
Call me Daddy-Stealing her Innocence

age gap
single mother

"-Open your legs for me.  Ben commands me, and I am gripped by a tremor down to my toes.

 I obey him, being too dizzy because of the intensity in his eyes.  The way he caresses his chin with his thumb, his emerald eyes that manage to freeze your blood in your veins, but at the same time make you light up like a torch under his watchful gaze.  He licks his bottom lip with a slowness that makes me moan, wanting to know how his touch feels on my untainted body.

 -What a good girl...Now, touch yourself for me, baby girl.


Anna Thompson. A real nerd. A perfect daughter. A perfect girlfriend. She wants to be free and independent from her mother who tries to rule her life at every step.  Her mother set her up with David, she told her what kind of clothes look good on her, she told her what kind of food to eat. When Anna arrives at New York University, away from her mother and her rules, she feels like a real teenager. She goes to parties with her roommate and feels attracted to her teacher, Ben Miller. It is a forbidden relationship. He is guided by his rules to keep his dignity as a man and a teacher intact, but she continues to make him question everything he knows.

Ben Miller is a forty-year-old man, without a wife, but he has a child that he is raising alone. His body is sculpted by Adonis himself taking care that there is no imperfection on his body. His face is stony, showing no emotion. His green eyes freeze your blood, but at the same time they enchant you so that you forget about yourself. Ben is a university professor, and according to the way he looks, many girls fall at his feet, even among his students. He is the best teacher because his life is based on some rules. Rules most important: Don't get too close to female students. They are just children and you don't want to be caught in a scandal. Also, another reason why he doesn't let anyone close is his second job.  He kills people for money.  He is a cold-blooded murderer.

In day he is the gentle and fun one that his students adore, and in night he is cold and animalistic, driven only by primal instincts, and those he has to execute are already dead since the day he learned their names. There isn't a person who can match him, or that's what he thought until now.

The story of the two is not possible in this Universe due to the differences between them.

Even so... You don't decide who you fall in love with.  Anna can be herself around Ben, but she has to end the relationship with David, which her mother chose for her.  Problems start to appear when her mother finds out about her daughter's idyll with her teacher.  Anna's mother and David will do anything to see them apart, even if it means that Ben will never be a teacher again.  But that's not a problem for Ben.  His real concern is something else.  If Anna decides to leave him because of the age difference between them?  If Anna finds out that he is a criminal, will she keep the secret for her by staying at his right hand or will she leave him?  Can he have so much trust in another person besides himself, and be sure that the discovery of his dark identity will not lead to the loss of his daughter?"

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Chapter 1
I close my last bag and then I look around my room once more. I will miss my little corner of heaven, as long as I stay in the dorm room. - I hope you are ready to go, Anna. I don't have time to stay after you all day. My mother shouted from the kitchen, and I rolled my eyes. Maybe I won't miss some things at all. This is where my mother's behavior towards me comes in. Ever since I've known myself, all I've done is to please them. To study well at school, to get home on time, not to go to parties, to spend time with David... Don't get me wrong, I love doing all these things. I love spending time with my boyfriend, but it seems that nothing is enough for my mother. David is just like me. A nerd got angry and somehow that brought us closer, but I don't know if it's love in the middle. I mean...I'm attached to him, I want to spend more time with him, but it's not like...that's how it's written in the books that love feels. Maybe that's me. Maybe love manifests itself differently for me. Who knows?! I take both my bags and drag them behind me to the living room. My mother finishes packing some yogurts and something to chew, then she gives me a critical look. While she is dressed as if she is going to the most important conference on earth, I am dressed simply. A pair of jeans and a looser t-shirt. - I have no idea where you think you will end up with this outfit, but we don't have time to change. - Let's go, mother. It's not like I want to catch anyone's eye. I tell her in a sarcastic tone, then with my luggage after me, I leave the house, leaving her to speak alone. I put my luggage in the trunk of the car and then get into the seat on the right, waiting for my mother to show up. Who knows what she's checking now... I take my phone out of my pocket and read the message I received from David. "Have a good trip. Call me when you get home. Take care of yourself." It's a trivial message, but at least he made an effort to write to me. Well, he could take the time to come and see me before he left, after all he works at his father's company. But I'm used to this kind of treatment. I only hope that my departure will make them miss me. I hope he learns to appreciate me. -Listen to her... To attract the eyes of other men. If dear David could hear you, how do you think he would feel? My mother walks into the car. Really?! Still stuck on this thing? - But David is not around, so... I say then shrug carelessly. I spend the next four hours listening to my mother's nagging and I want to jump out of the car. But I resist. A little more and then I will be able to spend my time as I want. Without the careful supervision of the mother. Without a thorough interrogation from her. My mother parks the car in the campus parking lot and we get off. I take my two bags from the car and then we head to the secretariat. -Hello. I'm Anna Brown... I say, and the woman with gray hair looks up from the papers and smiles widely at me. - That's right, dear. I spoke on the phone. Here you have the room key and a plan of the building. After I take everything the woman handed me, I take a bag pulling it after me, while my mother follows me with the other bag. Room…65…Look at it. I head towards the room almost running and without thinking, I open the door. I see a red-haired girl with an earring in her nose on her bare chest and I want to bury myself in the ground in shame. I could knock on the door... -Get in. Don't stand there so scared. She tells me using a joking tone, and I enter the room followed by my mother. I'm Iris, your roommate. - Anna. I say simply and extend my open palm towards her, but she pulls me into a bear hug making me giggle. -Do you smoke, miss? Do you drink alcoholic beverages? The mother behind me asks and I widen my eyes. Does she have no common sense at all? -Mother… -What is it, Anna? I'm just curious. I need to know what kind of person you are dealing with. I don't want to make you learn such habits... I turn my gaze to Iris, miming a silent "I'm sorry", and she just smiles. - I guess you have educated your daughter well. I think you can trust her that she won't do anything bad. Iris' answer left me surprised, and the mother just mumbled something incomprehensible to us before showing her million dollar smile again. -I will leave now. And so I was half an hour late for the meeting with the parents. Call me, okay? She tells me then sends me a kiss through the air. I forgot to specify... My mother is the director of the high school where I studied. Maybe that's where she adopted this nagging attitude. Because she has to guide all kinds of students on the right path. -Yes mom. I'll call you later tonight. I tell her, and she leaves the room without adding anything. I don't know what I expected him to tell me. I love you? She only tells me that when she has to go somewhere and she has to leave me alone. I mean, closer all the time. I sigh with relief that she's gone and I get a giggle from Iris. - I'm so sorry for how your mother questioned you. It's clear that she shouldn't be bothered by your habits, but that's how she is. I tell her, sitting on the edge of the free bed that will now be mine. -Do not worry. I'm used to my parents asking me questions all the time. Everyone thinks that if I have an earring somewhere other than my ears, it means I'm doing other, more serious things. Iris, at first glance, seems like a business girl. I think we will get along wonderfully together, even if it seems that she is much different than me.

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