Chapter 2

1145 Words
Samika's POV With a heavy heart that's literally pounding out of my chest, I walk towards the hospital again. And this time with my mind a total mess, my heart a worried waste, and my entire demeanor as if I had seen a ghost. And maybe I did. Maybe it's equivalent to it. Now I know why Brent got into a fight with Devon. That still doesn't explain why Devon just hit Brent back but at least knowing one side is still better than staying in the dark and in constant worry about what might have happened. I desperately wait for someone to tell me that this is a dream. But no one is waking me up. And this is not a dream. "Oh here you are," I hear Olive's voice and I turn around to find her. My best friend and Brent's girlfriend. She saw what happened too. She looks like a wreck though. Maybe I do too. I am pretty sure I mirror her state right now. "Yeah. Yeah here I am," I whisper and I hear a chuckle in the back of my mind that I am pretty sure from my wolf. "I needed some coffee. Brent is sleeping so I walk out and I see no coffee shops here," Olive groans and I finally smile. "Expecting to find a coffee shop in the middle of the woods and a village, way to go Olive" I chuckle and tilt my head asking her to walk with me. She said Brent is sleeping now. Maybe because of the medications and all. So even if I go now, I wouldn't be able to talk to him about anything. Instead, I take Olive to the pack house. She can use a shower, a coffee and something to eat. She doesn't talk but looks at everyone and everything. Her mouth slightly opened in surprise whenever someone bows to me and makes way for me to walk forward. "So you are now like, Royalty here?" Olive asks again, making me laugh. "Well, not exactly a Royal. But consider it almost there for these people. Only these," I say and she nods, at least trying to understand what I said just now. Once we reach the pack house, I see Cass still here and she is in a heated argument with Devon about something. They stop talking as soon as they catch the scents. Thankfully. I don't want Olive to be more terrified than she already is. "Well, I didn't get the chance to say earlier but Hey! Devon," Olive smiles as she raises her hand trying to wave at him. Devon looks at me once, with a nod and then at Olive. I know I'm not saying anything but I guess my glare said a thousand words to him. "How's he?" Devon asks Olive, which actually took everyone in the room by shock. "What? So I'm not supposed to ask how someone is after I beat their ass to pulp? Is that written on a rule board or something?" Devon scoffs, making me roll my eyes. Devon could be sweet when he wants to be, but when he chooses to be an ass.. that's when the Devil chuckles because he knows his training went well. "Alright. Olive, let me show you the guest room. Let's shift Brent here as well. As soon as he wakes up and the doctor is ready to discharge," I say and she nods, with her eyes still on Brent. Thankfully Cass takes it from there as she shows Olive the way to the guest room and helps her with everything. Showing her where the bathroom is, where the spare towels are and all of that. Olive told Cass that their luggage was still right where they witnessed the event. Even she doesn't want to say it out loud. The shift. My first shift. And Cass walks out, ordering the guard to get the abandoned luggage. "What was that about?" I ask Devon and he shrugs. "What now? Quickly jumping into defenses again, are we?" Devon asks. "I know you can be a pain in the ass to me when you want to be, Devon. But what I don't know is why you want to be that now," I say. I refuse to even think that Devon is like this just because Brent started a fist fight first. I know Devon way too much to understand that there is a whole lot in the backstory of his behavior. "I want to be a pain in the ass, because I am one. You should have known," Devon says and walks away without saying a word again. "You can heal pretty fast," I scream. That makes him stop walking right when he is before the main door. He turns around and looks at me, with no expression. Almost like the Devon I first knew. Like the Devon I hated. "That's not the case with Brent. You know it's not," I say and he doesn't say anything. He is just staring at me. Silently asking me to stop this discussion right here. But if he wants to be an ass, then maybe I can be one too. "You knew that and deliberately hit him harder. To a point he is still not discharged from the hospital. So damn me if you think I would believe you hurt him just because he hurt you first," I say and Devon is just glaring at this point. Nothing else. Just glaring. "Is there anything you want to say?" Devon asks and I shake my head. Waiting for his answer. "Good," he whispers and walks away. This time, he doesn't even turn back. What should I do? How do I clean this mess? How am I supposed to put the two and two together if both Devon and Brent are acting this way? I have only one lead and that probably covers only twenty percent of the entire story. Just when I thought my life couldn't get any easier, I see Nyle walking towards the pack house. My ex boyfriend and Devon's previous victim before he shifted to Brent now. I nod at the guards, asking them not to let Nyle into the pack house. I don't have any energy to deal with anything else now. It's already night. And my first shift was already hard on me, which everyone just decided to ignore. I fell on my bed, and this time it was easy to sleep since I was exhausted. "Things will get better, Samika. Trust me," I heard a voice in my head and I know it's my wolf. Only a few rare times she decides to say something nice to me. And I feel glad that this is one such occasion. I needed to hear things like that. Maybe my wolf is not a b***h, after all.
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