Chapter 11: answers and the ancestry

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I feel as bored as I stay in the house while my brothers go to their work and our parents already left back to the province. They convinced me to return there and rest there but my brother Zohan thankfully said I might be able to recover in here where it is easier for us to go to my follow-up check-ups. After a few more weeks of staying at home and recovering, I finally feel my strength had returned with of course the help of food and medication. But then, since I am left alone due to my parents' work back in the province and my siblings being busy. I get the freedom to get out of the boarding house and head towards the house of that old woman who I know is Sonia. I have questions I wanted to ask her. Still, with the help of a crutch, I slowly walk towards there. “Here we go.” I utter as I stand on the door of the said address.   I sigh before I knock and wait for a few moments when it opened. I froze seeing a woman holding a baby as she rocks and open the door.   “Yes?” she asks as I clear my throat and look at her baby.   With the sight of the baby in her arms, I missed my Sollena and Eliot, the son I didn’t even get to hold in my arms. I am about to cry if I didn’t shake my head to get my thought straight.   “Uhmnn is this where a Miss Delia Nanghan lives?” I ask as she looks at me then after a few moments a little boy appears and holds into the woman’s leg and when he looks at me he suddenly points at me.   “Mommy she is that lady who saved me and grandma.” the little boy said as the woman looks at me surprised.   “Oh, so that was you. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I heard you were just in a coma. We are just glad you are finally awake. Come in and have some coffee.” the woman said as she opens the door widely and let me inside their shabby small house but looks so fancy inside.   I look at them as they hand me a cup of steaming coffee and even place a plate of sandwiches on my side.   “Well, how should we say this? My mother died last month though she told us you might come so she left you this. I hope this is something you will need. Thank you so much for what you had done… for saving my son and my mother.” the woman said as she hands me an envelope.   I take the envelope and after a few moments, I left and ride into a public jeep to head home. On the jeep, I slowly open the letter and read its content. After a few moments, I sigh as I look out of the window.   “Nothing in this letter can answer my question. Why did she pick me out of many people in this place? Why is it that it has to be me?” I utter as I look out of the window.   For a few more days I get myself busy surfing the internet looking for answers. I search for everyone and everything I know in that year I stayed as Sonia. I found the Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Cambridge but that is all. All I saw is their names and no more details about them. Even in that battle with the dark witches in Scotland, nothing had been written. All that was so detailed on the internet is the time where the King starts getting sick.   “If I am a white witch and Sonia is a dark witch so when I came into her body I can use both magic then… somewhat in our bloodline there must be a white witch.” I utter as I dig into the albums I asked my parents to send to me.   I gasp seeing someone familiar from this black and white picture. If my eyes are not deceiving me I think I see Glinda and Lucian smiling together but they look aged than I can remember. I take a picture of that and send it to my sister Zairen who is with my parents in the province.   “Sis, who are those? Why are they in our family album? Can you ask ma and pa or our close relatives there? I really want to know?” I ask anxiously.   I remain sitting in my bed as I wait for my sister’s call. If my thought is right then… it can be possible.   “So how is it? What did they say?” I ask.   “Well, those are our great-great-great grandparents on our mother’s side. They are from…”   “England, right?” I ask wide-eyed.   “Yes, how did you know? Anyway, they migrated here when things got complicated back there. They had children who married here and grandchildren who married here.” she said and I end the call after a few moments.   Now my question is answered, I was chosen because those friends I met back there were my ancestors, how funny is that? I sigh as I shake my head.   “I have to continue living here, back to where I was before the accident… looking for a darn job.” I utter as I look around my room.   Even if my parents stop insisting on me to look for a job after that coma I can’t still feel to settle down. Even if I am still recovering from my fractured legs I can’t just stay at home. Thankfully even if I am skipping a little I don’t need that crutch anymore. So without telling anyone I went ahead and printed my resume and any more needed documents. I can try a school but I can’t handle the generation now. They are too different than those I taught back in England. So might as well try job hunting anywhere possible. I am more confident and I know I can do the interviews unlike how I was before. I noticed that I am more open and more confident in crowds and communicating.   “So you are looking for a job? You should rest more until you fully recover. It is not safe.” my friend Sandara asks as we eat here at McDonald’s.   “Well, I have to look for work at least. I can’t just stay at home or I will go crazy. Especially now that I can’t get a hold of my editor on that platform I am working for. It is safe to assume that I am already taken off as a writer there after 6 months of inactivity.” I sigh as I look at the folder on my side.   “Then good luck to you. Don’t overwork yourself. The last time you are looking for a job you end up in a hospital in a coma. Rest for a while and maybe you might think of any other way to do other than looking for a job… how about business?” Sandara said as I just nod and look outside the glass window.   “Maybe.” I utter as I know what Sandara said is true and the memory of it gives this bitter after-taste on my mouth.   I am about to bite into my burger when my cellphone suddenly beeps. It is a new number and when I open the message it is an invitation for a job interview in a company. I can’t remember if I did submit a resume on that said company for I did go over many job openings even before my accident.   “OH, a job invitation. Well, good luck and I hope this is it.” Sandara said when I show her the message.   Before heading home, Sandara and I went looking around the mall for something I can use to go to that interview which is odd to me. I am not sure if I had passed a resume in that company and with the name sounding so famous and rich. I sigh as I look at the message one last time before placing my cell phone back in my bag and dropping my body into my bed and staring at the ceiling of my room.   “You are a wench. You shouldn’t have been born. I hate your very existence. Why is that the man I love to have his eyes all to you? Die already.” Laurena screamed at me as we stand on the cliff while the rain is pouring so hard, she keeps on slapping me.   “Please- Please stop Miss Laurena. I didn’t do anything wrong. I did not…” I stop speaking when they start throwing stones at me as I keep on stepping back while covering my face.   “Stone her! She is a thief, an ugly maid, and a wench!” I heard a woman beside the one I called as Miss Laurena said as they keep throwing a stone at me.   “NOOO!!” I scream as I slip on the edge and fall from a few feet height cliff. I blackout when my head hit a rock in the river.   I wake up gasping for air as I look at the door of my room. That dream no… that memory of how Sonia died to keep on hunting me like a nightmare. The way I dream it feels like it is really happening to me.   “How frustrating.” I utter as I slowly slide out of the bed and walk towards the door heading towards the kitchen.   I slowly drink a glass of water when I heard someone speaking outside of the boarding house we now own but when I was still in Elementary this boarding house have separate rooms but use one common bathroom and kitchen. When my siblings used their money and buy the place this place is converted to become a house where we can stay for a while as we work and study there. I walk towards the door to check who is there talking and I am about to head back to my room after seeing that it is Zohan and Zohanes who are both smoking cigarettes are sitting by the porch’s stairs while Zaria is standing on the side still in her uniform which means she had just arrived from her work when I heard them mention my name.   “Zorenia is also a problem, I mean the accident did give us money from people who had watched what she did but with all of us using money every day… us working will not be enough to pay this land’s papers and our debts in the province. Zorenia is still recovering and can’t be of use.” Zaria said making me bite into my lips as I feel so hurt.   “What are you saying, Zaria? Can you even hear yourself? Our sister nearly died and what she did is a good thing. Are you saying that we will push her out and force her to go look for a job despite her injury? What will other people say? You all know how she become known just from that accident. People will scorn us as her siblings who never did even take good care of her while she is recovering in the hospital. Do you know what the doctors and nurses are saying about our family? When people speak on social media our family will be in shame.” I heard my brother Zohan said.   “Well, I am sure she will heal sooner… then we can tell her to look for a job even if just a dishwasher in a restaurant seeing that it will be where her capability takes her. We can ask people who know who can hire her as their helper.” Zohanes said as I clench my fist and turn to return to my room.   I already know how my family sees me yet it really hurts hearing from them that they are less worried that I am injured. I am going to prove them all wrong and slap their faces with my success one day. I glare at my reflection as I look at my eyes.   “We will get this job whatever it takes… YOU are Zorenia and you survived the year and place you know nothing about. We even survived a battle with witches. WE WILL show them.” I said with pure determination as I see that tears forming in my eyes. 
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