Chapter 15

1029 Words

After the discussion I had with Iris in which I asked her why she didn't tell me about the fact that Ben is a teacher, I actually found out that it was an error on her part. Iris thought that since I was so close to Ben, I knew about him being my teacher. Well... I didn't know, but I forgave Iris on the condition that she doesn't hide anything from me from now on. Then I told him about David's unexpected appearance with a bouquet of flowers and how he took me out on the town. The rest of the week passed quickly. I tried to stay as far away from Ben as possible, even if I saw him in classes, and before I know it, it's the weekend and I have to go to his house to stay with Gigi until he solves his problems. I dressed sports because I want to be casual and put my pajamas and a change of clot

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