Chapter 3: The New Girl

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5 Years Later Renee’s POV I stand before the mirror and put on the finishing touches of my makeup. I click on the cap of the lipstick and take a step back. My reflection catches me by surprise. I stare at the woman in the mirror and like what I see. No longer is there a timid and submissive wife. The woman in the mirror is bold, her blonde hair and red lipstick is wild and sexy. Annie would never consider being blonde, it would stand out too much. Renee on the other hand welcomes her accentuated striking features. I may have the same face as I did five years ago, but somehow I look more alive. I feel more alive. Just then, I catch a glimpse of part of my life waltzing into the room through the reflection in the mirror. “Mommy!” Debbie exclaims, wearing the dress I designed, though she’s more like swimming in it as the tail trails behind her. I spin around and c**k my head, “Well don’t you look beautiful,” Debbie gives a half twirl and a full smile. “Thank you very much, but this is for you to wear,” Debbie says shimmying out of the dress. I laugh. It isn’t lost on me that her boldness is something she learned from me, from Renee. Annie would’ve never raised such an outspoken daughter, surely not with a husband like Eric around. Of course, with Eric out of the picture and our connection being lost means that I am a wolfless person, and Debbie pays the price for that. Though Debbie is skinny to the point of almost scrawny, she still resembles her dad. Thinking of Eric, my heart still aches involuntarily. It’s moments like this where I see Annie buried underneath this facade trying to resurface, and I quickly have to shove her back down. “And why that dress?”  “Because,” Debbie says hopping up onto my bed. “It’s the best dress ever and you can find me a new daddy while wearing it tonight” Speechless, I can only manage to look at her in amusement. Sometimes, having such an outspoken daughter has its drawbacks. Like the fact that she’s never shy about telling me how I ought to spend my night. Though I can’t blame her. I always wanted to know who my father was too. I do feel a bit like Cinderella as I get ready to go to this welcome party at this company’s designer competition that I won. Though it’s not just some random company. It’s at the most established clothing company in the nation, Blue Moon Group and there’s going to be a sea of designers all vying for this one position as lead designer.  I was already offered a job simply by winning, but nothing is set and stone. I haven’t even met the employer yet. But I need this job. It’s not just about the title, the pay is what matters. Truth is, since I left Eric, I left behind all the status and wealth in the world that wouldn’t be so bad for me, but Debbie is ill. She may have a strong personality, but her physique is weak. She needs special treatment if she’s ever going to be strong like her peers. I’ve given her everything I can, more than she knows and this is the one thing I’ve yet been able to do for her. So, tonight is important. I get one shot to learn this job and Debbie’s right that is the best damn turquoise dress. “All right then,” I concede, extending my hand out “Give it to me.” Once dressed I step out of our tiny half bathroom and let Debbie inspect my appearance. Her jaw drops open. “Mom,” she says like she can’t believe it’s me. And honestly, I know how she feels. “You look beautiful!” Debbie squeals. I look in the mirror and see that Debbie is right. I do look good. It’s not just the dress or the make up, but the confidence. It’s the realization that I don’t need to be sad about never seeing Eric again. ——— Third Person POV The atmosphere in the Blue Moon company office is tense. Andrew, the pack's beta, is updating the CEO on the new designers party and their onboarding status. "The artists for the ice sculptures would like to know if you want a harp or piano," he says professionally though his eyes cast worrying glances at Eric’s blasé demeanor. His Alpha always gets irritable around this time of year. "What?" Eric snaps as though Andrew just interrupted some important train of thought.  "The ice sculptures. For tonight’s welcome party?" Andrew says nervously. Eric groans. "Who cares about ice? It’s going to melt anyways," He kicks his feet onto the desk and pinches the bridge of his nose. Then starts flipping through the competition works of the new designers. "This dress is exceptional." Eric pointing out a beautiful turquoise dress to his Beta. The dress is a work of art with a flattering cut and bold detailing. There is deceptive simplicity, making the wearer look effortlessly gorgeous. Andrew nods,"Yes, that was one of the winners. All winners have been recruited and will begin work soon." "Let me see her resume,"Eric repies. He needs to know who creates this dress. Just before Andrew could hand Eric the documents, someone dramatically pushes the door open. "Andrew, go get us some water with ice and sliced lemon. It is brutally hot outside." Mia lowers her chunky sunglasses to the bridge of her nose. "And for the love of God, please make sure the lemon is fresh this time," Andrew hates the fact that Mia thinks she’s his boss. Mia only just starts working here as a designer, but only because she’s with Eric. Her designs aren’t even that good. Mia gasps and takes the photocopy of the winning design dress from Eric’s hand. Her eyes widen in delight. Though apparently, she has an eye for good design. "I want that!" She yells and looks at Eric expectantly. Eric rubs his temples. “Mia, I’m working. This dress isn’t owned by the company yet so I can’t just get it for you. Its creative rights have to first be relinquished by the designer who I have yet to meet and sign any papers,” Eric says sounding exhausted just from explaining the process. “Well, sorry for not knowing,” Mia says shifting her weight on her feet. She’s never been good at apologizing. “Anyway,” Mia says brushing aside the encounter, “you do recall my son Nilo, don’t you?” Mia says sarcastically. “Yes, I know Nilo,” Eric says, obviously. Mia’s lips curve down to a dramatic frown. “He misses you, he hasn’t seen you in a while” Eric sighs, softening his expression briefly. He stands from his seat and puts his hands on Mia’s shoulders. "I’ll visit in a few days and bring him a gift," he says. Mia’s frown quickly turns into a satisfactory smile and she claps her hands together. "Good," Eric tries to return her smile and then steers her toward the door. “Go. I have lots of work. Someone will give you water downstairs,” he tells her knowing Mia would use that as an excuse to stay longer. Once Mia is gone, Andrew continues to talk about the welcome party. “The party is at 6:00 pm tomorrow. I’ll tell the ice company to arrive last, the ice might melt considering it’s July,” He didn’t mean to further point out it’s the anniversary month of his ex-wife’s death. Eric’s eyes fly open. Andrew tucks his notes away knowing what he says now about tomorrow’s itinerary will be landing on deaf ears. Instead, he watches as Eric rifles through his wallet and pulls out a small square photograph. He stares at it for some time as Andrew patiently waits while his Alpha proceeds to have his moment. It’s the very same B-ultrasound that was in the drawer the day she got hit by a car. Eric lost not only his fated mate that day but his child too. He grimaces as he recalls the pulling of emotions from that day. Finding out you’re having a child in the same instant realizing it had just died caused a head to explode in his Eric’s skull as he were the one hit by the car. That same headache is coming on now. What would have happened if he had just stopped her, if he had done something other than stand there like a fool. What if...The guilt and sorrow plagues him constantly. Even after five years, her loss still hurts like it has just happened. “Take me home,” he instructs Andrew carefully putting the ultrasound back his wallet, taking care not to wrinkle it. That piece of paper is the last thing he has of Annie, and it is a constant reminder of what he lost. “Take me home and then directly to the party tomorrow.” Andrew nods. That’s an order he doesn’t mind following.  ---------- The next day on the way to the party, Andrew glances over at Eric who’s passed out in the passenger seat. He had to call his Alpha several times before he finally answered. He said he was asleep after being up all night and would be down shortly. Andrew was driving, letting Eric attempt to relax before the big night of socializing ahead. Eric couldn't remember the last time he slept well. With Annie-Eric buried that thought. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to relax. SCREECH- Andrew slammed on the brakes. "What the f**k-"Eric lunges forward but the seatbelt prevents him from hitting his head on the dashboard. "There-there was a kid in the road," Andrew interrupted, panicked. "What?” Eric growls and rips the seatbelt off of him. He slams the car door shut and looks around and sure enough, a small child is standing dumbfounded in the middle of the street. "Debbie!" Some older woman still on the sidewalk calls out. She tries to hurry over. "I told you to look both ways," the old lady scolds, but Debbie isn’t paying attention. Eric crouches down, meeting her eyes. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asks in a gentle voice that Andrew doesn't know he is capable of. She’s looking up at Eric with bright green eyes smiling as an idea formulates in her mind. When he looks at her, the words fall short. They hold each other's gaze and though they’re meeting for the first time, it’s as if they’ve known each other all their lives. “Would you like to be my daddy?” Debbie asks.
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