Our ray of light 2

1022 Words
Feeling the cold metal against her neck, Giselle could only laugh nervously as she tried to remove the sword away from her neck. Does this man has no shame? How can he out a sword against her neck like this? Moreover she was sure that she can run away from him again but now there was no other chance she had. Can someone else be unlucky like her? "Hehe, it was a prank. I was just pranking you." What else she can say now while Hyun smiled brightly and pulled his sword away from her neck. He was happy that she recognized him. "Your acting was not bad but I am a genius. I can easily see through anyone." He proudly informed her while Giselle wanted to roll her eyes but she did not say anything. She was wrong to say that her love life was the biggest problem. No it was not. The biggest problem was this handsome and taller stranger. Giselle could not believe that she just thought that Hyun was handsome. Well he was but she was not going to admit it. "Let's go." Hyun invited her as if they were close friends and knew each other from a long time but they only met yesterday and he did not get the many hints that he wants nothing with him. Giselle stared at him in disbelief. "I... have to go back to my pack. My teacher must be waiting for me." She tried to give him a reason that she had to leave while he nodded as he touched his chin. "Hmm, fine. Let's go." He told her who was standing stunned at her place. What did he mean by that? Does he want to go with her? "Do you want to go with me?" She asked him with fear written all over her face while Hyun nodded. "I don't have a place." He informed her as if he was a homeless person who has nowhere to go but the clothes he was wearing can tell about his reality. "Woah, wait a second. I am not taking you with me." "Then where would I go." He blinked innocently trying to make her feel guilty. How can she leave a handsome guy like him alone in the world he knew nothing about. "I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders as it was not her headache. "When you freed me the house also disappeared. Now I don't have anywhere to go. It's your fault." He put all the blame on her making her scoff loudly. "I freed you. You should be happy about it and now stop pestering me and go away." Giselle picked the basket and walked away from him who saw her leaving with a blank face and then followed her but Giselle turned towards him and gave him a warning stare. "Stay there. Don't follow me. I can't take you with you. It's not that you are a small puppy and I can tell others that I find you in the forest." She warned him who stood there silently and thought for sometime before he opened his mouth. "Bring me that you bought me yesterday." Giselle could only raise her eyebrow over his words. The man was really stupid, so stupid. "Fine. Just stay here for tonight." She told him as she turned and left as she was sure that she will find a way to get rid of him soon. If he can find her here than it was not difficult for him to find her at the pack. Soon she reached the pack as she walked really fast afraid that he will follow her. As she reached there she find Bella and John standing while talking with each other outside the pack. They were in a heated discussion and did not notice her so Giselle was ready to silently leave but as she took a step John turned his head towards her and looked surprised. "G i s e l l e..." He walked towards her quickly afraid that she might run away while Giselle inhaled deeply and tried to smile. She already suffered a lot and tried to run from this but not anymore. May be she should face it and may be it will hurt less in this way. John reached near her and took her hand in his while he looked guilty and embarrassed. "Please listen to me first. I need to tell you something. Everything that happened should not happen and I am sorry for this but I still love you. If you want to punish me than I am ready to receive any punishment. I will not stop you but please talk to me. It hurts." His eyes turned red and Giselle looked behind him where Bella was standing with a guilty look on her face. But it was not just guilt. She looked hurt and sad. Giselle suddenly felt her nose being irritated and her eyes becoming wet. She gently pulled her hand out of his grip. "No, it should be me who needs to apologize. I am not angry with you it's jus....I forgot that I am a healer. Moon goddess made you two mates and ...." She looked up and a tear escaped her eye while John quickly wiped her tear. "Do not cry. We talked and we are going to break this bond..." "No, don't do this." Giselle cut him quickly and she could see shocked expressions on his face. "Don't do this. You are each other's destiny. Just give me some time. I hope you two can give me some time because I didn't want to lose my best friends." She smiled and quickly turned to leave while John saw her leaving and suddenly he felt relaxed. He did not want to break their bond either but he felt guilty because of Giselle. May be breaking mate's bond is not something easy. *l l l l l l l l l l l l * I will try to update as much as I can but the updates will be irregular for sometime. Thanks for understanding.
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