Monster in my room 2

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"O u c h.." Giselle cried as she felt a sharp pain where her head hit the door while Hyun stared at her with disbelief. Does he look that scary? Giselle looked at him who was hovering over her. "What are you doing here? Did not I tell you to stay there? Are you out of your mind?" She scolded him in low tone while he lifted his hand and gently creased the place where she got hit few seconds ago and it was little red now. Giselle wanted to say something else too but his action was so sudden that she lost all her words. Suddenly she realized that their position was not appropriate and she pushed him away and stood her. She glanced at him who was looking at his finger tips with strange expressions on his face. "L e a v e..." She told him while the expressions on his face changed into something different. He smiled brightly at her. "I was hungry. Where is my chicken?" Giselle scoffed and rolled her eyes before she walked towards her bed and laid on it as she covered herself with the quilt. "I am hungry. Give me some food at least." Hyun whined as he walked towards her but Giselle covered her face and closed her eyes as she did nit want to fight with him right now while Hyun stood there motionlessly. The room start filling with the smell of night jasmine. It was faint but still it was making him calm and yet hungry. He was staring at her without making any move when he moved and grabbed the neck of a black shadow who was crawling towards the bed of the Giselle. The shadow was startled and as it sensed who the person was that caught it, it started struggling trying to get free. "Mercy. Have some mercy the great son of Moon goddess." It begged but the strength on its neck only got stronger and stronger. "Have mercy on me, oh great wolf spirit." The shadow cried this time making Hyun scoff. He threw the shadow on the ground and then sat down in front of it as he looked at it. "Now start speaking." His voice was cold and ruthless making the shadow shiver with fear. It knew who the person was in front of him. He was the most feared war god until he suddenly disappeared one day. "It's nothing. I was hungry and just passing by. It won't be bad if I take a bite, right?" As it said those words, it turned it's head and looked at Giselle who was sleeping peacefully. The smell on in her body was enough to make it's desire go crazy and it opened it's mouth as wanted to attack her and eat her up. Suddenly it moved quickly but before it could touch Giselle, a sword pierced thorough it's chest making it scream with pain before it disappeared in air like a spoke. After killing the evil spirit, Hyun put the sword back and moved closer to the bed. He stared at Giselle who was sleeping as she could not hear anything right now. After staring at her for few seconds, Hyun moved his hand and waved on her. He trapped the scent inside her body and now no one could smell it unless they are very close to her. He was sure that it will help her to stay safe from evil spirits until he finds out who she actually was. He was cursed to stay in this house because of one little mistake that he made. He used to be very naughty and got involved with a princess that his brother used to like. In anger, his brother cursed him to stay locked without hearing from his side. But when Giselle came to that house, she freed him. But that time he found a curse on her too. She was cursed by something and her blood had a faint smell of night jasmine. But each day, it was growing stronger and today it attracted an evil spirit. "As a wolf spirit it is my duty to protect you and you also gave me a favor by freeing me. Now I owe you and I have to protect you unless I return you a favour." He spoke in low tone as his eyes were on her innocent face. But now after only staying with her for two days he realized that he made a mistake. He made a mistake to differentiate between healers and other wolves. When others have to live a normal life, when others can have a family then there were healers always alone. Now he had to correct many things. "Why are you still standing there? You can sleep on the couch." He saw Giselle looking at him with her red sleepy eyes. She yawned and blinked trying to think something. "I can not sleep on this tiny couch sleepy cow." He smiled as he pushed all the thoughts back in his head while Giselle squinted her eyes as the man was too dramatic and spoiled. She sat up and moved out of the bed. "You can sleep on the bed. But only tonight. Tomorrow you have to leave." She walked towards the couch and fell on it. In few seconds, she was deep in her sleep but Hyun looked at her. She was making his life difficult by giving him favors on each step. "Whom you liked the most among your people?" Someone once asked him this question many hundred years ago. "H e a l e r s." He replied without even thinking. "W h y?" The person wanted to know the reason why he chose healers over every other individual that he ruled. Why not alphas or betas, lunas or omegas? "Because they are the most selfless people that I made." He smiled as he looked in the distance but right now standing in that room he knew why he answered that. No matter what but healers can not stay selfish and now he promised himself that he was going to make few changes for his precious healers. Giselle yawned and rubbed her neck as she could feel a strange pain in her neck because of the funny posture she slept in last night. She sat up and was scared to the see the ghost on her bed. "What happened to you?" She questioned to the man who ahf dark circles under his eyes and looked like a zombie as he did not get any sleep last night. "This is addictive." He replied and again got busy in watching the movie that was being played on Giselle's phone. Last night, he found her phone and after doing a little research he did not know how he reached to an app that had live stories of many people. "You were watching movies since last night?' Giselle looked at the clock and then at him as she thought of something and then that thing happened. The screen of her phone went black making Hyun panic. He shook the phone violently. "Where did they go? Being the back. She was going to escape." "The battery just died." She walked towards him and took the phone from his hand so she could charge it. "What about her? Will she be trapped inside? Can not we help her?" He hurriedly asked her making her irritated. "This is just a drama. It's not true. It's just acting." But Hyun was not understanding what she was saying. He wanted to know the story of that brave girl and if she was going to reveal the truth. Giselle turned the phone and opened the video app. "She is going to die in the last episode. Your heart will be broken." She told him but Hyun scoffed and took the phone from her hand. He was not going to believe her nonsense. He knew that the little and cute girl was going to get what she deserves in the end but after one hour he was sitting on the bed crying loudly while Giselle gave him a tissue paper. "It's just a drama." "How could she die like this? Se just proved that she was innocent and that man... he never believed her and look how he is crying like this." Giselle wanted to roll her eyes and patted his shoulder gently when suddenly Hyun stood up. "I can save her soul." "She is not dead." Giselle spoke but Hyun was not listening to her. "I will ask the grim reaper to ...." Giselle stood up and held his face between her palms. "She is not actually dead. It's just a drama. Acting.... Wait..." She picked the phone and searched another drama of the same actresses with happy ending. She played it on the screen and showed it to Hyun who looked stunned. "She is alive?" He looked so innocent that Giselle could not stop herself from smiling. "I will explain everything to you now." She knew that it was time that Hyun should get a lesson on technology while she could feel Hyun's mind getting blown by the information she gave to him. Finally it seemed like he understood everything. "Is she single?" Finally he asked and Giselle wanted to bang her head in the wall. Disgusting men. "No, she is married and a mother too." "Wah, she is so pretty." Hyun replied as he touched the screen but another movie started playing. He watched the movie while Giselle quickly got ready so she could meet Zayn. "She is so dumb." He lifted his head and informed her as he did not like that the person who was intelligent and smart was now so dumb and ugly. Giselle sighed. "I am going now. You can watch as much movies as you want but do not leave the room." "I am hungry too. Being me breakfast." He ordered her making her scowl. "I am not your servant." "You are. You don't know this but you are my servant. Now go and bring me something to eat." Giselle heard the arrogant voice and wanted to kill the person in front of her. She was trying to be good with him but this arrogant man did not want her goodwills. "Get out of my room." "Shh, you stupid cow." Hyun shushed her making her more angry. How dare he to call her a cow again and again? "Y o u?" She lifted her finger but sighed as there was nothing she could say anything to him when suddenly there was a knock on the door and she gasped as she heard Bella's vouce outside the room. "Hey Giselle." She looked at Hyin who did not look worried at all while Giselle motioned him to hide but either he was too innocent to understand what she was trying to say him or he was ignoring her on purpose. "Giselle open the door." Bella knocked on the door as she heard the voice of a man in her room as she passed near the room earlier and now she brought John with him so she could show him what actually his innocent Giselle was. She should have understand it earlier when she accepted them so easily. John was standing beside her with a blank face as it was not wrong to say that he herad the voice too but deep inside he wanted it to be wrong. "Why she is not opening the door?" Bella asked him innocently making him more angry and he put his hand on the handle and pushed the door to open it. Inside Giselle was motioning Hyun to hide but as she heard the door being opened with force she froze at her place and then looked at them and then at Hyun who was comfortably sitting on the bed without any kind of worry on his face. Giselle knew what was going to happen now. There was a grown man in her room and now there was nothing she could say in her favor. ___ ___ Hey guys, if you like the story then don't forget to leave the reviews in the review section.
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