1223 Words

Zack's P.O.V I went inside Samantha's room. I really got accustomed to staying her at her house. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a towel and  went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let the water cascade down to my body. I was calmly showering in the bathroom then I felt a sting in my finger. I just shrugged it off and continued to shower. I brushed my teeth, got dressed up and when I went out the bathroom a strong metallic scent hit me up. The scent of Samantha's blood filled my nose. I panicked and ran to her. Adrenaline kicked in my bloodstream but turns out she got a small cut that's why I'm looking for the first aid kit so I could treat her wound. When I got it I immediately went to her. "Hey come here" I said. She went by my side I made her sit in the couch. I carefull

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