Chapter 12 Test of Courage

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The next day in the evening~ (Sunday) (Y/n)'s POV Every time I got near Karma-kun I got more nervous, because I just realized that I actually love him. I tried to avoid him every time I see him, because I was too nervous. Koro-sensei said that we will be doing a courage test. Good thing I have nothing to be scared of, well except for jumpscares. I'm also scared that I'll injured the one that do the jumpscare. Karma's POV Why is (y/n)-chan keep on avoiding me every time I try to talk to her?! Koro-sensei said that we are going to have a test of courage by pairs. I know that this is for him to make his story, so I told him that I like (y/n)-chan and that she has been avoiding me all day. So later he will pair me up with her. "Minna-san we will do this test by pairs! And I am gonna make the pairs, whether you like it or not!" Koro-sensei said. "Please not boys and girls..." (Y/n)-chan mumbled. "By boys and girls!" Koro-sensei shouts. "...Eh why?...Just please don't let it be me and Karma-kun," she mumbled softly but I heard her. Why is she trying to avoid me? "Nagisa and Kayano Chiba and Hayami Sugino and Kanzaki Terasaka and Hazama Takebayashi and Okuda Etc. And the last pair will be (y/n)-san and Karma-kun," he announced. (Y/n): Ack!..Isn't Koro-sensei being mean today.. "The winner will be the bravest pairs, wins nothing!~ Well maybe respect~" One by one the pairs enter and when they come out, they ended up crying. Some left their partners, some have to be carried by their partner because they were scared to death, and some were just a little bit scared. Koro-sensei: Next is (y/n)-san and Karma-kun (Y/n) &K: Ok. So, we went in. It was so dark that we barely see anything. (Y/n)-chan seems to leave a huge gap between us. I got irritated of course. K: Hey, come here, let's not get separated. (Y/n): I-I'm fine here... K: Hey, what's up with you? You've been acting weird.. (Y/n): It's nothing. K: It's not nothing, you're avoiding me. (Y/n): I-I'm not.. I got so irritated that I pinned her on the wall of the cave. (Kabedon) (Y/n)'s POV Me: W-what are you doing?! K: Hey....tell me...why are you avoiding me all day? I ignored him. K: Tell me why. Me: ... It's because I like you. I faced to the other side and ignored him again. K: Answer me! He'd feel weird if I say my feelings. And it's too embarrassing. Me: No! He pulled my chin up, to make me face him. K: Don't play with me, (y/n). Karma's... K: You should answer me fast, before... Scary... K: I do something harsher to you. ...But that's not the problem.. Karma's POV I got her off guard (that means she loses her strength for now). I look at her fragile self. She's scared. K: ...I'm just joking. I went back to my original position. I put my hands inside my pocket. K: Sorry that must have scared you right? It's just you hate me now or something? I scratched my head. Her eyes widened. (Y/n): No! Of course not! You got it all wrong! How could I?! How could I hate you're all that I can think about.. That made my eyes widened. Surprised by what she had said. What? (Y/n): I just understood what this weird feeling is since yesterday, I always felt like this whenever you are around! I have been feeling this since that day when we eat lunch together, and I fell towards you. Remember when I said I have something to tell you but didn't? That is when I started feeling it! I don't get it! When Okuda was flirting with you, I felt really jealous! That is why I cried that night! I heard Okuda said that she likes you, and I heard you said that you like her! It makes me feel all weird around my chest! B-but now I am just too embarrassed to be near you....because I really love you....Karma-kun *sobs I know it was fast but...I love you....*cries Being in love is's almost scaring me how it could affect me this much *sobs Hearing those words made me really happy, I love her. I can't believe I made her cry though. I made her feel weird things. She was thinking hard because of me. She's just that innocent. I took a deep breath and approached her again. K:(Y/n)-chan...look at me. She looked at me with those teary eyes. K: (Y/n)-chan you know what? (Y/n): Ng? I hugged her. K: The first time I saw you, I was amazed by you. I thought, "How is a creature as cute as you exist." *chuckle That time, when we ate together under the tree, when you fell into me, our face was so close I felt like hugging you though of course I held back. We talked and talked and became so close, and before I knew it I started falling for you (y/n)-chan. When I saw you sleeping, you looked so adorable that I wanted to die from keeping myself to disturb you from hugging you. When Okuda was flirting with me, I feel like I hated her so much for disturbing our 'us time'. You are precious to me. When you cried, my heart ached. I wanted to beat up the bastard who made you cried, but turns out it was me. Now that I'm hugging you, I feel like if I hug you tighter, your body will break. I'm becoming not myself because of you. Just like you, I have never felt this before. It's the first time I feel like I want to protect something or someone so precious. Ever since I met you, I'm...changing...Cliché, right? *chuckle I hugged her tighter. K: I can't believe I’m having these kinds of problems *chuckle but... I let go of the hug, and looked at her straight. K: I really do love you, (y/n)-chan~ (Y/n): Karma... K: Won't you be my girlfriend?~ *smile (Y/n): Nn, *nod yeah. How do I say it...I've never felt this happy before..You could say that, I'm the luckiest person alive. K: A~Ah~ I'm so happy~ Koro-sensei: What a beautiful love story *sobs K: Eavesdropping again? *sigh Koro-sensei: Well I am supposed to be scaring you after all~ and please don't mind me. (Y/n): But there were no jumpscares and stuff? Koro-sensei: That's because I'm giving you two time~ K: You aren't scared? (Y/n): Of course not. I mean far we are just walking inside a cave. K: True, but isn't the cave scary?~ Aren't you afraid of ghost?~ (Y/n): Nope. K: Oh?~ So~ What are you scared of then? (Y/n): Nothing~ K: Eh?~ Tell me~ (Y/n): Well...if someone tries to take you away...from me...maybe.. K: That won't happen, don't worry~ I patted her head. (Y/n): Okay. Koro-sensei: Nyufufufufu~ And Koro-sensei goes to the place where he will scare us. (Y/n): Hey Karma. K: What is it (y/n)-chan?~ (Y/n): Give me one marker. K: How did you know I have a marker? (Y/n): Instinct? K: Well I do have one, here~ I lend her the marker. (Y/n): Thanks, how about ropes? K: Here~ I took out my rope. (Y/n): Where did you put this? K: Secret~ I lend it to her. (Y/n): Thanks, so this is the plan. I will tie Koro-sensei up on the last place and we will draw on Koro-sensei's face, but not killing, just drawing. K: How are you gonna tie him up? (Y/n): I actually have an inhuman speed. I can go to any speed I want. K: Hee~ Seriously? You really amaze me sometimes. (Y/n): Let's move on!~ There he is, the first round, he just showed us some weird s**t and tell us stories about a horror cartoonist named Shigeru Mizuki. Koro-sensei taught we were scared. We were kinda bored hearing the story. (Y/n): Somehow..being in this dark place hearing a boring story made me sleepy, Karma-kun. Koro: Nyu?! The next round is supposed to be scarier and scarier, but I and (y/n)-chan laughed harder and harder. Until the next round, which is the last one. How did we know that this is the last round? Because he said it himself that this one, and he said that the last one will scare me and (y/n)-chan for sure. I and (y/n)-chan signaling each other to get ready. Suddenly a green colored Koro-sensei in a mustache appeared. Koro-sensei: So- (Y/n): Now! She runs toward Koro-sensei and tied him up. Everything happened in less than a blink of an eye. Koro-sensei: What just happened?! (Y/n): Don't worry sensei, we won't kill you. We will just play with your face~ And jeez, stop struggling! Koro-sensei: No! Not my beautiful face! K: Your face has never been beautiful sensei~ Koro: You two are evil!! I and (Y/n) started to draw random things, and (Y/n) wrote: Karma Akabane is mine! K: You're really cute. I patted her head again. (Y/n): It's so they'll know that Karma-kun is taken already..*slight blush We untied the octopus after scribbling on his face. We walked out of the place while laughing while holding each other’s hand. Sugino: Weren't you scared?! Maehara: How come you are laughing?! (Y/n): Well we had lots of fun~ *smile Everyone blushed by her smile. Kayano: Hmmm? What's this? Rio: Holding hands...A-re~ Are you two finally dating?~ K: Yeah, we're dating alright~ Everyone: Eh?! Maehara: Is it true (y/n)?! She nodded in embarrassment. Sugino: *Sigh Good job man! I smirked. Karma: Right?~ Okajima: So that's what all of this about. (Y/n): Hmm? What do you mean? Kayano: We heard some shouting in there, and we were about to go there but Koro-sensei stopped us. Koro-sensei came out of the cave. Kayano: Ah Koro-sensei-Eh...What happened to your face?! Everyone laughed at Koro-sensei. Koro-sensei: Stop laughing! Few stops, some tried to hold it, some still laughed at him. Koro-sensei: *Sigh (Y/n)-san...just what Mach can you do? Kayano: When you think about it...(Y/n)-chan, how do you guys do this? (Y/n): I just tied him up and draw on his face, right Karma-kun? Karma: Yeah. Kayano: How did you do it?! What Mach do you have to tie the 20 Mach octopus?! Koro-sensei: Use my na- (Y/n): Well...I could use any Mach I want, but if I need to jog or run, it is actually pretty hard to keep the same Mach as you guys. I'm still learning how to control it. Karma: Oh, I see. Koro-sensei: So, you don't have a max? (Y/n): Yup! Rio: Why don't you just kill the octopus then? (Y/n): Well....I just don't wanna....but if we have no other choice then...I will kill him. Plus, if I kill him by myself, that means you will waste all your effort on this assassination, right? Rio: You're so cute~~ Rio hugged her. Koro-sensei: N-nyufufufufu~ (Y/n): So, either way you will die Koro-sensei!~ Koro-sensei: Eh...Okay then....pick your things up kids! It's time to go home~ Everyone: Okay!~ People left. I, (y/n)-chan, and Koro-sensei were the only ones in here. (Y/n): Karma-kun come on! Karma: You go first (y/n)-chan. I need to talk to this octopus alone~ (Y/n): Ah, okay~ She left. K: Koro-sensei...thank you for this...I wouldn't have known that she likes me, and we wouldn't be a couple. So, thank you, Koro-sensei. I give him a warm smile. Koro-sensei: Nyufufufu~ You're welcome Karma-kun~ Still though....I never knew you would show me this side of yours. I'm so happy~;-; K: Shut up! Don't tell anyone about this! Koro-sensei: Okay, okay~ Karma: And send me my pic with (Y/n)-chan~ I know you took our photo. Send it to me. Then he sends me a video instead of pics. Karma: So, you video it instead huh? This is better!~ and you video it clearly too even though it's dark, thanks! Koro-sensei: You're welcome~ (=´∀`) Now get going and pack your stuff. Karma: Already done~ Koro-sensei: Then, wait for (Y/n)-chan~ Karma: Ok. I walked in and saw (Y/n)-chan standing there with her baggage and mine. Karma: You done? (Y/n): Yup!~ I did it fast so you don't need to wait for me~ (Y/n): Oh! And I also took yours! I patted her head, I just love patting her head. I was honestly scared that we would be awkward because we know how we feel towards each other. But it turns out that we're as close as ever. I guess it's because it's (y/n)-chan~ Karma: Thanks~ All of us are done and we go home. (Y/n)'s POV I was walking home with Karma beside me. Then we reached the place where we would be separating. K: Well, my home is this way, do you want me to accompany you to your way home? Me: It's okay, I can go back my own. K: Well, see you then- Me: W-wait! Um....Thank you for everything that you have done for me...Thank you... Karma smiled. He hugged me and whispered, "I like you~" while petting me. He let go of the hug. Karma: Bye (y/n)-chan! Love ya!~ Karma screamed while running away and waving, facing me. I just smiled and waved. I walked home alone. I reached my home and went in and was attacked by my parents. Mom: Welcome back sweetie~ Dad: Welcome back. Me: *Sigh I-am-home~ "Long time no see, (y/n)~ I have been waiting~" I noticed there's another guy in the house. He way! But, he is.....
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