Chapter 27 Reveal!

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~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well let's start. You want to know about (y/n)'s accident, right?" "Yes, please tell me about it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It's a pretty short story" -Story- Last time when you were still very small, you and your family went on a vacation. The next day after you arrived to the place you were staying at, you went to the ocean. When you were in the ocean, you walk and then swim deeper and deeper. You raised your head to take a breath. That part of the ocean was deep and your feet can't reach the bottom. Izaya noticed you were missing. He looked around and found you. "(Y/n)!" Izaya screamed your name. You looked back. You: Hn? Suddenly, a big wave came. I: (Y/N)!! Izaya immediately swim towards you. Izaya is a really fast swimmer and now, he broke his speed record. You were drowning. Your hands and feet are getting tired. You stopped moving around, but still tried hold your breath. Sorry everyone...I shouldn't have gone too far. Dad, mom, Sora-nii, and...Iza-nii.... Sorry... You can't really hold your breath long, so you let all your breath out. Water are going inside you. And right now, you were sinking. Izaya grabbed your hand and went to the surface. I: *Pant *pant (Y/n)?! (Y/n)?! He swam as fast as he could and brought you to the land. S: (Y/n)?! I: Where's mom and dad?! S: I don't know! I: Tch! Izaya put you down and put his hands on your stomach. Then he pushed it over and over again. S: It's not working! I: I know, shut up! "..Let me do it." A kid showed up. I: Who are you? "Me? I'm not important right now. Let me do it, my dad taught me how to handle these kinds of situation. " I: Okay, fine. "Is it okay for me to give her a CPR?" I: C-CPR?! Agh! Do whatever you want, just save her! "Okay." He did the same thing as Izaya and put his lips with hers. He gave you CPR and let go. Then he put his hands on your stomach again and repeat 3 times. You coughed out water and got up to a sitting position. You: *Groan W....what happened? *cough S: You were drowning and Izaya dragged you out of the water. You: Oh.. I: And this boy here saved you. You faced him. You: ..Thank you for saving me~ “No problem *smile This is actually my first time doing a CPR, can't believe it was a success.” I: By the way, you still haven't told us your name. “My name? *Giggle My name is-“ "Come on! It's time to go!" "Ah, okay! Mom" "Ah sorry, I need to go. I hope we'll meet again! Bye!~" "Bye^^" He ran towards his parents and left. You: Ha, that was fun, that was fun~ S&I: You almost drowned! You: I know, it was fun yet scary!~ -Present- 'The story..' -Karma K: She still sounds cheerful. S: Despite her being scared, she's still smiling like that.. I: The next day after that accident.... -Back to story- I: Wanna go swimming in the ocean again? You: ..No thanks, I'm not in the mood~ "I don't think I'll be able to ever go to the ocean or swim again..." You mumbled. -Back to the Present- I: Then, on the night I saw her walking towards the ocean, while holding her night dress. Then she put both of her feet in the water. She walks and walk until it reached her knee level. And when the water is over the knee level, she immediately ran back to the shore with a horrified look, gripping her hand tightly. K: I see... I: Everyone, including me, probably thinks that she is cute, brave, has a perfect life, and anyways just perfect. But her life, her childhood is pretty bad and she got traumatized with it. It still haunts her sometimes, but of course she'll act strong. Still though...despite that I still think she's perfect. There're still more story that you don't know. 'Karma, I think you got it wrong, I'm not the perfect girl that you think I am.' (Ch. 25) I: Has it ever occurred to you that she's hiding her real self? K: ... I: She used to be a bit dark in the past, but she's trying her best now to act perfect cause that's what people expect from her, but she will deny if someone calls her one. Though she's probably already used to it that it became her personality now. K: And what about her childhood? A guy named "Aki" and stuff. I: I heard (y/n) met him on your trip. S: I think you should ask her that yourself. K: Okay I understand, thanks. When Karma was opening the door, he saw (y/n) standing in front of the door, holding her hand tightly in her chest facing down. S&I: Imouto! K: (Y/n).. 'I thought she was supposed to be asleep.' You: Karma....*deep breath You faced Karma and smiled. You: Let's go to that park again~ K: Yeah, okay. You and Karma arrived at the park and see no one in there, just the two of you. You ran towards a swing, and Karma followed you there. You swing forward and backward. The park was silent. After a couple of seconds of quietness, Karma decided to break it. K: About before.... You: ...Can't believe you found out about it. K: I'm sorry but I had to. You never tell me anything about your childhood. You: I'm sorry Karma, it's just that...I can't really trust anyone for me to tell anything about my life. K: So, you don't trust me? Your eyes widened. You: I-it's not like that....That's not what I meant.. K: I'm your boyfriend, right? Geez I'm always here whenever you need me. Talk to me when you need to talk to someone. Ask me if you need anything. And tell me what you're f*****g afraid of so I can protect you! You: Karma.....Fine, I'll tell you the whole thing...It's really long though K: That's fine, thanks. You: Nii-chan only told you about the ocean accident, right? K: *Nod Yeah, please tell me the rest of your childhood stories. You: Okay...Um..where should I start?...I was really blessed as a child. Last time when I was at the age of 1, I learned how to talk, read, write, sing, dance properly. And at the age of 3, I started studying everything. Though my parents didn't allow me to study one topic for some reason. I locked myself from the outside world just to study. Even my parents are mad at me for only studying. Sometimes I'll ask brother if I don't understand it, or just search it up on the internet. Usually I sleep for 4 hours or less or I just don't even sleep at all. It seems that I made my family worried. One day a new neighbor arrived. It was on that day that I had finished studying. My brothers came to my room and told me to stop studying and greet the neighbor. When they looked at me, they were surprised. That time I was playing my phone instead of studying. Their face were priceless *giggle -Story- "(Y/n)!" You stopped playing your phone. You: What is it? S: Y-you're playing?! You: Yeah. I: How about your studies? You: Finished it 3 hours ago. S: That fast? Way to go imouto!~ You: You're just slow nii~ These three children of the (l/n) family are geniuses. The two of them took 4 years to finish everything, but they also stop and have fun, unlike you. I: Well, that's my imouto. The three of us can finally have our time together~ You: Well, what were you going to say? I: Ah, it seems that there's a new neighbor. You: New...neighbor? I: Yeah, so let go see them~ You: Meeting new people.... -Present- You: That's when I met Itona. Itona was emotionless and so distant. Well I'm the same as him since it's the first time for me to go outside and meet new people. But as time passed, he and I became really close. K: Hm~ You: Well, that's the story about my studies and how I met Itona. I'm always inside the house. I only went out when needed, like when my brothers invited me to other places. If I didn't go out, I would have forgotten what the world is like *giggle K: By the way. You: Yeah? Karma took something out from his pocket. He showed a picture of you when you were still small. The picture that he got from b***h-sensei. You: W-where did you got that from?! *Blush K: b***h-sensei~ You're so cute when you were still small~ You: *Pout That's it! I'm gonna call her b***h-sensei from now on!! K: So, why do you look so sad in this picture?

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