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Childish Gambino- 3005 Sasha: This is the first time I have had first-day jitters. I've changed my outfit three times and I'm not happy about any of my selections. I have three hours left to finish getting ready but all hope feels lost. Elias walked into my room ready for our day together. He volunteered to be my assistant and I took him up on that offer since Lilly is otherwise preoccupied. He has a bright smile on his face and he looks great. The jewelry looks good on him. My little jack. "Did you finally sleep with my sister?" I asked. He looked up at me like a deer caught in headlights. I laughed at his expression. "Relax, I think you both needed to get that out of your system," "That's not what it was at all," he shook his head. "Why is there a stack of clothes on the ground worth more than my entire existence?" "I don't know what to wear. The pantsuit is dumb and overdone. The business casual dress is pretty but I want my hair up not down," I looked at the mirror. "Then-" he cleared his throat. I looked back wondering if he was really going to give me an actual suggestion. "I will be right back. I am going to get Rey or that chick Amslee," "Ansly," I corrected. "Good idea," He rushed out of the room. It took him longer to get to her than for her to get to me. "The pencil skirt!" she burst into my room. "The pencil skirt. You have the perfect figure for it. Let me," she barged into my closet and began to look through everything. Elias didn't come back with her. "I got you," she didn't say that to me, I think she's talking to my clothes. "Here you go," "Thank you," I smiled at her when she came out with some clothes over her arm. "You put these on," she handed them to me. "I'll go get the accessories and shoes," "Okay," I nodded. I shut the door to my room and got dressed. She's right. The pencil skirt is more me. I tucked my blouse into my skirt and fixed it properly. She walked out with a few things in her hands. "There you go," she did a little excited dance. "You have a lot of fun stuff to work with," "Yeah, Diana was really excited to see me and Falcon has been in here a couple of times as well," I don't think she's talking about my things specifically with the way she's looking me over. I take both of those things as a compliment. "Falcon is ridiculously hot," she sighed absentmindedly. "Are you heading out?" Rey opened the door behind us. We both turned back towards him. His eyes swept over her body. Is he seriously sizing her up right now? The little flicker of magik in his eyes certainly suggests it. When did they stop knocking on my door? "Yeah, putting on some finishing touches. Knock next time," I nodded. Ansly put my heels on the floor. I slipped them on and she began to put my accessories on me. Double pearl necklace, diamond bracelets over the spade one, princess-cut stud earrings, my favorite black clutch, and a black coat to cover my black-on-black attire. "Perfect," she smiled taking a step back. "The lipstick was a nice touch," "Thank you, Ansly. You were a big help," "You're welcome," she blushed. "I'll see you later," "Falcon is a really good kid. You know what you're doing?" I asked as soon as she was out of earshot. She didn't leave room to properly thank her with Rey and his little mood swings. "What?" he sneered at me. "You heard her compliment him and you did your jealous eyes," "I don't have jealous eyes," he countered a little aggressive for my liking. I laughed. "Yes, you do. We dated. I know and you're being defensive and these are more possessive than jealous," I added, He slammed the door shut. "Shut up, Sasha," "Look, you're the King. You're the King King. You're so perfect for the job your name is King. This insecurity, this idea of who you're supposed to be is false. Even if the people have a problem with it, what the f**k are they going to do about it? You're the King," "Stop saying king," he glared at me. "I'm just passing the message to you, Rey. If you don't want to think about yourself in this, think about him. How it's going to feel to him when he finds out that you both have to keep it a secret because you're scared of what the people are going to say. Besides, it's not like Falcon is some loser. He's Falcon f*****g Malory. The dude is a walking s*x god. You deserve this," I patted his chest. "We all do. Look at us. We're alive," "Yeah?" "We're alive, Rey. We shouldn't be. Pedal to the floor. Let's go," I smacked his arm. He laughed catching on to my excitement. "Let's go," he nodded. "You're right. I don't know what's wrong with me," "There's nothing wrong with you. You're just an i***t. Something we all share as a unit. By the way, Elias finally got some," "You're lying," he laughed. It takes very little to cheer the guys up. It's cute and a little sad. "Nope. He is all smiles and awkwardness right now. I'm going to talk to Breeze before I go. I want to see what she looks like," "Don't embarrass her," he said going over to the mirror to fix his tie. I watched him struggle for a bit before going over to fix it. we all look amazing in black-on-black attire. I don't know what I would have done if we would have ended up with a red jacket. That would have been annoying. "I won't. I just want to make sure she's okay. She's been in love with him since she was seven years old. She still has a picture of the two of them in a heart-shaped frame under her pillow. Our dad's made them take that picture at one of my galleries. He's making that little grossed out face he does," "No," he laughed. "That is the cutest story I've ever heard. That seriously made my whole day right now. Remember, dinner tonight. Don't be late," "I was going to remind you," I laughed. I grabbed my clutch, everything I need from my vanity, and walked out with him. Breeze's room is dark still. The only reason I know she's in here is because I can see her glowing under the blankets. I went over to her lifting the blanket a little to see her sound asleep. I put the blanket down and walked out. I'm sure she'll bring it up later. I walked out of her room and went downstairs. "Is this what you were looking for?" Elias asked motioning my clothes. "Yes," I answered walking past him. "Good. I have everything else. The car is ready," "Thank you, Mr. Coventree," "It's Lord Coventree. Shut up," he rolled his eyes when I looked back at him with a smirk. He's starting to warm up the position. I think it has something to do with Breeze and her never-ending praises. We both laughed. As soon as we were in the car he handed me a tablet with today's schedule. We have our first meeting at eight a.m. today. This is the meeting where I have to fire more than half the people who work there and replace them all at once. "Do you think I should be one of those carefree sure if you finish your job first kind of bosses or shut the hell up and do as I say kind of boss?" I asked. "You mean we've had that option all along?" he laughed. I swatted at him with the back of my hand. "Well, considering the position and that they're probably already afraid of you. Try somewhere in the middle. Lenient but also kind of stern. Listen and be honest but don't be cruel. The last thing anyone wants is for you to get shot at," "Okay," I rolled my eyes. I studied the names on the list I created. I can do stern. It's what I'm going to need to do to get rid of all these people. When did Sesshomaru become so tolerable? Business is his thing and none of this looks like he tried to go anywhere with it. Perhaps it was because it's mine. As we pulled up to the building, Elias took my tablet and put it away. He climbed out first and waited for me to get out of the car. I slid over to his side and stepped out. Sesshomaru, Lilly Airstrike, along with their team of security are waiting for us outside with their stupid little red ties and black-on-white attire. Sesshomaru looked around to see that we came in one car. "Where is your security team?" he growled."You made a big deal about us not going anywhere alone," "We're not alone and don't talk to me in public, d**k head," I walked past him into the building. Lilly and Elias laughed. "She's right. The press is all over this place," Lilly uttered under her breath when she walked inside behind us. As soon as the doors behind us were shut, he had us surrounded by his team. "Really? You'd sacrifice all of your men to prove this point?" I asked him. "What makes you think you can be out here alone without protection?" he demanded. "What makes you think she needs it?" Elias challenged, pulling me closer to him. "Especially with the two of us together," "He doesn't know," I waved him off. "He still thinks I'm the same little girl that joined the military. It's fine. We have six minutes before the meeting starts," "You only need one," he smirked, stepping back. "Ace, she'll do it. She'll kill them. I've seen her do worse but if you think your guys can teach her this lesson, don't. I'll do it myself," she looked up at him as she began to remove her jacket. The diamond bracelet on her wrist caught my attention. As soon as she took a step forward, Sesshomaru reached for her. "It's fine. We have a meeting to attend," his guards all visibly relaxed. He walked ahead without her. Her eyes stayed on me. "Welcome to the family," I bowed my head slightly. "Is it supposed to itch like this?" she asked scratching the spell on her arm. "It goes away after a couple of days. Ice it at night or it'll wake you up," "Oh, thanks," she nodded as she pulled her little black coat on. As soon as she put it on and followed behind her Ace, the guards followed. "I take it you told him," I called after her. "We all know where we stand," "I sure hope so, Sage. You shouldn't lie to people. It's an ugly habit," "Is it?" I laughed. "I'll try to contain myself next time," "I'm sure you will," she giggled. "I love the skirt. Would you even be able to fight in that," "We can still find out," I followed after her. The conference room is packed. Sesshomaru took a seat and they all followed his lead. Everyone is murmuring, asking why he's not at the head of the table. Once Lilly had their guards take their places, she stood behind him confidently. I wonder how Redwood is going to take her change in allegiance. "She's pretentious," Elias scoffed. I smiled holding out my hand, he handed me a couple of pucks and my tablet. "Don't let your guard down. She was the one that poisoned Rey. He was loopy for a while. We should get the others masks to guard against her," "Are you serious?" he smirked. "This little girl leveled the king? What a dumb ass," "Agreed," we both laughed. I stood at the head of the table. I pulled the white suede office chair out. Elias pulled it away and cast it aside. Everyone turned to look at me as I placed my tablet on the table and activated it. The screens on the table in front of everyone came to life in a pretty crimson red. The diamond logo disappeared and the red across the table faded to black as the spade appeared. Elias pulled out the new business cards and set them down before swiftly passing them to everyone present by sliding them over the glass rapidly. "If you hold the card up to your business tablets, your new assignments and positions will appear," I informed them. "Fancy," Lilly chuckled. We all turned to glare at her. "Ace, you should teach your King some manners," I glared at him. "I don't like being interrupted," "She's new. Please, forgive my imprudence," he turned his chair a bit to look at her. She bowed her head and took a step back. "Now, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sasha Airstorm. From today forth you all answer to me. Your spade," I bowed my head formally greeting them. They all stood up and bowed respectfully. "Please, let's begin," They all reached for their cards as the sat back down. Sesshomaru reached for his and scanned it over his tablet. He set it down when it began to smoke. He's not the only one that's tablet was completely fried. He looked up at me amused. I can't risk them taking anything with them. Rey and I wiped them from our servers completely. Lilly took the fried device away from him and handed it to one of the guards. "Anyone else that got that reaction, feel free to follow him out. This isn't up for debate," I informed them. "Sir, what is the meaning of this?" someone asked him. "I think we were just fired," Sesshomaru smiled. "All right then, I know when I'm not wanted. Welcome back, Spade. Try not to get lost again," "Move," Lilly called out. Those I fired stood up leaving more than half the table empty. Twelve empty positions of eighteen. Some of them glared at me as they walked out along with the guards. Sesshomaru was the last to leave. Did he just make sure they didn't try to kill me or is it the other way around? "Bring them in," I ordered Elias. He disappeared for a couple of minutes and returned with my replacements. They all took a seat and began to set up. "Anything else?" Elias asked sarcastically. He put a box on the ground behind me. He pressed the little black button on the top to open it. A black leather office recliner began to materialize from the inside. It's Breeze's latest favorite accessory. I'm going to have it manufactured for her. I promised. "No, not right now," I took a seat. He tried not to laugh. I love working with him. He's a lot more fun than Rey. Rey is really uptight. "Excuse me, we already know who you are. You're the Guardian of the Realm. What are you doing here?" Dr. Windfred stood up. He looks exactly like his profile picture. Overly confident. "Right to it then. Yes, I am the Guardian of the Realm. As well as a few other things. I like to keep busy. Before we get to the fun parts, I want to give you all a little history lesson. Spade Enterprises belong to me. They always have. As you all know, I work with the Ace of Diamonds and we came across a great opportunity when I started this company. He's been taking care of it for me while I finished some outside business with the military. "I know you are all used to things being a certain way and honestly I am very disappointed in the progress made with the others involved. Had I been here, the company would be further along. I don't blame anyone but myself. Sesshomaru isn't one to pay attention to details. Especially if they don't belong to him. "Now, those of you from his team that remain, you are here because I have use for you. Go ahead and open up your daily assignments," I took the first one and placed it in front of me. The hologram came up. "Is everyone with me?" they all confirmed. "Good. This is your daily assignments list. By the time you go home every workday, I expect it all to be done. I've calculated and formulated the perfect schedules to give you all the downtime you require based on your complete profiles," "You're putting us on a schedule that helps us go home on time?" someone asked, confused. That's not what I would have had a problem with. "No, I am putting you on a schedule that will help my company thrive at the speed I need it to as well as give my employees the proper care in order to get me to where I want us all to go. Now, under the same file. You'll find a tab labeled five-year plan. Under that tab are all of your projects starting with the ones you will be working on as of now," "What are the timers on the projects?" another person asked. "The amount of time you have to finish them," I answered. "If you need more time I'd like to be personally informed. Only a direct Spade jacket can extend your time. This is my Jack, Elias. You will all address him as Sir and or Lord Elias," they all looked him over without saying anything. "Now, you all have your instructions. The card you used to reactivate your tablets can be used at your desk as well. Under the contacts tab, you will find my information as well as, Lord Elias, and Spade King Ericson Redwood. We will hold meetings once every Thursday in order to keep us all up to date and ensure we're all on the same page. "I've taken the liberty to close all running projects. This meeting is for this specific reason. I kept six of you because I was impressed with your work. Why don't we start with you, Dr. Thumbling? You're working on the heavy ammunition project. You have been on this project for a little over four months. Tell me about it," "Of course, we're working on the upgrades for the Devotion Sniping riffles. As you may know, the military grants us spare rifles but as of late, our shipments have been intercepted by Dicians," "What do they want the rifles?" Elias asked. Sesshomaru and I agreed that he should deal with his sister. "We don't know. As far as we know, none of the rifles have been used. They know that upon activating them, we'll be able to track them anywhere. However, we don't have the manpower for a retrieval at the moment," "Elias, get Rain on the line. Dr. Thumbling, why don't you gather everything you have and prepare it for Major Redwood. She will be here with all the manpower you will need to get my rifles back. What do the new rounds do if you don't mind me asking?" "I can answer that," Dr. Loathaire raised his hand. This guy I love. He's a total nerd, just like my sister. I nodded giving him the floor. "I developed them myself. These rounds are a little bigger than the traditional ones. Longer. I put a heat sensor inside that is linked to the target lock scope. The devotion has a very sophisticated target system. It locks in on the heat signature of the intended, these bullets stay locked on a specific heat signature removing the threat of an interception," "We want the rifles to test the bullets before we present them to the Elders," Dr. Thumbling added. "Wow, that's an amazing advancement," I looked over at Elias. He smirked agreeing with me. "Alright, you're cleared to continue the project. Test them, and make sure they work. Once you have all the information pass or fail, I want to see it. Major Redwood will be very excited to work with you on this. You're dismissed," "Thank you," he grinned taking his tablet and his business card. "You will not regret this," "I hope not. Go on," I smiled. He got up and left. "Dr. Loathaire. What are you working on?" "I thought you'd never ask," he got up and took Dr. Thunbling's seat. "I am working on the new Spade Enterprises baby," I love his enthusiasm. He placed his tablet in front of me. "I know Lady Airstorm gave us the devotion and the helios grenade but those are very personal. They're perfect for the assassin on the go. I have a less one shot one kill weapon and a more one-shot mass kill instrument," "Mm," Elias stepped a little closer. "A bomb?" "Something like that but not quite there," he placed a puck on the table and turned it on. "I present to you the Heavy Hitter," We both laughed but were completely taken by the concept. I stood up pulling the puck towards me. It's a large handheld. The size of a shotgun but there's more to it than just one blast. I widened the frames, fueling the puck with my own magic so everyone can see it. The plans all came up. "Don't be shy, doctor. Tell us what it does," Elias encouraged. "Yes, my Lord," he bowed. He straightened up and reached into his pocket retrieving what looks like a small metal marble. He placed it in front of me. "This launches three cannons per shot. The Double H can pierce through two bodies alone. Once the cannon is wet with blood it opens up and breaks apart at the same speed it's launched out of the double H. This one isn't armed, my lady. You may open it," "If she gets hurt in any way. I will rip you apart limb from limb and send a piece to each of your family members so they can get together and have family puzzle night," Elias threatened him with a low growl. I looked up at the others who just sat back nervously. That's was an insanely specific threat. I'm not going to make fun of him in front of all these people. I'm going to wait until dinner. "I assure you, sir. I mean Lady Aistorm no harm. Not now. Not ever. You saved my son," he smiled at me. "Delorian Thumbling. Yeah, I remember that," I nodded. "Blood, you say. How much?" "If I may. I'd never ask you to open up for me. Let me," he pulled out a paper clip from his blazer pocket and pierced his index finger. He let a drop fall on the small cannon on the table. "There is a five-second delay," The cannon burst open releasing the air pressure on the inside. Enough to definitely send something flying. I picked it up to see that there are tiny spaces on the sides where smaller cannons go. I handed it to Elias. He's completely in love with the concept. He's our expert marksman and guns are his thing. The more damage the better he always says. He inspired my sister to create the Devotion. She named My Devotion for a reason. "I want it," he declared. "You don't think it's overkill?" I laughed. "Overkill? There's no such thing," he handed it back to me. "It looks expensive," "I'll put up the funding," he shrugged. "All right. This is now your issue. Dr. Loathaire, you will be working with Elias closely. He likes your toy. If you need anything talk to him," "Thank you, my Lady. My lord," he bowed. "Who wants to go next?" I asked. "I have here a partnership with Guns and Launchers," Mr. Windle raised his hand. "No, I will not be saying this again so all of you pay attention. We don't do partnerships. The only way I will accept is if I can take the company off the owner's hands. However, I am more than okay with any collaboration. You can find everything you need to know under the collaborations tab. As of right now, we only have eight. Guns and Launchers aren't one of them. Those guys are idiots," they all laughed. "Anyone else?" everyone looked around and remained silent. "Perfect. This meeting is done. Let's get to work,"
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