1207 Words

Samantha's P.O.V He drove me home and it was a bit traffic so I just stared at car lights. After a few minutes I  can feel myself getting sleepy after few blinks I fell asleep. *mwaaah* *mwaaah* *mwaaah* *mwaaah* "Mmmm." I grumbled out of annoyance of the thing that was disturbing my sleep. "Hey wake up we're here" Zack said. *mwaaah* "Mmmm..." I grumbled. "If you don't wake up I swear I'll take you home with me." He said. "Five." "Four." "Three." "Two-." "I'm up I'm up" I said as I sat up straight he just chuckled at my actions. "I'm starting to suspect that you like my kisses." He said. "Na ah!" I said denying. "You're in denial love." He said. "Whatever Good Night thanks for driving me home and dinner. I had fun." I said. I was about to open the car door but he held

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