Chapter 64

385 Words
Alanna's POV Alanna's POV Oh my boy! Oh my sweet little boy! He cannot even recognise his own mother. But then again, he doesn't really know what I look like either. His memory was just starting to store things in mind when I gave him away. I highly suspected that he would recognise me by the eye colour. We both have the same eyes. But even then he didn't. I used to sit at the cafe and observe him everyday. I watched him grow up. I used to stand before the school gates where he studied. He once thought that I was a homeless woman and gave me his lunchbox instead. His sweet heart surprised me. It was nothing like Judah's. Or mine. I befriended Olive because I knew she was growing closer to him. I didn't know her for years. I have known her since she started going out with my son. I 'accidentally' ran into her one day at the grocery store and that's how the conversation started. She was nice enough to visit me too, ever since I told her that I lived alone most of my life. These two people should understand that kindness gets them nowhere! And I was slowly starting to feel ashamed by the fact that he did not shift into his wolf yet. He was happily embracing his human side. I don't even know if he knows the fact that he is a werewolf. I guess not because he is always surrounded by human friends. There was a blondie until last year who suddenly vanished. Maybe she died. I'm not sure. So I went to his home yesterday. I 'accidentally' ran into them at the coffee shop and they invited me to their place. Fools. In the name of massage I scratched Brent with my werewolf nails. I am pretty sure that should trigger his werewolf gene and if I am right, he should be shifting in less than a day. And that is when the game is going to start. I cannot wait. This should and will reach his father. Judah. And I am finally going to get what I always wanted. Brent is my only shot this time and I am not going to mess this up! Oh dear Moon Goddess! Stay by my side.
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