Chapter 4: The Imposter

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Third Person POV Eric and Andrew stand gobsmacked for a moment. Did she just ask what I think she asked? Eric wonders to himself, while Andrew just starts cackling. Just then the old woman reaches them and Eric’s gaze hardens. "You should really keep track of your young," Eric reprimands Margaux. He looks her over and decides to leave out his comment that he is surprised she could even have children at her age. The harshness of his tone and his strong aura startle Margaux. She puts her hands on her hips. "What are you doing?" Margaux asks Debbie breathlessly. "I wanted to go see my mom," Debbie chimes in causing everyone’s eyes to fall on her. "She's at a party. The--" she scrunches her nose, trying to remember, and Eric thinks he has never seen anything cuter. After a second, she perks up and exclaims, "Mama's at the Blue Moon welcome party!' "Really,"Eric smiles,"Well that's where we are going now. Do you want to come with us?" Debby nodded furiously. "Let's go! I'll introduce you to Mama, and then she can make you my daddy!" Eric bends at the waist so he’s eye level with Debbie. "I’ll take you to her,” he stands up and extends his hand out for Debbie to take but Margaux pulls Debbie next to her. Debbie is her responsibility and Margaux sure isn’t going to lose her privileges of watching this sweet little girl. "I don’t think that’s a good idea," Margaux says shaking her head. Eric checks his temper. What he wants to tell this woman is he doesn’t care what she thinks. Instead, he puts his Alpha Voice on. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. If her mother is going to be one of my employees, I find it to be my responsibility to return her to her mother." Eric flashes a sheepish smile, "Besides, she almost die trying to go find her mother." Margaux wasn’t born yesterday. She’s picking up on his subtle threat. "Oh, all right," Margaux says, forcing a smile. Eric nods his approval at Margaux for her smart decision. _____ Renee’s POV The welcome party is going smoothly. I have already gotten a lot of complements on my turquoise dress. Most of my future collegeagues seems nice and welcoming. I have found a few new mothers who are giving me tips about becoming a working mom, when out of the corner of my eye I see a small child wandering around. "I am so sorry to interrupt you, but I need to check on something really quickly" l says. I rush towards the place I see her, dread filling my stomach. What is Debby doing here? I find her on the other side of the room, and when she sees me, her little face lights up. "Mama" she manages to say before I run and sweep her up in my arms. "Debby," I frantically say, "What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I look up and down, trying to see if she's hurt. I repeatedly told the nanny to watch over her. "I wanted to see you,” she says simply. "And maybe see if you found me a new daddy yet", she adds with a sweet smile. l look at my daughter in amazement. Her dedication is serious. “I have not,” l tell her. Debbie squints her eyes at me. “Well, I found someone,” she says and l widens my eyes. Where is Margaux?  Proud of herself, Debbie twirls on her heels. “A handsome uncle brought me here and I want him to be my daddy,” Debbie says as though it’s a done deal. l sigh in defeat. I hug her tightly. We are going to have to have a don't get into strangers cars talk later, but for now, I am just glad she is safe. "Let's go to the snack bar and get you something to eat," I say. "Pretzels?" Debby says excitedly. "Pretzels," I nod with a mock seriousness. Just as l stand up, a high-pitched scream pierces my ears. I pull Debbie close to me out of instinct. If there’s danger, Debbie cannot send for herself. I look in the direction of where the scream comes from. Everyone turns towards the doors, when they walk in. My blood runs cold as I see Eric and Mia walk in, arm and arm, looking beautiful and powerful and... perfect. "Gosh, she's so lucky to be with him", someone in front of me fake whispers. Looking back at Mia, I realize she is wearing the dress I design. The same dress I'm wearing. The person next to her answers in the same loud whisper, "I heard they've always been together, and that he does anything she wants." People swoon at that. Always been together? I seeth. The words keep repeating in my head. No one knows that Eric had been married before-no, Eric erased me. He's always been with Mia, just like he's always wanted. Our marriage was just a stain on his perfect life, his perfect career. Mia has replaced me, even wearing my dress. She is everything he wants. I steel my heart, even as I feel a white hot rage envelope me. I won't allow Eric to move me, to hurt me. It doesn't matter that he erased me, because I don't need him. I has my daughter, and she is all I need. He never will have her, and that is his loss. I could hear Mia bragging about my dress as she waltzes in my direction. Everyone assumes that Mia is Eric’s fated mate. I realize now that the scream is some other designers gawking at Mia’s dress. The dress that I has designed. The distance between me and Mia is suddenly becoming shorter. Mia's gaze moved to me. A mix of shock, rage, and embarrassment floods her face. “Your dress is a fake,” she says in disgust to me. She raises her bejeweled arm in the air and snaps her fingers. “Security! Toss this imposter out of here!!!”
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