Chapter 15 - The Secret

2188 Words

Iris glanced at Etheera for a second, then turned toward William. “You. Out. Now!” she said through her teeth, pointing to the door on her way toward it. William seemed surprised but didn’t argue as he followed. Etheera tilted her head as she watched them leave, meeting William’s eyes when he turned at the door to look at her. Seeing that worried, suspicious gaze boring into her made her really annoyed. She hadn’t broken his nose earlier, which she now regretted. Stop it, Annabel’s voice nagged at the back of her mind. Etheera grimaced just as the door re-opened. Iris stepped in, stomping angrily while mumbling under her nose. “Pack your things, we’re leaving!” she said motioning toward the room. “I don’t have any things,” Etheera frowned. Iris rolled her eyes, lowering her voice. “Pa

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