1208 Words

Samantha's P.O.V We were in the sofa cuddling while watching TV as usual. It became our hobby. I was all cuddled up on his chest and he had me wrapped by his arms. "Love can you turn into a wolf please" I said as I looked at him. "Oh no...not now" He said running his fingers through my hair. "Pleeeease" I said pecking his lips and smiling. "Fine your lucky I love you." He scoffed and then kissed my forehead. He stood up and left me on the sofa after a while I hear him changing then suddenly there was a grey wolf that appeared in front of me and that wolf was the same wolf that I was with when I was sleeping, it was love. The wolf then started walking towards me. "Waaaaaah love I missed you!!" I said running to go to him.  He licked my face and jumped on top off me. He kept on lick

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