1205 Words

Zack's P.O.V Dad and I went into his office he sat down on his chair while I kept on standing waiting for him to speak. After a few minutes he wasn't still talking. I decided to talk. "Dad what seems to be the problem?" I asked. "Son have you told her?" Dad asked. "Told her...?" I said. "About you being mates?" He said. I was so happy that I was able to bring her here I forgot that I have still some serious stuff that I need to unfold to her. " I haven't" I answered. "How about what we are?" He asked. "Uhmmmm noo..." I said scratching the back of my head. "What are you doing son? Why haven't you told her?" He asked. "I'm still planning on how to make a move dad" I said. "Planning? son for a handsome guy you are slow on girls" He said laughing. "Yeah thank you for the

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