Chapter 11 Understanding Love

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Karma's POV We walked to the cafeteria of the inn. I and (y/n)-chan sat together after choosing our foods. Then Okuda came here and sat next to me. (Y/n) is in front, and Okuda is next to me. God, she is so clingy when I don't even like her. (Y/n)-chan even thought that I like Okuda-san, even though I don't...Only if she is (y/n)-chan, I would like it. I'm starting to get annoyed by Okuda-san. (Y/n)'s POV Everything is alright until Okuda came and sat beside Karma. ...Yeah they do look cute together...Well to be honest I'm thinking like this because Okuda-san like him, but I don't like it. Why?...I'll ask Rio about this later. Okuda: Karma-kun, say ah~ Karma: I don't want it. I feel really weird.. Okuda: Oh, don't be shy Karma-kun! I'm also embarrassed to do this, so please go along with it. Please eat it, or do you want it from my mouth? I can't take it.. Me:'ve changed y’know. Okuda: Ha? What do you mean? Me: Sorry,'ve changed from a shy girl to a...bitchy girl... Okuda: Ha?! Karma's eyes widened. Me: Ah! I covered my mouth. Oh no! I shouldn't have said that! Me: Never mind sorry, Okuda-san! Karma-kun please forget that I ever said that.....Okuda-san, I'm sorry to say such a word to you. You must have hated me now don't you, Karma-kun? Karma: What? Of course not. I was just surprised that you said a bad word~ Okuda: Karma-kun, (y/n)-san is mean! She called me a b***h just now! Hueee! Karma: I don't care. Okuda: Huh? Karma: *Sigh First of all Okuda-san, I DON'T like you, got it? Second, stop clinging into me! It's f*****g annoying! Third, (y/n)-chan was right, from shy and s**t to a bitchy girl. It's funny how you suddenly changed after knowing that I said that I like you, even though I was lying. So, STOP being near me. Got it? When he said those words, it made me really happy. Why is it that Karma-kun is saying such offending words to her, yet I'm happy about it? Why am I such a bad person..? Okuda:'re not acting like yourself. Karma: Sorry I said something by mistake, the 'I don't like you part' Okuda: Ah, so you do like me~ Karma-kun I still l- Karma: By that I mean I HATE you. Got that? God dammit I got it wrong again. I mean DESPISE *sigh Just stop it. Okuda: Why? Is there someone you like? Karma: Yep. Okuda: ...I admit defeat *sigh Karma: Finally. Okuda: Could you tell me who? Karma: No Okuda: Is it (eyeing (y/n) but didn't realize) Karma: Yeah, she is the one... Okuda: It's always the cute one huh? Karma: Is not like that. Well maybe I do like her appearance, but there's something different. Okuda: Okay then, I won't disturb you anymore, but I still will like you. You can come to me or do anything you want to me, but I won't do that to you to disturb you with her until I really want to. Karma rolled his eyes. Me: Ehhh! You guys are leaving me out! *pout Who do you like Karma-kun? Karma: That is...when the time has come, I'll tell you, (Y-/-n)-chan~ Me: Ehhhh~~ *Pout You always say that. Karma: Say what? Me: "When the time has come." Karma: Is that so?~ Me: Yeah. Okuda: I'll leave then. Okuda left and sat with someone else. ? It's not like she can't seat here. Karma: Finally~ Karma's POV We started eating our food again. I looked at her eating. Her cheeks are...That's so cute. Karma: ...Hmmm~ (Y/n)-chan, ah~ (Y/n): Hm? Karma: Open your mouth~ (Y/n):A-ah..*slight blush She opened her mouth. Karma: Say "Ah~" first *smirk (Y/n):..It's embarrassing you know. Karma: Do it~ (Y/n):  ̄︿ ̄...Ah~ I put my fork to her mouth. My food is (F/F), while hers is (R/F). (Favorite Food, Random Food) (Y/n): It's good!~ Karma: Ne?~ (Y/n): Hey let's switch our foods! *laugh Karma: No wayyy, I like my food more. (Y/n): Well anyways! It's your turn now!~ She took her food with her spoon. Karma: Ah~ (Y/n): Ehh, it's no fun if you're not embarrassed.. She puts her spoon in my mouth and I blushed. This counts as an indirect kiss, right?~ The boys look at me with jealously and I just poke my tongue out to make them even more jealous. Not so long then, we finished our food. We are technically the last one in here. (Y/n):Finally! I finished it! Karma:You eat so long~ (Y/n):It's just that I'm full. Karma:Well it's time to go back. (Y/n):Yeah... So we reached our parting place. Karma:Okay I will go this wa- She suddenly pulled the hem of my yukata. (Y/n):... Karma: What's wrong? (Y/n)'s POV Karma: What's wrong? Me: Huh? Oh sorry. That's weird....why did I do that? My body just moved by its own. It feels like I still wanna be with him. Karma: Okay then...Good night~ Me: Night. Okay I really need to ask Rio about this weird feeling. I went to the room and see all of the girls discussing the same topic like yesterday. Some girls were saying that they are really happy that they sat next to the one's they like just now. Some teased, some just tell the reason why she liked him, and some just listen. I looked around to find Rio. Me: Rio..! Rio: Sup! Me: I wanna ask you something... Rio: Ask me anything!~ Me: Okay, so...I have this feeling that is going on these past days- Rio: Yes!? *w* Me: So, I have never experienced this feeling before, and I need you to tell me what it is... Rio: I need more explanation! Me: Uhhh.... Rio: Okay, when did this feeling occurs? Rio tried looking cool like what a detective would be. Me: Every time I'm around K-...a certain person... Rio: Oh?~ Is it a boy? (Must be Karma~) Me: Yes. Rio: I got an idea, but I need you to give me more details, like how you feel around this person. Me: Well...I feel happy! I feel really happy when he talks to me, when he pats my head, when he carries me, when he hugs me, and when he is around me...and the same time...nervous...and my necklace turns pink. Rio: Huh? Me: Ah see.. I explained this to all of the girls. Rio: Okay I think 90% of what I was thinking is true, so is there a girl that is near him? Me: Ummm..yeah, but....not anymore... Okuda looks like she got an idea. Okuda's POV Oh....that person is me. From all of what I have heard, I think she likes Karma-kun...tch! I hate to admit it but...they look perfect, no, no! Why did my mind think that? (Y/n)'s POV Rio: Okay sooooo how do you feel when this girl is around him? Me: I feel weird...I feel...sad, want to cry, angry, I feel like I got stabbed in my back, my heart clenched, and my necklace turns purple... Rio: Okay! I have a good news! It looks like everyone knows except for you! You are innnnnnn love!~ Me: L-love?! So, it wasn't arrhythmia?! Rio: Arrhythmia? Pfft! Of course not! What is that even? Me: *Sigh At least I don't have arrhythmia... Rio: Pink means love, and purple means jealous. As expected of the color. I seemed to forgot explaining that last time huh? Everyone: HOW COULD YOU FORGOT TO TELL THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE?! Rio: Eh...Teehee!~ Me: But seriously? Me? N-no Love? Jealous? Me towards him?! I blushed madly. Rio: Yeah! And I think everyone here has the idea who this 'person' is, right?~ Everyone nods. Me: Ehhh.. Rio: Hahaha! Of course, it's-! Everyone: Karma-kun/san! Isn't it? Me: W-what?! N-no! Why would I like a baka person like that!? Baka! Baka! Baka! I suddenly shout 'Baka’, which means i***t, out of embarrassment. Rio: Oho~ Getting tsundere are we? Me: What is tsundere? Rio: Well it’s basically people that has trouble in expressing their love. Usually they’d use violence when embarrassed. They’re kind of arrogant too. Even though they’re happy, they usually say the opposite like,” It’s not like I’m happy or anything!” *laughs Me: But I’m not in love with anyone. P-plus I don’t use violence when I’m embarrassed. Rio: Tsundere people also likes to say i***t and mean things~ Me: Hmp! It's just..I've never felt like this before...This feels so new to me.. Maybe I do love him, but it’s kinda scary how much pain it gave me. Kayano: It’s because you’ve never fallen for someone before, right? That’s why it’s new for you~ Rio: Don't worry, all of us ship it! Even Okuda-chan right? Okuda: As much as I hate to admit it, guys look perfect together. I give a warming smile to her and hugged her. Me: Okuda-san!~ Okuda: W-wah! Me: Thank you, Okuda-san~ Okuda: Hey, remember, if he comes to me, I will do whatever I can! Me: Let's see then~ Rio: When are you gonna confess? Me: How do you confess? Rio: Just tell him how you feel, to make it more romantic, tell him why you love him, since when, and yeah just tell him that, Haha. ^v^; (I don't really know) Me: I see, thank you!~ Koro-sensei: Hmm, I see~ All: Since when are you here?! Boy's room Karma's POV I parted from (y/n)-chan. ...I missed her already~ When I came in the guys glared at me. Karma: What? Maehara: Ne~ Karma-kun, you like (y/n)-chan, don't you? Karma: Yeah I do so what of it?~ Okajima: You said that you liked Okuda! Karma: Well that was a lie, and now I even HATE her. Okajima: Great now we don't have a chance to get her, right Maehara? Maehara: Yeah. Nagisa: I admit that I like her a little bit Chiba: I like her. Everyone: I like her too. Karma: Too bad, I LOVE her, she's just too cute~ Sugino: Man! I admire you so much! How did you get so near to her? Karma: Hmmm long story, short, she woke me up under the tree when I was sleepin- Sugino: When?! Karma: Assembly. Everyone: Dammit! I should have skipped that! DAMN! Karma: Then she asked me if the 3-E is fun or not, so I answered yes. Then the next day, she transferred to 3-E. On lunch break, she invited me to eat with her, and when she was making a cute face when I took her bento, she fell on me. Everyone: She what?! So lucky! Karma: Then she shared me her food, which tasted awesome. It was homemade by her by the way. Everyone: Damn! Cheater! Karma: Haha, then I asked her about her necklace since it has been changing colors. She said that her necklace changed by her emotion, like our octopus-sensei. But 2 of them were unknown, which is pink and purple. Red is bloodlust/angry, blue is sad, orange is embarrassed, green is normal/happy, and gray is confused. Karma: Then yesterday after I walked out of here from the love discussion, I approached her, and the others are private~ Everyone: Aw! Come on man! I wanna here more about (y/n)-chan's moments~ Karma: And now we're here, the end~ Maehara: Well you guys look so cute together that I don't wanna bother you guys .-. Karma: Do we now?~ Nagisa: So, when are you gonna ask her out? Karma: .....I don't know.....when the time is nice? Sugino: You gotta think about that yourself!~ Good thing my heart has already been taken by Kanzaki-san, so I won't feel jealous~ Koro-sensei: Nyufufufu~ I see~ I see~ ... Everyone: Get him!!!! All of us chase him. Everyone kept on running and running and I just stop somewhere knowing we couldn't actually get him. K: *Sigh Can't believe he was eavesdropping us. I forced a smile feeling troubled. "K-karma-kun?" I look at where the voice came from. K: (Y/n)-chan? *chuckle Was the octopus eavesdropping you too?~ (Y/n): Nn *nod K: ..Hey, wanna look around the place?~ (Y/n): N-no thanks...(small voice) I faced her wanting to see her face. Her face is almost as red as a tomato with her head tilted down a little. K:(Y/n)? What's wrong? (Y/n): N-nothing, I'm going back. K: Okay, good night~ She went back. K: What's up with her?
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