Chapter 12

1436 Words
Delilah got home , went straight to her room where her bags were packed and she was ready to go . She threw her stuffed backpack onto her back , picked up her second bag and sneaked out of the house , knowing that everyone was home and she wouldn't bump into someone on the way out . " Now you have to be careful . Here's your buss ticket to New York . Here's some cash for a few month's rent and food . " Liz rambled as she helped Delilah sneak out of the house . " Thank you , so much . " Delilah smiled appreciatively . " You just take care of yourself > " Liz insists as she pulls Delilah closer to her chest , hugging her . " Now run before you get caught . " Liz whispers as she turns around and walks back to the kitchen . Delilah had the utter most respect for Liz , knowing that if the Keller's knew that Liz had helped her , then Liz would be fired . Even worse , beaten and then probably fired . Delilah rushed out of the front gate and began to walk down the street . Delilah constantly looks back over her shoulder as her paranoia takes over , it felt as if someone is watching her , scared that they will come and look for her . She starts to walk faster as the need to get off of the street began to grow . ' They aren't coming for you . ' she tells herself as she tries to calm her shaking hands . Delilah began to walk into the city when a taxi stopped next to her in the road . At first , she didn't see the car that was slowing down next to her , but when it horizontally next to her , her eye caught the sight , thinking it were the Keller's who had found her , but when she saw the taxi , a sigh of relief washed over her body . ' It's not even them . ' she sighed . " Need a ride ? " the man asks . " I'm good . " Delilah excuses herself and keeps on walking two blocks down . Delilah rounds the corner where the bus stop was and she smiled , knowing that this was her best shot out of here , forever . " Bus ticket . " The lady driver asks . " Oh . Sorry . " Delilah squirmed and took the ticket out of her pants . " Here you go . " Delilah smiled and the lady just smiled sarcastically back at her before grabbing the ticket out of her hand . Her eyes grew wide at the driver's action and she scurried to the seats right behind her . ' I hope she can't see me here . ' Delilah silently prayed as she took long deep breaths . Delilah's sat with her bag tightly clutched in her grasp , her feet repeatedly tapping against the floor -- the whole way to New York . After the six hour buss drive , people were rushing off of the buss , leaving Delilah stuck in the buss after about five more minutes . Delilah took a deep breath as she got out of the buss , fresh air filling her lungs . She looked around and there was people , a lot of them -- everywhere . She smiled , ' Try to get me now , Keller's .' she thought proudly . Her only real concern was Liz , she hoped and prayed all the way to here that Liz would be alright . The buss door shut and the unloaded the bags . Delilah patiently waited for hers before walking down the busy street . She stopped at a coffee shop and she went inside , taking a window seat right next to the busy street . " Wow . " she muttered as her eyes trailed over all the different sized of buildings , all with electronic billboards with ads on them . There were light everywhere , sharp like the sun . ' It's probably looks like day time at night too . ' she thought as she took off her hoodie , showing her black t-shirt tucked into her torn jeans . The waitress came over with a bored smile . " Hi . " she sighed . Delilah felt confused as she looked at the brunette , her lashes were long and her eyes were blue , a darkish blue . " Hi . " Delilah smiled back , genuinely . " What can I get you ? " She ask boredly . " Ehh -- hot chocolate , please . " Delilah smiled and the brunette frowned , writing the order down on her small notepad . " Is that all ? " She asks . Delilah looked up at the girl , noticing her name plate saying ' Emma ' . " Eh -- ehm ." the waitress cleared her throat . Delilah's eyes flicked up to her face , pulling her face guiltily . " Oh , no that's all . " Delilah smiled and turned her head , looking outside the window . People were passing by , dressed in fancy clothes that looked very expensive . Some wore almost nothing , the other's wore a lot and the rest , well they all look a little lost as they glance up at the signs , pointing into directions . Delilah noticed the artist's around , on most corners , there were people playing instruments , it wasn't even close to quiet around here . After a few minutes , the brunette waiter brought Delilah's hot chocolate , but with a sour face . Delilah felt bad as she didn't want to bother her when looking so -- miserable , but she had no other choice . " My apologies if I were to bother you , but could you perhaps tell me where I can look for accommodation ? " Delilah asked as professionally as she could . " Ehh .. " the waitress's face lit up in excitement . " Yeah , I actually do . " she smiled . Delilah felt baffled at the sight of the girl's genuine smile . She was stunning . " Me , I need a roommate . " Emma said happily . " You do ? " Delilah asks baffled , yet excited . "Yes ! " Emma squealed . " This is fate . " Emma said as she leaned down and hugged Delilah . Delilah froze in utter most shock . She is hugging her . ' Why is this stranger hugging me ? ' she began to ask herself as she tried her best not to freak out . ' There's nothing to worry about , she doesn't look like a monster , well a complete monster - her scary face , well that's scary . ' she thought as Emma released her . " I get off work in like an hour , hang out here and then we can go and I'll show you the place . " Emma said cheerfully . " That would be great , thank you ! " Delilah said happily . Relief washing over her whole body as she now knew that she had at least a place to stay tonight . " I don't really need rent , I am rich , but I don't want to live alone because I suck at cleaning -- I know it's silly but it's just how I am . " Emma shrugs . Delilah frowns as she felt confused . " Why not just get a maid ? " Delilah asks . Emma let's out a big sigh , looking as if she were a bit scared to say what she had to . " Because first off , I don't like living alone and second off , I also suck at making food and I just think that you might help with all of my problems for little rent like fifty bucks a month . " Emma smiles . Delilah only shrugs as she thinks of her offer , " Sounds like a great deal to me ! " she smiles . Delilah sat patiently waiting for Emma to come off of work , thinking of so many ways her life would become better !
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