. "You are the strongest fairy in existence right now and you're worried about being mugged?" "First of all, one of six and yes. I've never been in a scary altercation before. Nerd sister, remember?" "Yes," he grinned. It never dawned on me that I am excruciatingly pampered. I used to think Sasha and I were two orphan sisters and that we were forced to learn to live without our parents in our own way. Everything is much clearer now. The signs were all there but I was caught up in what I wanted that I never accepted that my sister was doing something shady. She said that the rights and wrongs were determined by the victors. I'm not much for philosophy but that doesn't sound like a very healthy philosophy to keep. The further we go into Aviones, the less I understand why we're here. The buildings are getting older, they're deteriorating the further away from the city we get. There are writings on the walls, and groups of people standing around fire pits. "Why are there people all the way out here? I read that these buildings were all condemned and cleared out," "They were but there will always be people here," he answered tightly. I didn't push the subject. "I kind of grew up here," "What? No, you didn't. You grew up with us," "Yeah, I did. I grew up with you, Bre but I do have family outside of you," he smirked. "And they live here? Why are we allowing that?" "Wow," he laughed. "That was both simultaneously generous and spoiled at the same time," "Elias," I glared at him for patronizing me. "Okay, okay," he laughed. "Even if we took care of them. They'd choose to be here. See, this part of time makes just as much money as the higher-ups but it doesn't go through the system. There's a massive black market down here. Drugs, s*x, organs, illegal tech, pharmaceuticals, it all goes into the city through here. My mom was what is known as the Dice Queen. All of this belonged to her. It now belongs to my sister," "Oh," I understood. "Wait, am I going to be meeting her tonight?" "No," he shook his head. "If I can keep you from ever meeting her I would," "Why? She's your sister," "She is my sister, Breeze and I love her but Rory isn't the kind of person that would meet you because she genuinely cares about me. She'd meet you just so she knows what she's looking for when she tries to hurt me," "Sasha is that kind of person, isn't she?" "It's different, Bre. My sister grew up this way. Sage had to become this out of necessity and under all of that she's still the girl who's been taking care of us despite being a kid herself. There's good in her. I've never seen Aurora do anything that even resembles a good deed," He pulled into an alley. He reached between the seat and handed me a cloak. I took it understanding. I covered myself with it as he came around and opened the door for me. He fixed it a bit before helping me out of the car. I looked around a little scared. My magik jingled inside of the cloak when I stepped towards the building I'm standing in front of. "What is that?" I asked reaching for it. He took my hand in his stopping me from touching it. "Hold on," he smiled pulling me closer to him. The air out here is freezing. We went over to an old doorway. He opened it up for us without letting go of my hand. I gasped as soon as I stepped through the threshold. Elias shut the door behind us immediately. My body shivered when a flash of heat erupted out of me flooding into the entire building. The light swept along the floor and the walls before slowly lighting up the entrance. "It's the library," I blurted out. "Oh, my sweet fireflies. How did you find it? That's not what I want to ask. I'm not sure what I want to ask. Elias, is this real?" "Yes, it's real," he grinned. My butterflies are impatient. I let the cloak fall on the ground. As soon as it was gone they fluttered out all at once. I laughed feeling as excited as them and got down on one knee to let the light flood through this place. The entire building shook when I released the light. The cracks on the floor and pillars all began to heal. I shut my eyes listening to the sound of it repairing itself to what it once had been with my magik. "Wow, you're famished," I rubbed the marble floor gently. "What just happened?" "We need Sasha. I mean not right now but everything will be revealed with the two of us here. My magik wasn't enough for it. Can we look around? Oh, s**t. I should have asked before I did that. I didn't- ugh. I'm an i***t. I just let the magik do its thing. I assumed this place was-" "Stop, stop," he laughed pulling my hands away from my chest. "This is yours. You don't have to ask for permission to do anything with this place. What just happened?" "Right, okay. This is the Avion Library. It was created during the second century after the grand divide of the elements. You know when the trees started to die and the realms were created to preserve the remaining magik. Anyway, my ancestors wanted to preserve the old ways in case someone ever found a way to make more Elder Trees. Airstorms are responsible for the preservation of this knowledge. They formed a secret society with the founding bloodlines. Airstorms, Airingtons, Coventrees, Airbournes, and Flightways. "These five factions were all tasked with different businesses. Airstorms were the bookkeepers. Airingtons ran the money. Coventrees policed. Airbournes were in charge of agriculture. Flightways were the first Elders. For a thousand years, they ran the entire realm in peace. Then the water fairies created the portals. They were good for a long time until the Airbournes began to smuggle more than goods through them. "Once each element figured out how to make their own portals without water. They began to fight for power. As we evolved as a species, we lost sight of what really mattered. A couple of thousand years ago, Airstorms stopped coming here. The building shut down and disappeared. This place is designed to keep our magik strong and alive without the trees. It takes it to keep the place protected and on the move. Should we need it, it releases back to us," "That's really sad," he looked around. "Yeah, it is but also exciting. I mean here it is. I mean holy twisters. It's real. My mom used to tell me about this place in stories. She made it sound so magical. How did you find this place?" "I didn't. It's just one big coincidence. Sasha was the one who figured out what it is. Because of this room," he took my hand and pulled me with him. His wings are reacting to the magik here. There is much of it dancing along with my own. A rush of power flooded my senses momentarily making me dizzy. I shook my head looking around. The butterflies rushed around the room fixing the shelves. The books on the ground all disappeared and materialized on the shelves. I looked back at Elias watching him around as dazzled as I am. When we were kids and he gained access to his magik, he used it so much that it would leave him weak. He used it for things like cleaning and fast reading to get homework done faster. It was why he was sickly all the time. So much has changed since we met. If someone would have told me that my scrony, sickly best friend would turn into the man he is now, I would have laughed in their face. He would have too and then had a coughing fit. "Thank you," I squeezed his hand. His eyes met mine instantly. "For what? This is all you. I'm just enjoying the ride," he smirked. "Elias, when you visited your mom you never wanted to go back when you came back home. Was it because it was bad?" "No, it wasn't all bad. My mom tried to hide as much as she could. Not for my sake of course. She did it because she didn't want anything to slip to my dad. You know how Sage and the Ace run the city?" "Mhm," "My mom was their competition. Now, my sister is. They have a truce for now but at the end of the day, they're enemies. I don't know how my dad fit into that but there was a war and they both lost," "While Sasha and Sesshomaru won?" "Yeah. I think Sasha is protecting me from something. There's something she doesn't want me to know. Or maybe she doesn't want anyone to find out what it is. Who I am. She's always working an angle," "I'm really sorry," I stepped closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to the back of my head. "You don't have to be. This is the way the world works. I don't know what she's protecting me from but whatever it is, it has to be linked to everything we're doing. This building belonged to my sister. Sasha and Elder Redwood took it from her. "Another reason why I don't want you to meet Rory. She wronged Sasha and your sister always has to have the last laugh. If Rory can even the playing field, she won't hesitate to go for you just to piss Sasha off," "I thought you said they had a truce," "A business truce. Money means nothing when it's up against ego. Espeically for people like us. Proving a point is prioritized over something as trivial as money," "I understand how power works. I didn't know it went so deep," I admitted. "I'm starting to wrap my mind around Sasha being who she is now. Now that my wings are out, I feel my mind is clear. I've been thinking a lot about what you guys have been telling me and I see it. What I chose to ignore. Not just her, you too. I feel like my entire life has been one big blur. I had no idea and I didn't care to see more," "We chose to keep you out of it, B. Sasha wanted to protect you and she has. She still is. If you feel like everything is changing too fast, you can count on that as your constant. We will never stop trying to protect you. Which is why three times a week, Ansly Redwood and I will be training you and Falcon to fight," "What? Why? I don't think I can physically hurt someone," I pulled out of his hold to turn around and face him. "Bre, things are going to start getting dangerous. I know you don't want to hurt anyone. It would give me peace of mind if I weren't there with you and you had no way of protecting yourself," "So, you're going to teach us self-defense?" "Yes," "Aww man, the most exercise-y thing Falcon and I do is yoga," "I am aware," he brushed my hair out of my face. "But this is important and I will be there with you every step of the way," "All right. Only because I want you to teach me how to punch like Sasha," "Well, you shouldn't hold your breath on that. No one punches like Sasha. You'd have to go through intense training. Not to mention her workout routines. Even Rey has trouble keeping up with her," "She is a health nut," I agreed. "It's fine. Who am I kidding? I do not want to be able to be okay with punching people anyway," "Right," he grinned wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled me to him and I took the opportunity to stretch. I arched back while he held me. My wings lit up releasing another wave of butterflies. I pulled myself up, his face is inches from mine own. "I thought it was going to be hard to get used to the changes but I honestly feel like nothing has really changed between us," "Me too," I admitted. "When you got your wings, I felt like maybe for some reason, I wasn't going to like it. The changes I mean. You were so small before but you grew," "It was a big change for me too, huh?" "Yes," I laughed. "It was scary but in a beautiful way. You've really come into your own. I feel very proud of you," "Do you really?" he asked leaning in closer. His forehead against mine. "Yes, sir Lord of the Realm. The mysterious Dice prince," we both laughed. I cried out with delight when he dug his fingers into my sides. "Let's look around?" "Sure," he pulled away. This place is magnificent. I didn't think I'd ever see a place better than my lab but here it is. If Sasha is showing me this place, it means she intends for it to be completely activated. I wonder if we can link my lab to it. Add another floor. It would be helpful to us if we had a place that can stay on the move. A place linked to our house. It could keep us safe in case of an emergency. All of us and it wouldn't interrupt our work. "This is the grand study," I rushed into the room. The white and silver marble is beautiful and it matches amazingly with the golden trims. The massive skylight is sparkling, it's mimicking the crescent moon outside. I sat on the desk and lied back needing to keep looking at it. This place is beyond beautiful. I don't think I'll ever get enough of it. "You look really relaxed," Elias caught my attention. He's leaning on the desk with his back to me. "It sounds ungrateful but I don't think I've ever felt at home until now," I sat up. He looked back at me. "I mean the apartment was the place we all went to sleep in. The only room in that place that looked like someone took an interest in was Sasha's room and she couldn't even stand being in there. Is this why you liked me not having my wings? You know I was going to feel everything I've neglected before?" "Yeah," he nodded. He turned around stepping between my legs. "I knew it was going to be difficult for more than one reason. Not just because you'd be feeling the guilt but I thought you would be angry with us for lying to you. A part of me is kind of upset that I won't be getting away with a lot of the things I did when I'm away from you," "That's a concerning statement that had never crossed my mind. Things like what?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. He grinned. "Not like that. You know I'd never hurt you. I mean like sneaking off to do illegal things with your crazy ass sister or not illegal things with the King," "Hmm," I glared at him playfully. "You still have no control of what comes out of your mouth. I used to think you weren't a very good liar before. I was wrong," "I know you want an apology for that and I am sorry you feel the way you do but I'm not sorry for being able to protect you for as long as we did. It gave me a lot of time with you. That, I'm never going to regret," I gripped his collar between my index finger and my thumb to pull him closer. He didn't hesitate to kiss me. The clarity that comes with being what I am removes a lot of the fears I once had and being with him is one of those things. Elias has been my friend since I was seven years old. I've seen him at his worst and his best. Not once did I ever feel like I didn't want him to be a part of my life but his actions set a lot of insecurities in me. What if I gave him what he wanted and like those other girls, he lost interest? Now that I feel the way I do, that seems like a pretty stupid reason for me to push back what I want. Even if it doesn't work out, I would have explored the possibility because I wanted it. Because I want to more than I've ever wanted anything else. "Hey," he laughed when I reached for the hem of his shirt. "What?" I asked trying to hide my embarrassment. "What do you mean what? Here?" he chuckled. "Yeah, here. I mean it's just the two of us in the magical library. Not to mention it would be our first time. It would be extremely memorable when you're off doing illegal things with my sister or not illegal things with the king. I'll be here sitting at this desk with my books thinking of this moment," "You're killing me, Breeze," he grinned. "If that's what you want. If you're ready, just say so," "I'm ready Elias," I can feel the blood rushing to my face. "Just be nice," He raised his hand and looked back at the door we had come through. The two giant wooden doors shut. The loud slam echoed in the high ceilings. He looked up and the skylight turned black with a flick of his wrist. The lights around us dimmed when his eyes met mine again. The only light in the room is coming off of my skin and the butterflies. It's casting a shadow on his handsome features making him look a little predatory. "Sure, I'll be nice. At first," his lips brushed against my neck. I shivered releasing more butterflies. He grinned watching them flutter around us. "I love these things," he smirked making me laugh. "All of you,"
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