Chapter Eight

1630 Words

I click the first link with Chaz’s name on it then read the article as carefully as I can. Every single sentence shortens my breath, I even have to stop from time to time to gasp. My emotion transitions from anxiousness to disappointment when there’s no mention of Mallory Santiago. I lean my body on the back of my chair and stare blankly at the ceiling as tiny calmness coats my heart. 'What am I thinking? Why am I doubting Chaz?' I divert my focus back on the screen and click another link which has the ‘Montenegro Family’ on it. And just like the first one, the name I’m looking for doesn’t come up. 'That’s weird.' Instead of wasting my time searching for Mallory’s information online, I open the closed cases document under the criminal intelligence folder that’s saved in our departmen

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