Chapter 13

2257 Words
" I'm all done . " Emma smiled as she took off her apron and put her coat on . The coat looks so soft , it almost looked like a blanket . Delilah smiled as she stood up from her table and picked up her things . " Need a hand ? " Emma asks . Delilah looks down , knowing that this was all she had , so she casually smiled while shaking her head sideways . " I'm all good . " Delilah says , clutching her things tightly close to her body . Delilah and Emma walked down the street of the cafe , talking . " So , do you study around here or work ? " Emma asks . "Ehh - I plan on studying here . I am applying tomorrow to go to NYU . " Delilah smiled . " Late registration ? Good luck . " Emma scoffed . " What ? " Delilah asks confused . " People who usually register late , yeah -- they don't usually get in . You must be really good for them wanting to have you there . " Emma smiled apologetically when she thought she hurt Delilah's feelings . " Well can I show you my things and then you can tell me if I am good enough ? " Delilah asks nervously . " Of course . " Emma smiled brightly , feeling proud to help this homeless girl she had just met . " This is going to be so weird . " Emma chuckles and Delilah's eyes grew with curiosity . "What ? " Delilah asks , smiling as she patiently waits . " I never got your name , what is it ? " Emma slaps her forehead playfully . Delilah giggled , " Right , I am Delilah . " she smiled . " Well it is nice to meet you . " Emma said . Emma came to a halt and Delilah felt confused . " Why did we stop ? " Delilah asks . " We are waiting for my boyfriend . " Emma chuckles . " Oh . " Delilah smiled . " Why ? " she ads . " Because he is our lift home . " Emma smiles at Delilah . A white truck stops in front of them , the window rolling down and a handsome man smirks at them . " Need a ride , ladies ? " the handsome man asks . Delilah frowns as she didn't know what was happening . ' Who the hell does this man think he is ? ' she thought and as she glances at Emma . Emma leaps forward and opens the door , kissing the man -- with tongue . Delilah's eyes grew wide as she realized that this was probably Emma's boyfriend . Emma looked at her as she reached for the door to close it . " Hop in . " she smiles . Delilah awkwardly gets into the truck , her things on her lap as she didn't want to ruin his perfect leather seats . Chase turns around , smirking as he looks at Delilah . " I never met you before . " he said as his eyes trailed over her . Delilah suddenly felt very uncomfortable . " I am Chase Miller . " he smiles as he introduces himself . " And you are ? " he ads , his eyebrows raising as he asks her this . " Delilah Hale . " she stutters . Emma slaps him on his arm playfully . " Don't be so forward . Some people are shy ! " Emma scolds him as she noticed Delilah was uncomfortable . Emma turns to the back to look at Delilah . " I do apologise , he has a very straight forward personality and can't control it around new people . " Emma explains and Delilah only nods in understanding . " Just take us home ." Emma sighs as she puts her safety belt on . " So she's going to be your roommate ? " he asks Emma . " Yep . " Emma smiles . " But you don't really know her . " he whispers . " I know , but she looks nice . Plus she has agreed to my terms and conditions --which most people don't do . " Emma shrugs . Delilah listened their conversation and realized how strange this situation actually was . She now realized that she had just gotten into a car with strangers . Delilah could hear her mother's voice in her head , telling her not to get into the car with strangers because it is dangerous . Delilah looked at the two bickering in front of her , not knowing what could be so dangerous about this . -- " Here you are ! " Chase boomed and hopped out of the truck , walking around it and opening the door for Emma . ' How sweet ! ' Delilah thought as she herself got out of the truck . Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the big house in front of them . It looks like it has two floors , but it's about as big as the Keller's house . Delilah frowned as she thought about cleaning double the size of what she use to clean . " So let me show you around . " Emma squeals as she grabs Delilah's hand and rushes to the door . " Why are we running ? " Delilah asks . " Because we are excited ! " Emma exclaims and push open the front door . When you enter the house , it has a big foyer and on your left , there is stairs to the second floor . " So down here is the living room , kitchen , barbeque area , indoor pool and a game room with pool and darts and drinking games whenever I host a party . You can use whatever you want . On the second floor is a second living room with much comfier chairs , four bedrooms , the big one is mine , the second biggest is yours and Chase also has a room that has most of his things in but he sleeps in mine . " Emma smiled as she talked . " Oh and there is a bathroom in every room and in the hall upstairs are also two closets . One with bathroom things we should ever need -- I stock up every two months and the other one has towels and bedding . Help yourself with whatever you want in this house . I don't expect you to pay anything , I just need it cleaned -- except after parties , we get cleaners for that and I want to eat at eight during the week but ask me on the weekends because sometimes we just go out to parties . " Emma smiled and Chase gave her a ' Are you serious ? ' look . " Got it ? " Emma asks and Delilah slowly nods her head up and down . " Got it . " she smiled . " Great , let me go show you your room and then you can -- ehh , unpack . " Emma said awkwardly as she glanced down at Delilah's small bags . ' This is going to be fine . ' Delilah told herself as she smiled and followed Emma up the stairs . The railings were white with gold and all that Delilah could think of was , ' Who the hell is this rich ? ' . Delilah followed Emma into a room as big as Seth's was in the Keller's house , if not bigger . Delilah's eyes grew wide at the size , she was shocked about how big it was. " I hope this is fine . " Emma smiles . " Yeah , thanks . " Delilah said as she put her things down on the big ass bed . ' It's probably the king size . ' Delilah thought as she ran her hand over the soft mattress . " Come and I'll help you choose bedding . " Emma smiles and walks out of the bedroom door . Delilah hurriedly walked after her and stopped in front of the closet . Emma opened it and they went inside , there were shelves put up against the wall and the one side is bedding and the other towels -- a whole lot of them . " This is a lot . " Delilah muttered . " I know , I like designs . " Emma smiles . " You study designing ? " Delilah asks . " Yep , second year at NYU . " Emma says proudly . " Oh wow , I don't even know what I want to study . " Delilah frowns as she realized this . She was so focused on getting in , she didn't think it through about what she really wants to do . " How about marketing ? It's great and it's digital . If I didn' love designing this much then that is what I would have studied . " Emma giggles as she takes white bedding off of the shelves . "Grab those pillow cases and matrass protector ! " Emma smiles as she points with her head . Delilah smiled as she grabbed what Emma said and they went back to Delilah's room . " Thanks for helping me . " Delilah said . " I am no monster . " Emma winks . Delilah and Emma made the bed up in a comfortable silence . " Let me take a look at your application for NYU . " Emma said as she sat down on the made - up bed . Delilah put her things back on the bed and took out the NYU application she had printed in the library . " Here . " Delilah said as she hands the file to Emma . Emma crosses her one leg over the other , resting the file on her leg as she looks at her scores , her eyes wide as she saw Delilah's high school report . " Wow ! " Emma said as she shut the thing . " Yeah , NYU would be so dumb to reject you . " she laughed as she stood up . " So you think I will get in ? " Delilah smiles proudly at herself . That was the very first time that someone , who wasn't her teacher , said that they were proud of her -- in their own way . " Yes . But the offices are obviously closed now , so head onto campus with us tomorrow morning . " Emma smiled . Delilah nodded her head , " Thanks . " she muttered . " Oh and we are having a little party on Friday and then you can meet some of our friends . " Emma smiled before walking out of the room . Delilah sighed as she unpacked the little clothes and things she had and put it in the huge built in closet that has a full length mirror for a door . Delilah glanced at the time , seeing it is around eight pm , she rushed downstairs , finding Emma and Chase cuddled up on the couches in the living room . " You haven't shown me the kitchen yet . " Delilah awkwardly announces . " Rihgt , but I was thinking that we would just get some pizza . " Emma sighs . " I - sure . " Delilah smiled . She didn't want to use the money Liz gave her on pizza , but Liz did say for food and Pizza is food . " Great , so tell me what you guys want and I will call them and have it delivered . " Emma said . " Where would you say is the best to have a job while studying ? " Delilah asks . Emma and chase glance at each other and then back at Delilah . " Why ? " she asks confused . " I need a job . " Delilah shyly says . " Oh well I was just helping out my uncle until he get's somebody new . You can work there ! I'll show you how and it does actually pay good . He just opened it up , but people are loving it ! Plus , that means I don't have to work there anymore . " Emma says excitingly . " I would like to work there . " Delilah shrugs as she nods her head up and down . " Great , I will call my uncle right now ! " she smiles and takes out her phone , calling her uncle . " It does pay well , I mean the tips are great - the pay itself , not so much . " Chase smiles , giving Delilah a thumbs up . Delilah didn't regret the job , she knew she needed to start somewhere . Emma came rushing back , squealing , " You got the job ! " she yells and Delilah smiles brightly .
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