Chapter 26 Festival

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The last day in Okinawa afternoon, everyone packed up their things since they're gonna leave soon. When you've reached your house, your brothers attacked you with hugs and questions. Izaya with an irritated face and Sora with a really worried face. "What took you so long?!" "How are you?" "What surprising thing that you have now?" "What did you do?" "You're unhurt right?!" "We miss you, you kn-" You: I know! I know! Mou! I’m home. I: I saw you arrived sooner from the CCTV! What took you so long to get here? You: I came later than I was supposed to be, because I knew that this would happen *sigh Mom: Welcome home, honey!~ Dad: Welcome home (y/n), how was your trip? You: I had fun! *smile You looked at your brothers. You: And as for your questions, I'm fine and nothing happened~ I'm going to my room now. S: Are you sure? You: Yeah. I: Are you really really sure? You: Yeah. You went inside your room and drop yourself on your bed. You: Hah....I'm too lazy to move, I haven't turned on the AC and the AC remote is far away from me. *Knock* *Knock* *Click* Both of your brothers showed up. You: Onii-chan...perfect timing, could you turn on the AC remote please? I: Sure. He turned it on and your room started to get cooler and cooler. You: Ha~ This is better~ So what are you two doing here? I: I want you- S: We. I: We want you to tell us about your trip~ You: The trip huh...There's not much that I could tell.. S: Just tell us, we're curious~ '...Aki..' That memory showed up. You: *Gasp Ah...I-I'm not in the mood sorry. I: Are you really really okay there? Your necklace is black..You know how worried we are right? You: I know, I know. I went to a place surrounded with the ocean and that's one of the reasons why you want to come with me right? I: ..Yeah. So, are you really okay there? You: ....I drowned but Karma saved me. S&I: (Y/n).... You: The class tried to kill Koro-sensei, and I...I..m-met Aki.. S: Who? You: You know...Aki.. I: You mean that Aki? You: Yeah. S: Oh.....and then what happened? You: He just yelled at me. He was still mad..Well of course he is right? After what I had done to him..Then there's a test of courage and then the whole class tried to ship both of our teachers. And now I'm here, the end. I: Hmm, I see. Looks like you've been through a lot~ Don't worry, about Aki, that's not your fault~ By the way, here, look at this. Izaya handed you a flyer. You: A festival? I wanna go! He could see stars in your eyes. I: Okay then, be careful ok? You: I'm going alone? ;-; I: No, of course not. I'm just joking~ *Giggle You: Sora-nii is going to come too right? S: Eh? Do I have to? I: Yep. S: But it's crowded there, I hate it. And plus, I'm too lazy going out from the house -_- I'm a shut in after all. I: But don't you go to school every day? S: Well that's because there's (y/n) there! I: But (y/n) is going to be at the festival too?~ S: Y-yeah b-but.. You: So, Sora-nii isn't coming? *Frown I: Don't be sad (y/n), I'm going with you since I'm the best brother ever ok?~ Well that irritated Sora. You: Okay Iza-nii.. I: Well, let's get prepared. It's gonna start soon right? You: Okay ^^ I: Ok the- Sora put his hand on Izaya's shoulder. S: Wait ╬ Izaya gave an innocent smile to Sora. I: What?~ S: I'm gonna come too ╬ Izaya smirked. You: Really? Yatta!~ I: I thought you weren't gonna come~ S: Well I've changed my mind. I'm going to go. -Time Skips- You were getting ready for the festival and you heard a knock on the window. You looked at the window, and saw a giant yellow octopus AKA your teacher. You opened your window. "Koro-sensei? What are you doing here?" "I was gonna ask you to go to this festival *shows the festival poster* but it looks like you're going. I asked as many people as I could, so see you there!~" Koro-sensei left. "...Ok then.." You got a message and opened your LINE. It was Karma. -------------------------- Karmaaaaaa Karmaaaaaa Has Koro-sensei told you about the festival yet? Me Yeah, a couple of seconds ago actually. Karmaaaaaa Well, are you going? Me Of course. Karmaaaaaa You're going too, right? Me Of course, meet you there. Karmaaaaaa Btw, my brothers are coming too. Me Really? Lol Karmaaaaaa Are you gonna wear a kimono? Me That's a secret~ Karmaaaaaa I'll take that as a yes then~ Me Well just don't raise your hopes up too much. Karmaaaaaa I'm still expecting you to use it, cya Me See ya -------------------------- You smiled to yourself and jumped a bit in excitement to meet Karma at the Festival. You were wearing your kimono, but you were having trouble tying up the obi. So, you went to Izaya's room and ask him to tie it up. Good thing that he can. After he tied it up, he compliments you by saying, "It fits you perfectly, you're so adorable~" "Arigato, onii-chan~^^" "Let's go!~" "You're not gonna use a kimono?" "What? No. I'm just gonna use these everyday clothes." "Okay then, how about Sora-nii?" "He'll probably use the same." Both of you went to Sora's room and saw him playing his computer with his everyday clothes. I: Oi Sora, come on, it's time to go. S: Wait, a little bit more and I'll win. I: Hurry up or else we're leaving you. S: Yeah, yeah, just wait. I: Don’t you wanna see my cute sister using a kimono? Sora paused the game and look at Izaya with an irritated face again. S: Yours? ╬ I think you mean mine. I: Well, she's cute right?~ Sora looked at you, and carried you to his lap. S: Behold the power of cuteness we shall quickly finish this game! "Help me a bit yeah, imouto?" He whispered to your ear. "Okay~" Then the game ends in 32 seconds. S: Thank youu, imouto~ You: Yeah! That was fun~ I: Come on let's go. S: Kk Sora stood up. You looked, at Izaya and Sora. You: Maybe I should be using an everyday clothes too.. I: What? Don't. S: Why? You: Because Iza-nii and Sora-nii are using everyday clothes, and I'm using a kimono.. I: Don't change, you're already cute. We just don't fit on those kinds of clothes. Plus, it's been a long time since the three of us went to a festival together so you need to use it. S: Yeah *nod You: But I bet it’d look good on nii-chans. But, okay then. The three of you arrived at the Festival. S: many people.. Iz: Well, where do you wanna go first (y/n)? You: There they are!~ Iz: They? You: My classmates. Izaya and Sora noticed some familiar faces. You: Minna! You waved your hand. "(Y/n)-chan! You came!" You: Of course, I did. You tried to look for Karma, but can't see him anywhere. So, you ask Nagisa, "Where's Karma?" N: Karma's over there. Nagisa points at a stand. You: What is he doing? N: Karma wants a game console, and well he knew none of them were big winners so he tricked the guy, I guess? You: Oh lol. Then Karma walked back with a satisfied face with his game console and he noticed you. K:(Y/n)! See~ I knew you would you a kimono~ You: Um..well what do you think? It's been a while since the last time I wore them. "It suits you perfectly~" Karma said while patting your head. You: *Slightly blush Thank you^^ K: Anyways, you said your brothers are coming too right? Where are they? You: Hm? They are right are they?! K: Ah is that them? Karma points at a crowd of girls squealing. You looked at the pile of crowd and saw both of your brothers there. You: Nii-chans?! K: Lol, they look like they're in trouble~ You: We gotta help them! K: Hmmm~ Nope, I'm gonna have you for myself~ Karma pulled you away and your brothers noticed. You: Nii-chans!!! S: Imouto? Imouto!!!!! *Sweat drop* Iz: Help us *sweat drop* You: Nii-chansss! Karma successfully dragged you away. 'Damn you Karma! We were the one who's supposed to be with (y/n)! You stole our (y/n)!' Izaya and Sora thought. You: Kar-ma!! We need to help them! K: Nope~ It's impossible to help them now. You: I guess we'll just go together then. Just let go of my arm *sigh 'I'm sorry onii-chans  ̄v ̄;'-You K: That was fast~ What do you wanna do first? You: I don't know, catching goldfish? K: Okay~ There, you met Isogai and Maehara. You were surprised by Isogai's skill, it wasn't as good as you but it was close. You: You caught a lot! What are you gonna do with it Isogai-kun? Is: Hmm, maybe a nice pan fry? You: Eh? Just now...what did you say? Is: Fr- Maehara covered his mouth. M: Nothing, nothing~ "Don't ruin this innocent child's dream!" Maehara whispered to his ear. "What's wrong with it?" Isogai whispered back. "What if she loves goldfish?! She'll be shock with what you said just now!" "Oh, I see" You: ? Is: How about you? What are you gonna do with yours? Yours were much more than Isogai's. You: Karma do you want it? K: Nah. You: Then, I'll give it to you, I guess? Is: R-really? Thank you!!! You: You're welcome~ *Chuckle Since you like this, it makes me wanna give you more~ M: I know. Is: Thanks a lot (y/n)-chan! You: But you know~ You can't get it for free~ you need to do something for me first~ Is: ? What is it? You: Don't worry, it's not that hard~ Is: Okay, what do I have to do? ^^ You: Maehara-kun, is it okay if you get involved? M: ? Sure, I don't mind. You: Thank you! Okay so Isogai-kun, Maehara-kun, you two need to face each other. "Okay?" Karma knows where this is going. K: (Y/n), stop. You: You can't tell me what to do~ K: Stop. You: *Smirk It's too late. Then you "accidentally" pushed Isogai's back. "Oops~" you said. Then Isogai fell towards Maehara causing Maehara to fall too. You quickly took your phone out and took a couple of photos of them together. When they opened their eyes, their eyes widened to see their mouth kissing one another, it lasted for 5 seconds. Then Isogai quickly stand up with a blush on his face, Maehara too. You: Yes!~ Is: I-I-I-I-*blush You Okay~ Here's your goldfish~ You handed it over to him. Is: W-was that r-really necessary? You: What is?~ M: You pushed him which cause him t-to k-kiss m-me *blush You: What do you mean?~ I 'accidentally' pushed Maehara, right Karma?~ K: ...*Sigh Sure. You: Was that your first kiss?~ Is: N..*nod M: I've played a lot of girls but...I've never actually kiss them.. You: Well then this is good, you both most your first kiss to each other~ Is: Are you actually shipping us? You: Yeah, since that day we met at Amagi Brilliant Park. Is: B-but he's a guy! And I'm a guy! We're both guys! M: Yeah. You: So, what? Do you both enjoy the kiss or not? Is: It's not the time to ask that! You: Just answer honestly~ Is: I-I don't.. M: ...I...*frown Is: I mean...I...I don't know! I can't think! I lost my first kiss to a guy...and that guy is my closest friend..I.... M: Isogai.. Is: My head is spinning.. Karma sweat dropped and whispered to you, "(Y/n), just what are you doing to our classmates?" "Doing something that should have been done a long time ago~ and if I weren't your girlfriend, I would have done the same to you and Nagisa~" "..." Is: Even though it's with a guy..I guess I enjoyed it.. You: Good good~ What about you Maehara-kun? M: ...I kinda enjoyed it I guess..I'm still kind of confused. "Heh. Everything is going exactly to how I planned it would be." You mumbled. Karma looked at you and his friends and thought, 'How could they enjoyed it? The kissed for 5 seconds and it's not even a French kiss, well whatever.' You: Now the last one is~ Is: Another one? You: Do you like him now?~ M&Is: W-what?! K: *Cough Well (y/n) let's go and have some fun. Let them have their alone time okay?~ You: Eh? But I want to know their answer. K: I'll treat you anything that you want. You: *Cough W-well I'll go now, I'm looking forward to you answers!~ M&Is: Eh?! Then you left with Karma. K: What do you want first? You: Takoyaki! On the way, you bumped into a couple of people and almost got separated from Karma. 'I feel like this is when I first enrolled to much bumping' you thought. Karma grabbed your hand and hold it tightly to prevent you from getting separated with him. Then a couple of minutes later you bumped someone which caused her to fell and you quickly apologized. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize^^" said a random girl with 3 more girls with her. You looked at the person and you were shock. You helped her to stand up. "I-I'm really sorry, Mika. I'll leave now, let's go Karma" you said. "Okay." Karma replied. Just as soon you were about to leave, her red headed friend said, "Wait. How do you know her name? You said Mika just now." 'Ah..' "H-her name? Ah, lucky guess? That name fits her looks perfectly and I guess I was right that her name is Mika^^, I'll be going now." "Wait." Again, you were stopped. "You look like someone I know..have we met before? Your cuteness reminds me of someone..but who?" "I don't think we ever met before. Maybe we passed each other somewhere. So, bye, come on Karma." You pull Karma's hand tightly. "What's wrong (y/n)?" "Huh?" "(Y/n)?" "(Y/n)?" "Wait...(y..../n)?" "A...b-bye!" You ran at a random direction. "Wait (y/n)! Slow down." "Ah, sorry Karma." You let go of his hand. "It's fine, anyways who is it this time?" "No one," you give him a fake smile and Karma clicked his tongue. "Why can't you tell me? When are you gonna tell me everything?" "...There's nothing to tell.." "Liar." "*Sigh Sooner or later" "Promise me." "Okay" 'Well at least it's all of them, right? Everyone from my childhood stories..Itona..Aki, Mika, Karisa(that red headed one), Alice and Rika...can't believe I met Aki, Mika and the others in such a short time. It feels like it's planned by someone to make a story or something....but it's pure coincidence right?' -You Then you and Karma went to the takoyaki stall and this time you saw Itona buying the Takoyaki. Since his back were facing you, you decided you surprise him. So, you creeped up behind him and hug him. You: Itona!~ Good thing he didn't dropped the takoyaki. K: ╬ It: (Y/n), you came. You: What do you think about my kimono?~ It: It fits you perfectly. You: ...*Sigh It: You're not happy with that compliment? You: No...I'm happy but, it's the third time today and I'm bored hearing that compliment already.. I wanted to hear something different .-. It: Well you look cute in it. You: Thanks ^^ btw I need to tell you something. It: What is it? You: I met them. I met Mika, Karisa, Rika and Alice.. It: You met them?! You: Yeah, they're here. It: What did you do? You: I ran away. It: I see..Well don't get it get to you. Whatever happened last time, it wasn't your fault. Then Karma bought the Takoyaki and ate them with you. You enjoyed the rest of the festival which ended with fireworks. -The next day- "Can I come in?" Karma knocked on Sora's door. "Come in." Two voices answered which belonged to Izaya and Sora. Then Karma opened the door and ask, "(Y/n) is still asleep right?" "She should be," Izaya answered. Sora said, "Well let's start. You want to know about (y/n)'s accident, right?" "Yes, please tell me about it."
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